How do we stop black girls from BRAPing us?

How do we stop black girls from BRAPing us?

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White only establishments?

So that explains the smell. Just thought nigs had bad hygiene

I cropdust in public all the time

>Normal bodily functions are activism

Wow no wonder they never get anything done.


Its over

The white race is finished by the Big Black Fart

>nigger ape literally throwing its shit

Sounds like Fart Rape desu

so if she gets her way the sexual currency/desirability of black females hits ZERO, good plan dummy

Doesn't bother us, it can't possibly smell worse than their natural nigger stench


Sometimes it takes a simple leaf to see the truth we all miss.



activists are unaware of the horrors that get released from my ass they will regret this tactic, vegan communists can't compare with capitalist processed foods farts


Two weeks from now: "There is a new racist form of sexual harassment breeding on the notorious alt-right website known as Sup Forums, whereby men sexually shame black women for exercising their natural bodily functions." ~NYT

>implying it isnt already zero


WE WUZ KANGZ N QUEENS *farts and shits self*

Jokes on them I like the smell

>tfw fart fetishist
I hope they bombard me loudly and intimately

someone post it

A-are they stinky intentionally?

that's fart rape

Three weeks from now: "racists from Sup Forums are farting on black women"

Hmm, this might work. We don't want to be discriminatory though...maybe have black only establishments too, so they aren't left out?

Since she considers it militancy, you are free to strike her, as she sees it as purposefully attacking you.

Respectable leaf

Jokes on them, when ever someone smells anything bad, will automatically look at the black person

Hhhhholy zozzled my sides into space

we say BRRRRAAAAAPPP out loud every time they do it

BRAP back.

>tfw considering how ridiculous it is for any woman to think she can outfart you

Mass genocide

I thought god just wanted blind people to hate them too.

LOL niggers

It's just a poor excuse to shart ant any place.

There are thing's that go BRAP in the night.

And we are the ones who BRAP back

I'm sure there's a holocaust joke in there somewhere.

>niggers make themselves even more repulsive and unlikable


Inhale sharply and make yummy noises.

For once the leaf is correct

My prediction on self-immolation came true.

Next up will be actually throwing pooh in the streets as protest. I know occupy pooped in the street, but I'm talking about actual pooh flinging under the guise of protest. I think it will be fairly soon. Could even be this weekend. Could be Trump's reelection.

Fellow fart fetish bros

counterattack with superior aryan farting

This is a shill thread trying to slide this one.
Worst happening of all time is tomorrow. Inform yourself. Ignore shills.
Kek be with us.

>How do we stop black girls from BRAPing us?
you dont.....

I've actually had this happen to me
>having birthday party at a chuck e cheese
>with family/friends in party room
>unknown black woman sticks her ass in doorway
>suddenly leaves
>figure she accidentally walked into the wrong room
>then the smell hits me

Gas masks for everyone

haha wtf man.

I once farted on an old Muslim man, my ass directly pointed at his direction (and they were sickly stomach, coffee aggravated, ghastly farts) for 9 hours straight on an international flight. I wanted to lay down on all three seats after the takeoff, but then this hadjinigger took one of the seats, and I had to lay down on just two. That fact plus that he was in traditional sandnigger garb was enough cause to declare Holy War. I was hoping he'd be bothered and leave to find another seat. He didn't.

Felt guilty afterwards, probably wouldn't do it again.

>haha u kno what wud show dem raycyst whites?
>im gonna smell like ass around them all the time lol

>How do we stop black girls from BRAPing us?
Is this why black people smell like shit all the time?

Gas chambers for blacks

All black men must promise to only breed with white women until libtard black women SIT DOWN AND LEARN THEIR PLACE!

>I-it's not my natural smell or anything, you bigot! Just farting in close proximity to you, s-stupid ass cracka~
Poor excuse for poor hygiene.

they already do this...

it's like a reflex or something

They already fucking do. I don't know if it's their hair or what but niggers are so fucking nasty.

If she's halfway cute like the nutjob in OP, I wouldn't care.

In fact I'd probably take a big whiff.



You deserve a reward for that post.


good one lol

Zozzle is never going to happen.

Set the farts on fire?

Can AIDS be spread by fart particle?

thats 1/4 oz more than the entire canadian treasury

What did she mean by this?

I'd just tell her it's my fetish and smile as she walks away scared.

>having a nigger fart fetish

That's a good idea.

It will be separate, yet equal at the same time.

Interesting. I leave trails of crap dust around all of the beaners I work with. Is this a hidden war?

does it matter? who can tell the difference when a black person farts? they stink bad enough already that it might even be a relief.

This just reminded me of a time I farted in a little chink girls face. good times.

Hi guys,

Since I have never been in close proximity (2-3 meters was to closest I have ever been) to niggers, I have no idea, but my buddy told me that niggers smell, like really fucking much.

No matter how much they might shower.

Is this really correct?



>qt black girl in elevator with me
>"take dat white boi! Thats fo slavery n shiet!"
>"thank you mam"

You're a Turkish christian?

>mfw fart rape is real


that's a crime.
thank you jews.



Apparently, it's not fart rape if a woman does it.

Mmm tsundere sticky black woman making me hard

Nah I just hate muds and Islam, I like Christianity but don't currently believe.


mine started because of the braaap meme, not even kidding


My sweet little whorish Nora I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue came bursting out through your lips and if a gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual, fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.

You say when I go back you will suck me off and you want me to lick your cunt, you little depraved blackguard. I hope you will surprise me some time when I am asleep dressed, steal over to me with a whore’s glow in your slumberous eyes, gently undo button after button in the fly of my trousers and gently take out your lover’s fat mickey, lap it up in your moist mouth and suck away at it till it gets fatter and stiffer and comes off in your mouth. Sometimes too I shall surprise you asleep, lift up your skirts and open your drawers gently, then lie down gently by you and begin to lick lazily round your

>wow that's gross
>or is it...

bush. You will begin to stir uneasily then I will lick the lips of my darling’s cunt. You will begin to groan and grunt and sigh and fart with lust in your sleep. Then I will lick up faster and faster like a ravenous dog until your cunt is a mass of slime and your body wriggling wildly.

Goodnight, my little farting Nora, my dirty little fuckbird! There is one lovely word, darling, you have underlined to make me pull myself off better. Write me more about that and yourself, sweetly, dirtier, dirtier.


>all the most politically incorrect beliefs. I love God, I read the Bible, I've been baptized. I want my nation to prosper, and my people to be blessed by God.I also like girls.I find them enjoyable to be around, and even when they misbehave I am reminded that females are the weaker sex and need strong male leadership to know how to act. Every girl I've talked to about life eventually expresses a desire to submit to an uncompromising man who can set them straight. Maybe it's just because I'm tall and handsome, but girls always seem to be friendly and open around me.We just need to make our women great again. The CTR and Cultural Marxist anti-hetero conspiracy had been at work since WWII but look at them. They still love to be feminine and submissive and it takes almost nothing to turn them redpilled.13 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.>> Anonymous (ID: IdAfLCor) 01/20/17(Fri)02:39:53 No.107957241
I might be turned on if she farts next to me.

>[BRAPing intensifies]

so many deviants on Sup Forums

need a sturdy black gf to hold me down and make fun of me
