>Be m e
>Be hapa (Japanese/Irish)
Hello yellowness my old friend
>realizse that Japan is actually white
>feel good to be pure white masterrace right dudes
Be m e
Those far east asians are really white.
you're just a double-reinforced nigger
No (you)'s for OP.
Why did you make this thread, you retarded cunt?
Do you think you are funny or clever?
This reads like nothing more than than the train of thought of a mental patient that has no hope of recovery.
Look at the flag before posting next time
oh how chinese never fail to try to piss of japs.
Lmao lmao angry Asia boys
>irish japanese halfbreed
Who shit in my soc class we were literally talking about Jap/Irish hapas, are you in my class?
I don't go to an American school
Why were u talking about Irish/Japanese specifically?
>implying you aren't 1/4th Korean rape baby.
Did one of your grandparents fight against the allies in WW2?
If yes, then you are one half honorary aryan and one half potato nigger meaning in result half-white.
If you are not a honorary aryan you are completly non-white.
hapa with asian father = well adjusted individual
hapa with white father = elliot rogers abomination
Pick one
Irish are fucking retards.
AM I WHITE threads are banned, so fuck off kid
Yes my family did fight for Japan in WW2
Why are Irish people not white tho
" white " means of descending from the Germanic tribe. Irish people are not Germanic.
>Why are Irish people not white tho
They are even worse then the anglos and even they are not white.
Anglos are truly the worst.
Can confirm
This is an I AM WHITE thread
>Why are Irish people not white tho
In the old days, the English complained that Irish slaves couldn't even boil a potato they're so useless.
japanada all the way (to hell)
Lol ok
I've been told they're white and never the opposite and it seemed logical
>feel bad to be half white masterrace dudes
It's a joke, mate.
No its not.
Anglos are the niggers of the white race.
Irish are even worse.
Stop messing with me jeez
I'm tired af that's why I made this thread lol