Why do you people advocate for the genocide of minorities in your country? How would you feel if you were a minority and got murdered by your government for doing nothing but being born a certain race/religion. You people make me sick. You fascists should be jailed and rot in prison forever for advocating and trying to achieve this.
Why do you people advocate for the genocide of minorities in your country...
Sup Forums attracts the worst society has to offer
Well guess what?
I don't care.
so you are from a muslim country obviously.
yeah that sucks! you should immigrate to america. It's the only place that's gonna be safe from terrible religious bigotry in a few years.
I'd advocate for the genocide of minorities in my country long before I become a minority.
if i were "a minority" i would try to make my community not be shit
if that doesn't work i'll go back to where i belong
I don't want them genocided, I want them to not come in the first place so I don't have to worry about it.
Why the fuck should I care about them?
>if you were one
I'm not and I never will be. Fuck minorities and fuck japs too. You slanty-eyed fucks need to be nuked again.
>being born a religion
>using the emotional falacy
>wishes for death and hurt
Lmao liberals can't into logic.
>Why do you people advocate for the genocide of minorities in your country?
Because the minorities advocate for the genocide of the majority in my country
Asian men are hot though... Even if they have small dicks it is nice to cuddle with one.
What part of "INTERNET HATE MACHINE" don't you understand, you fucking limp-dicked nip shit?
Complete eradication of all non whites would create world peace. You're not against world peace are you? Play in traffic. It's the right thing to do.
>goes to Sup Forums
>expects peace, love, & understanding
Who seriously does this?
>advocating for murder of millions of innocent human beings
I hope your country's government traces your ips and send you all to jail for saying and advocating such things.
Fascism is irrational and anti-humanity. You will always fail.
people like you must belong in prison or be so powerless and underclassed that your shitty opinion no longer matters.
Then it will start on the blood pure vs the ones who had niggers breed with them 500 years ago. You may be white skin but i have a book full of everyone from my family for over 1000 years not one single drop of shit skin blood. but i wonder what we will find in your blood?
Those are vintage memes from 10 years ago. Show some respect, leaf
No amount of dead japs can balance the books. You backstabbing, cowardly filth attacked us during peacetime, you deserved all the death and radiation you received.
And you deserve more.
Kill Your Self
I already am a minority in my country
>Whitey goes to japland
>Finds everyone hates them outside of certain tourist districts in tokyo/osaka
>Nothing to do but shit post on chinese board
You do know its some weeb in japland right?
>am a minority
>fucking tired of all the bullshit other "unprivileged people" pull trying to abuse the system people put in place for our ungrateful asses.
go fuck yourself jap cunt
this is a big improvement and whether your chink ass likes it or not we are gonna make our country great again
join us or not
We are the minorities in our countries, though.
Europeans account for ~5% of the world's global population. Every other racial group has their own homogeneous homeland. It's only white countries that are expected to be "diverse" and "multicultural". We're the ones facing genocide in our own lands. We're merely advocating for our people to rise up and fight back against their demise instead of being hopelessly culled.
You fuckers don't even try anymore.
How would you feel if your quaint British industrial wool town turned into the next jalalabad. And suddenly your town is number one hotspot for heroin aquisitions, systematic group child abuse, dog fighting, cash for crash, lowest IQ, sham weddings and is crowned murder capital of the UK all because of fucking Muslims? Pakistani Bangladeshi and Afgan Muslims? How would you feel when you and your family are no longer safe in your home town???
I'd like it if the government started killing the minorities.