The civil rights movement was a communist infiltration scam.
The civil rights movement was a communist infiltration scam
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>Anything where you criticize the dominant culture is due to foreign infiltration.
What a great way to delegitimize your enemies!
But it actually was this time you fucking retard!
boy you sure convinced me with those hot memes
Thanks ill be here every Thursday
This is common knowledge.
Most of the reason why the government was following MLK closely, was because he was associating with known commies.
A group of people forced to come to a country with the talents and abilities to express soul
through imagination and or those talents
and you have the audacity to possess such a perspective of retardation of assumption OP your gone bro truly gone off the concrete end
and the people of color has been condescended and oppressed by envious
racist white males that emit such a stank foul delusional superiority ego complex evaded by the distraction of condescendance
you aint shit
the enlightened
will over ride fascist
racist irrelevance
oy vey
That's nice dear.
normies and leftist idiots think we're crazy when we try to tell them it's the kikes. almost every unsavory political, intellectual, or cultural movement has a kike behind it.
I want to give the Israeli bros a chance but damn it's hard not to say fuck all kikes, because they are the structural cause of all this cultural killing shit.
Normies don't even know how to research outside of Fox news mainstream poison without getting caught up in the web of controlled opposition "the arabs control hollywood" alex jones shit.
I remember this being done to us in elementary. Fucking evil.
If you say you see their race and look past it you're racist, and if you say they're black you are racist. Nobody knows what the fuck to do because you'll just be called a racist anyways.
The most evil part is that they push inferiority complexes on black people while also guilting the whites.
Fucking despicable. Communism will stay being pure evil, made for world domination and the enslavement of people. Just studying Marx and his ideology a bit I learned this quickly. He's a trickster.
It wasnt quite THAT bad in my school but we mabe had one or 2 black kids at all times in my entire elementary shool the whole time I was there.
That's nice dear.
CIA killed him for a reason
MLK Jr was a republican, get your facts straight and stop sourcing from conspiracy theorists wearing tin foil hats.
mfw making him a martyr without reproach only made it 100x worse
MLK flip flopped parties whenever it helped his agenda, retard.
That assuming your fucking stupid enough that whether he labelled himself as democrat or republican changed the fact that he rolled around with known commies.
Ronald Reagan roiled around commies to establish peace with the Soviet Union, as did Nixon in establishing better relations with China. People can work with other people of differing political beliefs to achieve an agenda, it doesn't mean that they hold the same political beliefs. Your argument is based upon the fallacy that a person's personal political beliefs are determined by members who support their agenda. If that were true, then that would mean that Trump is a nazi because he's supported by Nazis. Obviously that is not the case given his Jewish grandchildren and trusted advisors.
Dear retard,
There is a difference between working with and conspiring with.
You literally just heard about this shit and are just trying to pull reasons out of your ass why its wrong without researching it.
"Dear retard" is not an argument, and saying "to do research" is not a substitute for an argument. All of my points still stand. But I'll just leave you to your biases.
how kind of them to leave a warning
CIA has fucked up everything they have ever done as well. They really need stricter guidelines.
>stop killing important people in very public ways
>stop participating in drug trade with your next door neighbors
Your points dont stand in the first place because there is a difference between MLK conspiring with reds who have infiltrated the civil rights movement and presidents working with soviet politicians for friendlier world relations.
And no "dead retard" is not an argument but you are absolutely a total fucking retard.
Again stop pulling half cocked bullshit out of your ass and do research.
Yes. Martin Luther King Junior was a fraud and a lying Marxist.
No, he was a fraud and a liar mate
and an adulterer
Here's a fun little fact:
Most of the white "leadership" or partisans in the South African ANC party (The communists who took power) were in fact....Jewish.
They sure fuckin were