Hey /pol, honest question: How can you support/defend trump's nominations for admin of EPA and secretary of Education?

Hey /pol, honest question: How can you support/defend trump's nominations for admin of EPA and secretary of Education?

Have you seen the confirmation hearings? What do you think?

No honestly, is Pol backpedaling on their support of "draining the swamp?" When they learn that means incompetent millionaires with nothing but private interests?

Fucking valium jokes at hearings ffs

Every response I don't get makes me wonder more and more.

Prove me wrong

Nobody gives a shit about you because, and here is the kicker, your idea of who the "swamp" is consists of all the people with the good ideas. The people getting kicked out of power that you seem to love, those are the people we want to drain out of DC.

You're just too retarded to get an idea of what we actually voted for because you have no idea about anything outside of your own little bubble.

Try the Donald. These lads are ten times as likely to respond to a bait thread about Obama than create an actual dialogue. Come for the politics, stay for the bantz

seems intentional that he put the 2 most incompetent people in control of the 2 agencies he'd want to undermine, pare down, and possibly destroy

And I would unironically love some reasons why you picked trump. I don't want to argue them I just want to hear them


If you actually read about the Secretary of Education's background and career, she seems like a fine choice. Stop getting your information from pictures with bullet points posted on Sup Forums.

maybe because Trump, like myself, wants to get rid of these cancerous institutions, which don't do what you think they do?

Trumps picks have been good for the most part. The EPA should be abolished as should the Department of Education. They're good and run counter to previous agendas for the last twenty years. Only people complaining about this loudly are shitlibs.

>drain the swamp

Or maybe we're wondering why you comment on Trump policies without bothering to learn what they are?

From your Bernout perspective, yes, capitalism is the swamp. From mine, federal involvement in education & an institution whose only purpose is to generate ever more regulations (and is more leftist in nature than, say, FUCKING CANADA, where they have to repeal a regulation each time they add a new one) is the swamp.

And by background do you mean that her husband runs a private military and her family donated 200+ mil to the majority party or that she has never had a kid in public school nor been in charge of one?

Holy fuck I hope you're joking. I listened to the entire fucking hearing at work
>she thinks cost of Education has gone up 980% over past 8 years
>dodged almost every question like a shitty miss America and truly looked clueless.

I don't. She's a terrible pick and, like all of Trump's awful ideas, will be a huge success in regards to whatever reason he picked her.

I'm never going to say she's a good role model or leader, but I acknowledge Donald Trump is smarter than me.

Where do you think you are, that we would think public education is some great gift?


What do you think the point of the government is? Breaking up hippie circles and deporting Mexicans?

Costs of everything the government is involved in does go up including education. When was the last time they said no we have enough money for the kids? They always say we need more for our children we need to take more from you. Meanwhile the schools churn out faggotry enmasse.

>ten times as likely to respond to a bait thread about Obama than create an actual dialogue

This has become painfully obvious. But there are some good answers here. That idea that trump can "destroy" what he doesn't like by allowing total morons run them is a very interesting idea.

>What do you think the point of the government is?

In general, or the federal government in particular?

The purpose of the US government is to act as an organization on behalf of the American people with foreign nations. Secondary goals of the government are to act as arbiter between State disputes. That's it.

Regardless of what value you put on public education, it makes no sense to put her in charge of all public schools if she has no experience with it, just as you wouldn't hire a soccer coach who has no experience with soccer

I don't care about those two positions. Energy and finance secretary concern me more and not sure who is being nominated for those. I am also more concerned with secretary of state.

The federal government

>it makes no sense to put her in charge of all public schools if she has no experience with it

What exactly do you think the Department of Education does? The last two "standards" it put out were No Child Left Behind and Common Core, essentially every time the DoE tries to put out a guideline for the whole US the result is a fucking retarded cancerous clusterfuck.

Listen to his announcement speech and try not to spin it into your own ideological vomit. I have heard countless people scream about shit he never said ever, so actually fucking listen to the speech.

That is why. It's honestly that simple. This country is broken, it has been for years, and both sides, the dems and the GOP have been deliberately blind to it this entire time. Trump is the only person with the funds and clout to actually do something about it to have actually called out the problems in America.

You, of course, read some slanted or outright made up hit piece and then ask us why we support literally Hitler, as if he is doing anything he didn't promise to do from the beginning, and I can only shrug and say "so far I'm getting what I voted for, and I'm happy."

