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>fuck Donald Trump, fuck David Rockefeller

really gets the brain juices flowing

It's sad that people's lives end up like this.

She should be more creative. Sexual intercourse isn't the only thing a woman can sell. There are desperate guys online who will spend hundreds of $$ on used panties.

Nobody said it was a girl, user. How naive of you

I actually feel for that person. The blame may be misplaced (partially), but the desperation is real. It sucks to feel trapped and useless.

>don't have nothing.

lol clearly.

How a man can be THIS worthless? He can go and move heavy shit around to get a buck.

Nepotism is your greatest asset

> Not realising that Trump is bringing back jobs so those dirty mexicans will no longer steal jobs by working for $2 an hour

>fuck donald trump
>fuck the guy who just came into politics
>the dindu whose been in office for 8 years had nothing to do with your problems
wew lad.

Not if "he's" a liberal

cry me a fucking river


Of course its on Neo Cuck.

fun fact - anyone who is literate (and doesn't have tattoos on their face) can get a job in sales. it may be a super shit job depending on how shit a candidate you are, but it will be a paycheck

this faggot probably just wants to be a barista or some other hipster bullshit easy work like a waiter at the olive garden or something

>Drinking four loko and taking Xanax at all

Especially when you have areas that need improvement in your life.

This is why they're a failure. To sober yourself up and relinquish the substances is to realize that you can get a high by being a value to society. I've never met someone who drinks party drinks/takes Xanax non-prescription that is an actual impressionable and inspiring person worth hanging around.

Join the military faggot.

>hit me with a truck
Can you help him with that one Muhammad?

Nope. He's legal and therefore required by law to be paid more than a beaner. No Bueno.

Trump will make you strong, girly-man. Have hope.

Haha yeah okay. Your worthlessness is because of Trump, not your own choices.

They actually have a pretty high bar for entrance, you either need high intelligence, have special skills, or be in peak physical condition.