So my metaphysics teacher is a young woman with short hair like pic related, and has tattoos. Do you think she's redpilled by this description of her?
So my metaphysics teacher is a young woman with short hair like pic related, and has tattoos...
AKA is it degenerate to have tattoos and short hair as a woman ffs Sup Forums
Probably a SJW watch out.
Of course she is.
But she has a masters degree
>metaphysics teacher
>philosophy that deals with abstract ideas
Yep, that sounds exactly like the kind of thing a liberal-dyke would be in to.
sounds like an angry lesbian, the only possible saving grace is that she might be one of the feminists who at least hates trannies
Lol how does she act in class does she seem cool? Or is she into new age bullshit?
I took metaphysics bc I thought it would be redpilled
I mean she's energetic and articulate. Idk her stance on social issues though it's only been 4 classes. Is philosophy a meme?
I just remembered, I had to specify my preferred gender pronoun on the attendance sheet on the first day. th-this is just university policy r-right?
I guess you should of looked up the definitions of "abstract" and "philosophy" and how they are applied in modern indoctrination centers(colleges) before you signed up.
Live and learn
What's your syllabus look like? What are you guys reading/
I'll upload it one sec
>physics teacher
She's a man isn't she
Bluepilled, but I'd still fuck her
>So my metaphysics teacher is a young woman with short hair like pic related, and has tattoos. Do you think she's redpilled by this description of her?
It is actually a tranny. Don't trust any man who voluntarily has his penis cut off.
Part 1
It's def a woman
>Part 2
Part 3 do you want the rest
Do you have page numbers and the readings and authors that you will be required to read?
We read out of a textbook. It's my first upload
What's her ethnicity? Assuming white, I mean like Anglo, German, Polish, etc?
How do I summon a succubus?
I know that but who are the authors of the texts you are reading? Locke is going to sound very Different then Hobbes, Freud or Marx.
fuggg I don't know. She's white with black hair, may be dyed. Shes like 5'5 or 5'4 though
Yeah, I doubt we'd read Freud or Marx. We are later going to read Locke though
no. absolutely not
Put it in her ass and find out
Is this a freshman class? If she does it well she will space reading out and invite actual conversation if not then she is gonna shove a bunch of cherry picked readings down your throat.
It's a second level philosophy class so mostly soph and juniors
Philosophy = 30% meme 70% rational conclusions
So philosophy is redpilled?
Just by the course description, you're fucked. The grade is entirely based on subjective assessment. Essays and assignments are entirely up to the profs discretion. 15% is just showing and being awake.
That said, in my experience, philosophy teachers - though likely SJWs- are more open to right wingers as long as you can debate intelligently. Its the psychology/sociology profs that will massacre you for dissenting opinion.
Honestly everything you've told me and shown me makes me think that class will actually be interesting. It doesn't sound like she is trying to shove an agenda down your throat.
In mumbo jumbo, I bet the credit won't even transfer to an accredited university.
>The grade is entirely based on subjective assessment.
This is what I was worried about. I was hoping to go full autism in my papers and maybe see if she is redpilled as well
absolutely subversive, she is probably a full blown carpet muncher and i wouldnt be surprised if she was jewish
sounds like a dyke.
You can go full autism as long as its well structured arguments with good references as required. If she is a turbocuck and gives you shit grades, having a well written paper will help you in an appeal. If you just transcribe ramblings from pol you will (and deserve to) fail miserably.
Then again maybe you will awaken something in her with your expert prose..
How though
>Do you think she's redpilled by this description of her?
You. OP. Stop reaching. That's a ridiculous question and you know it.
>tfw redpilled a professor
I'll try my best
w-what did you mean by this
metaphysics is interesting as a concept but it is impossible to know what is true or real. just read kant and debunk all her years of study.
The thing is Your syllabus showed no warning signs. You should be okay. If she starts fucking you with shit i suggest you read the entire text book and throw counters at her. If its a good text book it will have them.
What would warning signs for a professor look like? My english prof comes to mind
The syllabus you posted mentioned PSU. Googled 'Penn State University Philosophy', clicked the department's webpage and looked for the lecture matching your description.
Is that her OP?
nice lmao
Basically any SJW buzzwords Safe space, Triggering, Pronouns. Shit like that. Also an overly leftist curriculum think Marx, Hobbes, Keynesian (i do believe they should be taught but that you don't solely learn them). Also as for English what are you reading?