All she needs to do is one thing, STOP COMMON CORE.

The cost of education has gone up exponentially with NO increase in quality provided the student, or any increase in overall score or student performance whatsoever on average.

So yes, she is correct.

She has plenty of experience as private and home school methods are far more effective. Public education has been a huge failure. If a business doesn't become profitable it goes out of business. This isn't the case with public education. They're given more money and they keep their jobs even with total failure.

By announcement speech you mean the speech he made when he first found out he won?

no one would prefer to have their kids in public schools, you retard. public schools are atrocious and broken, they need to be fixed. last thing we need is a union flunkie

>So yes, she is correct.
My God you're as bad as her. We're talking last 8 years and she was literally 800% off. For fucks sake

>What exactly do you think the Department of Education does? The last two "standards" it put out were No Child Left Behind and Common Core, essentially every time the DoE tries to put out a guideline for the whole US the result is a fucking retarded cancerous clusterfuck.
Yes the one size fits all mentality does not work. Europe is fragmented pockets as well. Ironic they generally say diversity when they through action lessen diversity.

So your argument is that public education is failing so we need to tank it even harder?

How will she fix them? She just avoided the answer at the hearings

I suppose common defense and lubricating and arbitrating interactions between the state. There's also a pretty big grey area of using funds for the benefit of the collective, which is where everyone and everything begins screeching autistically about how everything is used.

Anyway, I don't see micromanaging education as a federal thing. Its not in the Constitution and it seems to make no one happy when it tries, or would you disagree? Its okay if you do, just point me to where in history you think it was great to do so.

I'm not saying it's in a good spot but I'm just curious as to how she will improve it

No. Local communities can fund and prop up their own education just fine without subsidy and leverage used by government. Department of Education is a recent construct and a bad one. If the school can't churn out students and hire teachers who can as well they'll fail and be shuttered. Who would send their kids to a school that fails? There's nothing wrong with shutting down something that's a failure.

I think he, and everyone that says these shit picks reflect his want to do away with these departments, mean that he wants dept of Education to go away with public schools so if you want your kid to get an education you have to go private charter.

And the epa has done plenty of stupid shit, but wanting to get rid of it is almost as stupid as pruitt or whatever his name is.

I literally do not care

EPA doesn't work based on facts and generally legislates based on political ideology. If we need a law or legislation they can go through congress and not rule by fiat.

I hated how that Cantwell bitch kept bitching at Perry over muh global warming; and how the Nevada bitch bitched about Yucca Mountain "muh precious desert wasteland!" Also, that degenerate SNL kike Al Franken (remember to bring him up when libs talk about Trump being a TV star, lol) - shit, I hate him and his kikey voice.

California needs to sink into the ocean.

The bottom line is our country is metaphorically and statistically full of retards and we need federal intervention. Similar with healthcare/insurance, it's absolutely atrocious and even though ACA was a failure it just means we have to try harder, not give up. The problem won't just go away.

not listening to the unions would be a start, allowing more charter schools would allow parents more choice. i've heard the trump administration will make it mostly a state centric issue rather than one controlled by the feds

>Local communities can fund and prop up their own education just fine
Terrible idea. This logic supports nice upper middle class communities being able to afford good public schooling, which they don't need or use as much, and poor communities will suffer even worse public schools - places where no one can afford private charter education

States should be able to handle public schools themselves, for all the good that they do. If there is any blanket position on public schools, it should be that we are entitled to freedom of choice between public and private schools regardless of economic situation.

If you disagree, cite the last time you think a Department of Education guideline made public schools better instead of worse.

It is when 90% of kids go to public schools. You honestly think the fine citizens of Compton are going to splurge for a school house if public education goes away? If it fails we need to try something better and different

Healthcare would be fine with zero government intervention. Do you really think companies won't sprout or offer services where there is a profit to be made? We could've likely had a cheap Netflix like subscription for personal care/doctors for most of our mundane needs. Notice that most of the progress we make anywhere as a society is territory not legislated or taxed by government. Imagine if they were out of the way of most things.

do you want to know why public schools suffer? it's because you can't fire anyone. no accountability because of the bureacracy

Your response contained nothing of substance. You gave me nothing to respond to or even think about. Is all I'm supposed to say "topkek MAGA"

Alright it's late and I've replied to too many comments. I'm going to masturbate to Japanese cartoons and wake up early to go Uni. I do appreciate the candor and clear arguments. You guys make some very valid points about public education but she is still a disgrace. Cheers.

