stop slut shaming
Stop slut shaming
huh I don't remember seeing the name Melania Trump anywhere on my ballot. Must have been a mistake.
Well it's not like anyone would pay to see Michelle Obama without clothes. Besides, nobody voted for the first lady. Saged.
If Michael had these photos i indeed wouldnt forgive bec1use hes so ugly, i would be traumatuzed
Didn't Obama's mum have nudes?
Does anyone have the screencap of occupy saying that disagreeing with Obama is treason but that it is everyone's duty to protest Trump?
Didn't see Bill Clinton on the ballot either. Didn't stop Trump from crying rape.
where can i find uncensored??? must fap
Hillary tried to claim her time as First Lady as 'White House experience', but would then turn around and say 'I wasn't the one who was president!' whenever someone would bring up some of the nasty shit Bill did while in office.
Russians look hard and ugly as fuck.
That being said at least she's feminine unlike obongos huge ugly negress
Michael "Moochelle" Obama nude:
Do the left realize that they're slut shaming when they act like it matters Melania Trump slept around? Slut shaming is bad when it's use against them I seem to notice.
>implying anyone who voted for Trump gives a shit about who the First Lady is
I agree, rightwingers should just accept the fact that sluts are based and stop suppressing their carnial urges like a bunch of numales
>tfw no hot ebony first lady nudes
Too bad obama married a man
>tfw no hot ebony tranny first "lady" nudes
why even live
Such photos would not exist, because that male sheboon nigger is so fucking ugly, she breaks any camera that gets near her.
Our hipocrisy is our last hope. Its the one realm where we still able to be racist
>People vote for a President based on who the First Lady is
Jesus fuck I hope people don't do this.
So... they want us to slut shame?
These people are soulless.
At least she honestly proved everyone that she's a legit female. Michelle Obama 's gender is still a mystery.
I am Pajeet trump and I approve this.
Marrying a pornstar is fine
But no hymen no diamond
as long as shes a virgin pornstar
So appearing in a nude photoshoot=rape, ay? Fucking retard.
>lets prove they are hypocrites by being hypocrites
Really fizzled my sizzler, famalam
This is a shill thread made to slide this.
Worst happening tomorrow. Inform yourself. Ignore the shills.
Kek be with us.
The difference is that I don't want to see Michael's nudes
"Michelle" is ugly even by tranny standards.
Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump. They don't matter. They're not even human.
Melania isn't an ugly sheboon.
no women need to be slut shamed so they behave
What's the context of that pic?
they're immune to logic, senpai
>left is ok with slut shaming when it's people on the right
Party affiliation is a mistake
Fake and has been debunked long time ago.
I agree.
requesting pictures of obamas slut mother and her hairy bush
>Trump calls noted landwhale Rosie O'Donnell fat
>"REEEEEEEE this bodyshaming misogynist is attacking all women!"
>Trump's wife has done nude modeling
>"Wow what a fucking nasty slut, that's not how women should behave"
There are many things I love about Trump, but the way he triggers lefties into doing a complete 180 on their beliefs is possibly my favorite thing about him
>liberals spit on Vietnam vets when they returned home and called them baby killers
>claimed burning draft cards was the morally right thing to do, then Jimmy Carter pardoned the draft dodgers
>libfags find out Trump didn't serve in Vietnam because of medical deferrals and because his number was never called
>"wtf i love conscription and imperialism and senseless wars now, why didn't he fulfill his obligation to the military-industrial complex and fight in a war we have disagreed with for half a century!?!"
>being a model is a slut
If michelle obama had these photos we would think it was a gorilla
It's true though. Sup Forums would chimp out if Obama/Hillary did half the things Trump did.
Is that not just Suzy Berhow?
is this a real image or is it a meme like the palin in a bikini with a gun image the liberals spread everywhere
well they're right
>I want mike pence to le gas le gays xd ebin
>other than when melania trump does a lesbian porn shoot thats fine
Conservative people advocate for conservative values, like strong family bonds, monogamy, faithfulness, sobriety.
I'm not even conservative, more with the Hoppe's helicopter boys, but conservative values align surprisingly well with mine.
TL;Dr: go be degenerate if you want, but that won't stop people from telling that it's wrong.
I would be OK with that criticism if it wasn't coming from people who are 100x more degenerate and who have spent years pushing all sorts of degeneracy. Liberals play the game of appealing to the beliefs of conservatives without actually believing in those beliefs themselves all the time and it's something the right needs to stop falling for - pic related is an example.
>Jesus would help the poor, starving brown people so we should allow millions of them into our country because there's something in the Bible about it
>now let me go admire this deep piece of art, it's a cross in a piss-filled urinal
>You are hypocrites
wrong. their idealistic version of a trump supporter is a hypocrite. the caricature of a trump supporter that the MSM plays out every day is a hypocrite. someone you can disagree with because they think a certain way.
actual trump supproters are not like this. and you will never know the truth because you never interact with them to see for yourself. that's exactly what the MSM wants. they want you to hide yourself from the truth so that their insane rhetoric can keep it's tight grasp on you. if you ever talked to one all the illusions they have you under would vanish.
>can see the first lady's tits and ass but no vagoo
Can someone rectify this?
She's not a Russian, you national disgrace.
Christ alive! What is THAT?
>fucking vegans, they're the first to go into the camps when I make Australia Great great again.
>women posing nude together is automatically lesbian
If it was from Michele Obama's past they'd be high quality tranny porn shots so he could pay for his surgery.
Slut shaming would be the least of his problems then.