New Zealand bans video games to protect fictional characters

So we can all agree that New Zealand is shit, right?

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what game?

I love you

Gal Gun: Double Peace

>some shitty degenerate game gets banned
Ok, and? Is it just because it's a shitty degenerate game from Japan and it's somehow suddenly OK because MUH JAPAN?

>reasonable limitation on the freedom of expression
Is NZ dare I say, more cucked than Canada?

All video games with violence against humans or animals should be banned.
Don't want people turning into psychopaths

Reminder that more games get banned in Australia than anywhere else

Really, I didn't know mate, it's not like I fucking live there or anything.

What kind of hideous autistic beta shut-in sperg would even play that retarded shit in the first place?

ur mom lol

Why do the Japs trigger people so much?

I'm retarded, sorry
It was banned because it sexualizes highschool students and they think this enables pedophiles. Also since the game isn't difficult they think its more about sex than skill.
I like weeb games


Color me surprised

Piracy ahoy!

Loli porn is bad, mmmkay?

so youre telling us you fuck kids OP?

No I just like playing weeb games featuring qt characters and like exercising my right to freedom of expression. It pains me as an American to see art banned in other countries.

>buying games

Who cares, it's only vidya. Couldn't give a shit if they stopped selling all of them.


You are mad because a game about fiddling kids got banned in a country you do not reside in.

I am mad because other countries don't have as much freedom as I do.

Vidya is trash for children and large smelly guys. If they come for something that matters I'll start caring then.

>i would fuck kids if i they would just come down into my moms basement but they always run away instead

>game was banned because it's too easy
Based sheep shaggers

>game's lack of difficulty

Clearly they did not go for the Unseen Destiny route's bad ending.

I kind of agree with this sort of stuff. Libertarians have allowed liberals to absolutely destroy our culture and any fiction of American moral superiority... Other countries hate us because we talk about values and yet cheer Miley Cyrus. Like it or not, we are a world leader and we should protect our values as a country, to be an example and to reduce hypocrisy.

Anywhere I can pirate it?

Why do you care it's banned? You weren't actually going to pay for it, right?

God you sound like a worthless cunt.

Too much freedom? That means the people themselves are garbage. Fix that, don't take away my freedom.

>the US should restrict its own freedoms in order to look better to the rest of the world
I'm still going to buy it, but it sucks for anyone living in New Zealand

It's apparently a criminal offense to possess it, regardless if you bought it or pirated it.

Pretty much any torrent site has it.

It's only because you ban those things that they become popular.

If it wasn't for you moral fucking guardians trying to prevent people from having fun, the world would be a hell of a lot less degenerate right now.

>Sup Forums now supports banning media
I hope Sup Forums and message boards are outlawed

Just installed it, come for me pigs!!!

Yeah the hotline miami games were banned in australia. Also, gta 3 was banned after it was released and brought back without the ability to pick up hookers

Sheep fuckers BTFO

The age of consent in NZ is 16
Most students will turn 16 during their first year of senior high school and turn 18 before they graduate
Explain this shit to me

Can you give me a link that actually shows me the game instead of some whiny faggot's voice and a bunch of text I don't care to read?

NZ bans books as well.


Just called the cops

Have fun explaining to the other inmates how you got in jail

"I'll buy it just to stick it to the SJ-"

>over 40 dollars for not even porn
>a million shitty DLC costumes that cost over 5 dollars each

Thanks for reminding me why I don`t visit Steam anymore.

Probably some MP something or other trying to score brownie points with the boomers. If you looked at the list of all seven banned video games, there's no consistency.

It includes one hentai game from 1996 and Reservoir Dogs.

Good. Fuck anime

Sure. Works great for weeb shit in Japan and degenerate everything in the US.

If only pornography, degenerate weeb shit, degenerate musics and harlotry were legal in the US no one would like it. Ever since we banned it in the 50s the world has become more and more degenerate

t. you

Steam is the cheapest I can find in br

>mfw br is too expensive



Move to Australia mate

nice joke

I hope they ban right-wing views in New Zealand just to piss you off. Bet you'll regret being a statist when that happens.

We're not that cucked.

>game isn't difficult

Bitch obviously hasn't completed the True Love Ending route

>Article that "normalises" paedophilia because it dares to imply that not everyone who is attracted to children is a satanic serial rapist that lures kids into their van

>A blatantly paedophilic game which nobody even plays was banned

Fucking hell Sup Forums


Would you rather the sick man stay home take his medicine or the sick man say "Fuck you doctor" and go out and infect everybody?

>blatently paedophilic
They are high schoolers at least. Real high schoolers can be fucked here. So whats the problem?

You idiot, we have literally exactly the same line in our Constitution.

I refer you to Section 1 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, being a schedule to the Constitution Act, 1982, Part I

>1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

>reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

>porn can be likened to medicine

wew boy