I don't really give a shit about your thread, you Reddit faggot; I was just posting a hot opinion I had stewing.

My honest advice is that you should drink a gallon of Clorox.

It's how things worked before and work to some degree now but with silly federal funding for this and that. Were you dropped as a child? Of course wealthier communities would have better schools. You should have the drive and determination to work your way towards moving or living in area with better schools and opportunities. That's how it works. The chaff and weak are culled.

Then they ruin their own community and it will slowly decay like Detroit until they're snuffed out of existence. It's how life works. What I describe is better and works on it's own without oversight for the most part.

>The bottom line is our country is metaphorically and statistically full of retards and we need federal intervention.

Every time the federal government intervenes it makes things worse and no fucking proponent of the Department of Education can actually cite the last time it made things better.

>it's absolutely atrocious and even though ACA was a failure it just means we have to try harder, not give up.

ACA was designed as crony capitalism, pure and simple. It was designed as a cash grab for insurance companies. That it didn't work well even for that is a testament to the retardation and negligence behind it. It was pushed through by one party and is owned totally by the Democrats, who with their mandate probably could have pushed single payer if they wanted (they got through with TOTAL republican opposition, so its not as if they could have done much worse).

Education is not hard, and even parasites like public school teachers can do it. On the other hand, the health care crisis is not purely an arbitrary concern so I am more open to federal intervention in it. I am up for whatever Trump has planned as he can only improve it.

Pruitt sued the fuck out of the EPA everytime they stepped over their congressional limits, Demorats then think he's opposed to every single regulation the EPA was sued over, when it wasn't even about the content of fiat regulation, but the fact that they have zero authority to create laws.

It's that simple.

Yeah, Scotty took alot of money from energy companies, that's Oklahoma's entire economy nowadays. You can pick any democrat in our state legislature and find out they got their campaign or charity or fundraisers or private parties bankrolled by Big Energy.

the only question is whether he personally profited from taking this money on behalf of the dozen or so companies, charities, non-profits, pacs, superpacs, thinktanks, etc. that he was apart of in any way. That hasn't been established by anyone.

Lemme guess, you love how honest he is?

I do not oppose leaving more up to states in way of Education. I do agree with you on doe being shit. I just don't think hiring the mental equivalent of a two year old who would likely defund public schools even more is the answer at all.

>Healthcare would be fine with zero government intervention
Here's your$800 epipen. Your statement is scary. You know how much worse "big pharma" would be without regulation?

Spoils system, motherfucker.

Teacher unions hold us back. "The Worm in the Apple" is a good book on it. I have second hand experience with that shit

That I agree with. I think leaving it to states more makes it easier to get people with actual EXPERIENCE in education into power rather than career politicians.

Devos doesn't give a shit about that and if she's a scapegoat to do away with doe then auggghhhuhhh

No it's ok with everyone here because it doesn't affect them.

Because fuck literally anyone else.

Thank you for contributing/proving pol isn't just an echo chamber circlejerk

You seem to think public schools NEED the Federal Government. They do not. They're mostly propped up by local communities through taxation (property taxes/millage rate). You seem woefully uninformed on how things work. What's transpired is part of their funding comes through laced federal funding these days due to forced participation in these programs. You have to let trannies in whatever bathroom as an example. Local communities help schools (mostly parents of course) through PTA and local fund raisers all the damn time. School needs a new GYM? Fundraiser. That's how it works. People who care volunteer time and money to their local communities to make them great. It's never great because of Federal involvement. The best schools charter public or private always have high involvement from the community.

FDA has artificially slowed their research and safety testing and review of drugs to the point that only the largest companies in the entire world can afford to do R&D on new drugs while waiting for a decade for their approval.

And then every year when flu season comes around a ""new"" strain of devil virus magically surfaces and FDA and pharma pump out some untested stew ready to alpha test on the public.

Its one thing to have stringent safety regulations, its another to create artificial stop gaps in the market. Who really invests in pharma anyway? Not that many people, unless its publicly traded.

You don't?

But seriously, he gives a solution, you consider it a problem. You are so far gone that you are not worth debating, which is a shame, since every now and then someone comes along claiming to want a debate, but it becomes perfectly clear quite quickly that you are incapable of such things.