What the fuck is wrong with her face, she seems like a degenerate.
They spew lies and make you think you are hot shit. Avoid institutional philosophy. Read about it and get together with other people and just talk.
>as for English what are you reading?
I already know its SJW as fuck. we just read MLK's "Letter from Birmingham" and recently read "Aint I a woman too" by black lady. Next up is "Hejira"
SJWS are likely to be college educated.
>Read about it and get together with other people and just talk.
So basically just continue using Sup Forums
My experience and knowledge ALL people with tattoos are often people who have slightly below average or average intelligence.
Ouch i was happy in my English lit class to read shit like 1001 Arabian nights which is actually an awesome book. and just other more abstract shit. What is your English classes title though American lit?
I don't think you can have average intelligence and care about philosophy
English Rhetoric. It's an entry level required course
You are fucked prepare to get SJW'd hard
Yes you can if it's mumbo-jumbo.
If your whole purpose of the subject isn't really to do anything which is a utility but just waste everyone's time by asking "what is what" and similar questions.
Certainly people can be allowed to have unhinged questioning and intellectualization but people have always a quest for utility. People aren't jumping off cliffs just to see what's it like.
holy shit, you are beyond retarded
This. A degree in fucking Metaphysics. Physics is based and it's discoveries have led to countless inventions being produced. Metaphysics has nothing to do with Physics and more to do with new age yoga hippie shit. It's philosophy that is trying to be relevant in the modern age. It isn't.
I'm a math major. I assumed taking philosophy just sort of made sense, metaphysics doesn't seem that bad
Likely a Dyke, steer clear.
Here's the thing bro you dont have to take it lying down bring up good questions and counters. if you properly research and cite your work she cant do shit to you. and if she tries take it up with the dean.
It's pretty intimidating though, I can pretty much tell everyone else in the class is bluepilled as hell. I've never heard good stories from anons trying to redpill their college classmates
>teaching philosophy
>metaphysics teacher
Nigger what?
wut? philosophy is the only redpilled discipline. you can't call yourself educated without reading a lot of philosophy.
Because here's the thing read what you are given don't just say this shit sucks. Look into it understand the argument they are giving you then counter it with something equally backed up.
hmmmmmm seems there is a disagreement here
Took general psychology last semester. My professor was a black muslim. He was a pretty chill dude. He didn't really like Trump from what I could tell although he wasn't that vocal. I refuted a few of his arguments he made that he probably got from fake news and made him take a slightly different view. Didn't argue much any other time, got an A. Nothing but small essays.
Now I'm taking a philosophy class. Reading about Socrates, Aristotle, Heidegger. Seems pretty nice so far.
Sure or go to clubs. Just do not trust your teacher. Just look up sophists.
This, what a joke
Have you redpilled a classmate user?
Depends on your definition of red-pilled, I say. Philosophy is a way of being taught to think rationally. You can do that on your own without reading into philosophy, that's what I've done, though now I'm taking a philosophy course cuz general creditsss
that's great. you're a fucking idiot if you think learning computational fields compares to philosophy in developing your view of the world and yourself.
was it a
nice digits, story time pls
Wheeeeeeeeee story time
you really should read philosophy, there is a lot of basic foundations that have been laid by philosophers over time that you probably take for granted.
Oh, no doubt. I plan on reading all the books assigned to me this semester. I want to actually set a foundation to my philosophical beliefs.
>So my metaphysics teacher is a young woman with short hair like pic related, and has tattoos. Do you think she's redpilled by this description of her?
Not that much of a story was a senior who had taken a bunch of fucking classes across the board. These classes where very redpilled and included one on how to justify a massacre. But had to take a freshman immigration class. SJW city everyone was like we love immigrants. As a class start talking about Genocide and how to stop it. Long story short everyone was talking about peaceful methods and shit like that. Say straight up that to stop genocide outright you need force class has a mental breakdown. Bring up Bosnia and explain that NATO and UN did a peace action and physically stopped them from performing Genocide. SJW's dont have a response to this. people in class start saying how force was the right thing to use. Fucking fat SJW cunt calls me a white male and a monster Graduate 2 months later so glad i got out before the cucking began.
At least maybe you snapped some of them to their senses. It also helps when SJW's freak out over nothing
This it can be done granted i got out just before the SJW's really got hold. Its crazy to think back to what i saw my freshman year and what i saw in a freshman class as a senior.