Sup Forums btfo

Sup Forums btfo

thats right fuck u poll

Your race is determined at conception.

People of your race are less likely to want to murder you in your sleep, or hit you with a Truck of Peace.

op btfo


kill yourself then

*sips tea*

as opposed to defending one invented on the fly by special snowflakes? if i'm going to fight for something its something i'd better be able to touch or quantify. blood is real. soil is real. muh pansexual demikin no borders religion of peace is not.

You get a race before you are born. Name and religion can be changed. Nationality doesn't change you as a person, although it can give you better chances for different things.

"blood is real. soil is real. muh pansexual demikin no borders religion of peace is not"

Literally (figurtively) sent shivers down my spine, this user knows what's up.

If you are fictional, then why should we listen to someone such as you? You aren't real nigger.

>genetics aint real
christ cuck gtfo.

Biology isn't fictional, sorry to burst your bubble.


*shotguns can of tea*

race wouldn't be an issue if we lived in a racially homogeneous society

deport niggers and spics now

i dont see what the big problem is u can just make another baby in just 9months anyways if ur not happy with how the first one turned out

atheists btfo

>rest of your life defending a fictional identity

so if someone calls me Mark and I tell them no my name is John im a brainwashed sheep?

>baby is white

Youre only given a name and a social secruity number at birth though

Yes, that's exactly what it means, fucktard.

if these identifiers are fictional, then all are fictional. all ideals, concepts, and abstractions are fictional. live for nothing.

So we are suppose to not name a kid or give it any culture and let him figure it out? That sounds really dumb


my name is John

there you go, defending your fictional identity again.

> unless you are gay, trans, or anti-religion
> In that case you are special and the only true thinker

What if your parents named you Daquan?

>my white skin is fictional
>my caucasian skull is fictional
>my dick is fictional
>the language spoken around me and the culture that surrounds me is fictional

>implying you have any culture to begin with

Liberals fighting ever onward to denying reality.

Next you're going to tell me there's a correlation between the flood of muslim hordes and the rising rape crime statistic

Unless your black

And you don't btfo your own post, newfag

pretty sure white babies spend the rest of their lives defending a real identity against the fictional charges of leftist scum

>waaah I was born with attributes I didn't get to pick to parents I didn't choose with a culture and stuff, that's not the REAL me
Almond status: activated

I wasn't given a religion when I was born. Can I get a refund?

Well it actually is since ur a german faggot


I'm not a nigger so I actually do

Ottoman, ur ww1 allies never forgetstop being a douche

Stop fucking replying to this sliding thread you new fags are so blind

>Birth violates the NAP

Identity politics is fucking stupid sjw tier nonsense.