So all that is left is to say fuck off, we won. I like and agree with the picks so far for the most part, and have no overt objection to any of them. I'm getting what I voted for. Assuming you voted for Obama previously, I can only ask that after annihilating the employment rate and labor participation, driving up the price of everything, healthcare foremost, and establishing one of the least transparent and most corrupt presidential administrations since Nixon, did you get what you voted for?

I have a funny feeling that you will say yes, while ignoring all facts and statistics, because he is black, and therefore "historic" or something dumb like that. It's the response I usually get at least.

Some of my liberal--okay, I don't have any liberal friends, per se, but let's call them "acquaintances"--have expressed fear that the Trump administration may crash the economy.

And when they do, I smile, because that's actually one of the best things that could happen to us at this point. If the economy DID contract, it would force numerous cuts in spending, and the first thing that we would look to cutting would be social security, medicare, welfare and other prog "handout" programs. Being too broke to afford to keep useless assholes from starving due to their own inherent uselessness would be a true godsend. It could lead to the end of welfare in this country, and that would be awesome. Having a reduction in population due to the loss of the most useless segment of our population would free up housing, jobs and resources. We need this.

Second, having a lot of flat-broke and unemployed, homeless or starving people would put a LOT of attention on the issue of immigrants. I'm not worried about the distinction between illegals vs. legal aliens, or Christians vs. Muslims, or whatever. That argument can go away now, I don't care. I want them all gone, and future immigration completely ended. Period. Full stop. You have a country, go live there. This one is ours. Pariah nation status would be a MAJOR help--don't come here, this place is crap. Stay home, it's nicer there.

Third--we need cuts in our military. it needs to be made smaller, more technologically advanced and better-equipped and supported, AND we need to pull out of Europe and most other places around the world. Fuck them, let them do their own policework. We shouldn't care what Russian or China do, because whatever they do will benefit us as well in the long run. We can ally with the victors in whatever conflict happens as a result.

Fourth--those same homeless and starving people above would force us to take a good, long, hard look at law enforcement policy...

>You should have the drive and determination to work your way
There's that "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" hoopla. Blind to the reality that only a very small exception can climb the socioeconomic ladder past what they were born into.

...it would also force us to take a good, long hard look at how we regard "civil rights" in general. Universal suffrage led to decades of populist leaders who gave stuff out to their voters for free, and it led to the last eight years of Obama--the absolute nadir of US history Here is what should be done:

First, we need to examine how the law regards sedition and treason. You really SHOULDN'T have a guaranteed, legal platform to air views contrary to the national good. frankly, papers and other news media that insists on airing "news" that only serves to endanger public order and stability shouldn't be allowed to exist, and the ones responsible for disseminating seditious material need to be punished. Harshly. A good monitoring program, make examples of a few of them, and the rest of them should begin falling into line.

Secondly, we have capital punishment for a reason. Use it, and use it OFTEN. It should be written into national law that the death penalty MUST be used and that a given state CANNOT remove its use from the books. We have people dying on death row of old age, why is this even allowed? That asshole needs to be put down within the first month. And to hell with "painless" drugs, bullets and rope are cheap as fuck. A well-placed bullet is fast and painless.

Third: universal sufferage? Fuck that, that gave us Obama. Limit the franchise to people who own property, have college degrees, pay taxes, and can take a biannual literacy test and pay a small fee. The sole exception should be limited to combat veterans who have been honorably discharged. All voters must have a valid voter ID. Tie that vote to a name. Make vote tampering and fraud a capital crime, and a history of crime, sedition, mental illness, drug use or welfare is a permanent disqualification to voting.

Fourth: we really need to re-examine the constitution. Call another constitutional convention as soon as we can. Large segments of it need to be retooled.

Big Pharma wouldn't be as big as natural monopolies can't exist without state intervention. It's not scary at all. What's scary is how eager you are for making these monopolies bigger and more powerful. I'd also look up what monopsony means since it's relevant here.

>Blind to the reality that only a very small exception can climb the socioeconomic ladder past what they were born into.

We're not blind. We know full well that *everyone* can't, but *anyone* can.

Success isn't guaranteed. Most people aren't successful. Fuck them.

You get exactly what you deserve

Okay. Let us summarize things since we are at a fucking impasse.

