Whats Sup Forums think?
McInnes and Trump could take on the world in my opinion.
Gavin McInnes for PM 2019
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Gavin is a manchild retard
why? you do realize he isnt serious a lot of the time
Did you see him fucking assault that ANTIFA fuckwit? Get the fuck out of here. He is /ourguy/ now. Your average Sup Forumsack doesn't have the strength nor balls to try that.
yes based burger-bro helping lil bro out
there's no argument against him
hes by far smarter then Trudeau
This guy showed his butthole twice. No way in hell this dude is straight. He's an edgy misfit trapped in an aging old man's body.
"gay" shit aside. its exactly what Canada needs for better relations with you. Trump is going to bully Trudeau hard.
I just hope he doesn't have a shady past... be honest. Is he electable in Canada?
I mean, he'd probably be better than any of our current leaders... but that's not saying much.
He might have some priors...
I still think there could be acceptations if the public was *for* him in majority
McInnes is a mildly amusing faggot. He generally has views which I agree with but he doesn't articulate them as well as he could. Also has a distinctly nu male look
this kind of thinking will get Canada no-where.
we need change and improvements, at that.
I agree. but if he went into politics he could maybe learn?
this guy is a loser
a faggot loser at that
But what fucking party would this guy jump in on? The next few years of Trump reaming Trudeau will be enough to really hurt your country's world standing. You guys are gonna need a hard ass. Gavin is a hardass.
how come?
If you think he is a faggot, then he should do great. Canadians vote for faggots
t. Trudeau
No offense non shitposting leaves
Can't wait
Probably Conservative in my honest opinion. he stands for tradition and hates the massive LGBT movement up here. I think he would do well if he was accepted.
He redpills a lot of blue-collar guys. I always thought he was kind of a fag but meh, nice to see redpills taking effect
He'd have my vote. Fuckin love this faggot.
Agreed. there is too many closet-fags and Liberals up here.
So what are you saying leaf bro, that Gavin is, dare I say it, /our guy/?
>good bit taller
>smaller dick
delet this
video pls
yes friendo. i believe so
i'm going to spam him and rebel media to bring attention to this.
Got a sauce for that one? I wanna see.
Over all, He's pretty honest, I don't think he gives a shit about much on the surface. He's pretty bro tier. He has a good attitude too towards bullshit.
Maybe if he shaves his faggoty hipster beard people might take him more seriously.
hi buck!
There were better angles earlier but cant find it, press pulled him off
my favourite gavin moments was on the joe rogan show when he talked about that threesome he had.
>yeah my dick total flopped out that bitches asshole into the condom of the guy dicking her into the vagoo
A fucking LEAF is the most alpha cunt there. I love how only a few right wingers can fuck up a whole leftist orgy.
Yeah this was pretty cool.
He definitely could get along with Trump. But still fit in as a Canadian acceptance-fag
His infowars interview is awesome and he talks about how he wanted to "meet violence with violence" and that the "leftist cucks don't expect us to actually fuck them up". youtube.com
yeah I saw this a while back
Really put things into perspective for me oddly;
like they can fucking chimp out why cant we?
We can, but it just hurts our movement. Look what happened. Tea partiers, the 1776ers, libertarians basically all forms of right leaning politics spent the last 8 fucking years peacefully protesting in Washington watching the left chimp out over the smallest things. We don't want to stoop to their level because it loses moderates. Keep doing what we are doing, don't reveal your powerlevel until the time is ready and enjoy the fucking ride.
Fair enough
>Stay sharp & wait for opportunity to push
Thanks everyone.
Opinions are much appreciated.
assault more like staged tickly fingers.
Gavin is a massive fagcloset
I despise the fact that he gets called a cuck by autists just because his wife his half feather indian.
man has done more to mainstream the movement than almost anyone and he just socked an antifa in the face, AND he's been financially ruined multiple times and ostracized for what he's done.. tired of people who don't do shit criticizing guys who are actually in the field he deserves a lotta credit
you would have just shook like a leaf and shit your pants.
Anti-fascists have no place in the new world and he acted on it.
McInnes knows what it's all aboot, eh.
Well said.
America is going to get great again,
We should too.
Gavin went in a ring with a professional fighter and actually fought him.
Neither of you would have the balls to do that. You utter cucks.
Christ I hate this fucking board sometimes.
You're exactly right. It's just pussies who are like "HURR DURR HE'S NOT A BASEMENT NAZI LIKE I AM"
No, he's not a basement nazi, because instead he started a business, and grew that business with his other business partners, and he always stayed true to himself, so when his partners went cucky and wanted him to tone down, he said no, which is why they stabbed him in the back.
I think we should have a new rule: if you criticise Gavin then post a picture showing how tough you are. If you're an MMA fighter then okay. Then I'll allow you to call Gavin a pussy. If you're a basement dwelling retard then we'll call you a basement dwelling retard.
God bless you
times like this I remember where we are sovereign from.
Glad you still appreciate the Crown my Canuck friend.
timestamped that videa m8 thats the original gavin now hes a flambist faggot faker.
How's he a faggot? Clearly he will still have a go at an antifa faggot when he's yelled at won't he?
Why do you think he's a faggot? He's married with three kids, he works hard (think of all the shows he does - The Rebel, where he does short videos and his own series, Compound Media where he does The Gavin McInnes Show, and he does stuff on Fox - and he doesn't even need to work! Because he's got millions of dollars in the bank)
Seriously how is he a cuck? Oh because he doesn't mention the Jew, right? Get fucking real, this guy has FRIENDS, he has A LIFE - has Stefan Molymeme ever mentioned the Jew? NO, yet Sup Forums sucks his dick, but hates on Gavin, why?
I guarantee it's because people see him and are like "HURR DURR HE DRESSES LIKE A HIPSTER KEK, WHY DOESN'T HE WEAR CARGO SHORTS LIKE ME". Guess what he's socially fucking adjusted. If you listen to what he says he's redpilled. He's a better fucking role model in life than Molymeme, I'll tell you that - I doubt Molymeme has slept with a FRACTION of the number of women that Gavin has, and Gavin has made WAY, WAY more money in life, so seriously, fuck off.