The Queen is an asshole

The Queen is an asshole.

How does she still live?

>202 years later
>still salty af at the ass whuppin


Old fucking wench.

The state of New Jersey alone could take over your entire country and then leave the remains to be raped by the Irish and Scots.

The poor and the needy
are selfish and greedy
on heeeeeeer teeeeerms


Red coat detected

No one cares. The Queen is a shit head.

>coulda woulda shoulda

But didn't. Stay cucked bruv!

God Save The Queen

Oversees the commonwealth being invaded by shitskins. Fail. Time to become a republic and embrace our fellow shitskins instead of wasting energy giving deference to pasty gay ass royals.

>234 years later
>still salty af at the ass whuppin


There are lots of queens. You can't call her The Queen unless she's yours you fucking non-monarch


you do know who's in the Commonwealth right?

I was just speaking the Queen's English.

pic pls ;; )

>How does she still live?
Not for much longer, she's on the way out.

>can't wait, maybe Charles will be a reason for apathetic fags to get off their arses and republic already

Buds we burnt your shit to the ground....simmer down bubba

Imagine sneaking into her bedroom undetected then raping her

Kill yourself you pinko commie

elizabeth has done nothing wrong