Leftists like leftist indoctrination camps.
Rightists often do not like leftist indoctrination camps...

...though some are too stupid to realize private school or homeschool is superior to letting members of a fucking government job union (why we tolerate unions for government jobs I have no idea), who are disproportionately likely to be child rapists brainwash your children to be politically correct minions, that you must embrace open borders, that you should maybe aspire to cut off your penis, etc.

Simply put, we understand each other's perspectives totally and there is no real squaring of those two approaches. Leftists need Marxist brainwashing factories for their movement to survive, rightists don't really like brainwashing factories, though some are 110% content if they're *our* brainwashing factories. Either way, fuck it, you understand me totally, I understand you totally. Impasse.

That's not the case since the industrial revolution the middle classes were growing in greater numbers. The fact is the entire globe was also slowly gaining more wealth as well and rising out of poverty.

Lmaoing at your public school system.

Ours work with only white kids tho.

A "rightist" indoctrination factory would at least allow our nation to exist. I'm not going to lie, I'm one of those who would be 1110% on board with this idea, and I'd be 220% on board with the "left" in this country ceasing to exist by any and all means necessary.

Alternately: the "rightist indoctrination factory" is simply called "real life."

>trusting the theoretical frog of the swamp to get rid of the swamp
The whole reason everyone supported Trump was because he had outside opinions and interests, ya dingus

Yea, that's why.

Add niggers and watch the whole thing crumble.

>Alternately: the "rightist indoctrination factory" is simply called "real life."
I'd also shoe horn in actual critical thinking skills which seems to have all but disappeared even on college campuses. Philosophy and critical thinking skills are usually acquired and not natural which is why things look even more dire in education.

Listen up op u stupied faggot! She did not give u the answers u want because your obviously publicly schooled u dense lib cuck!

The truth hurts

Why does this distress you?

If you don't have kids it shouldn't be a concern for you--you'll save some money.

If you DO have kids, why wouldn't you WANT to teach them yourself? That way you can teach them whatever you think is important and you don't have to waste time teaching them things that aren't. You get to have complete control over what your kids learn and are exposed to. Who wouldn't be on-board with that?

Yep. Hence why I am comfortable with the modern Trump/republican direction things are going of the question being, would you like a private or a public school? If there is a federal agenda for education at all, it should be of ensuring choice, not content.

Kek, tfw is "muh precious desert wasteland!"

Your country has 5 million, ours has 300 million. Might that have something to do with it?

Most of them live in the eskimo cities anyways since they have to huddle together for warmth. Wasteland otherwise.

>Miss Finland

>If you DO have kids, why wouldn't you WANT to teach them yourself?
Liberals secretly know they can't teach worth a shit, and not so secretly know they don't have the patience or work ethic to actually raise their children.

Indoctrination. I'm not that selfish either.

Agreed, but one thing I'd like to interject here.

"Public" schooling should never have been an option on the table. Either teach your kids yourself or pony up the money out of pocket and send them to the private school of your choice. That way no one else has to be inconvenienced.

Or, let the kids do whatever. Teach them a trade instead of a formal education. That's been the norm for most of human history and most people did all right.

>Liberals secretly know they can't teach worth
Oh so that's why 9 of 10 college degrees are useless liberal art degrees.

Women make up a huge swathe of education in the USA which is partly why it's so liberal. Unions and government are feminine staples because they require a man/structure like a man to support themselves.

Sorry charter schools are free nice try

Does your philosophy degree enable you to flip burgers more efficiently?

the hearings are a joke anyway

democrats did nothing but complain about how much time they got and then get in their dumb loaded questions to get videos trending on youtube and raise money

I especially liked the dumb female asking Mattis about faggots and trannies.

Yes? Are you being sarcastic, because that number isn't too far off the (probable) real statistic.

Any degree and associated field worth its salt requires some conservative views.

Public education is a mistake. Only kikes support it because it makes brainwashing easier.

Honestly, why would ANYONE have kids if they weren't willing to raise them? This literally makes no sense to me. I can't wrap my head around it.

Most of the time, watching the news in this country, I honestly feel like an alien. Virtually nothing anyone does, or anything that happens, makes any sense at all to me.

I guess it's losers on both ends. It's not like republicans are all teaching stem courses either, right leaning peole/classes are pretty much absent at universities afaik

Reality has a conservative bias.