how did this doofus into movies? I really don't see it.
How did this doofus into movies? I really don't see it
you're on Sup Forums son.
have a seat, explore a bit and learn our ways.
He was decent in Hacksaw Ridge
wrong board faggot
I think he is pretty decent for an actor not like anthony hopkins or chirstian bale tier but still pretty good. also wrong board faggot
Don't listen to them OP it's fine for this board. One problem you forgot to use the word nigger and refer to pic related as a kike. THEN it will be allowed on the """political""" Sup Forums
>i need by blood back
>it's mine, i need it back
oh you card
He's part of the tribe.
He was a better Spider-man than Tobey Maguire, However, his Peter Parker was basically a pretty boy with glasses.
He's a kikelord.
He is another faggy looking effeminate Jew masquerading as a master race WASP. Hope he gets raped and killed.
He's Jewish and his parents had connections. He was born in LA, for shit sake
>people still ask these questions
Rhymes with bluish
if you can't tell a jew by the eyes or nose, check the mouth
This desu. Can almost imagine the public school bullies going about it.
>how did this doofus into movies?
how do you think ANY of them are ANYwhere?
jews are ugly
Sup Forums was right again
its the meaty mouth/pussy lips
an example of pussylipped jews