Friendly reminder that one of the biggest happenings in the history of Sup Forums is imminent.
Trump will be dead in roughly ten hours.
He will be assassinated for the greater good, Kek wills it.
>pic related
Are you ready, Sup Forums?
Friendly reminder that one of the biggest happenings in the history of Sup Forums is imminent.
Trump will be dead in roughly ten hours.
He will be assassinated for the greater good, Kek wills it.
>pic related
Are you ready, Sup Forums?
and Pence will assume the role
>all as planned
This post confirms it.
Turkroach, you realize that after he's sworn in--even now actually--this is one crime the ZOG takes seriously, given that7 out of 45 have either been shot or been grazed by a bullet?
you fuckingthink momma merkel going to protect you? And I'm sure they'll be thrilled to fly all the wat there and will totally buy "it was just a prank bro" esp when they see your shit skin.
Jews gonna blow up capitol hill.
Actual evidence.
Trump may very well die tomorrow.
>yfw USA balkanizes
>yfw south rises again following massive civil wat
I was OP in that thread. You're the guy that said the thread was epic, right?
Either way, I'm prepared for the various happenings that have been predicted in that thread.
Daily reminder that thread started as a "trips names" thread and quints aren't a significant get as they occur frequently
Trump will serve eight years, you faggots need to get over it and stop trying to harness memes
even cnn said shit like "if trump gets killed obama stays in office".
really makes you think.
The civil war breaks out, and we annihilate the left.
>Trump killed
>massive civil war breaks out
>dominant party becomes the only party with power
>pence takes over and begins passing sweeping legislation outlawing homosexuality
>without a compliant population the laws are enacted through force
>martial law declared and queers are abducted from their homes and converted
>100% heterosexual population causes white birth rates to skyrocket
>whites become the controlling force in the US once again
It is written
Leave it to a nigger to steal himself a third term.
>have reservations when Pence announced VP
>he's assassination insurance they say
>liberals becoming mindless in their hatred
>they don't care Pence is VP
>a neocon is just one bullet away from the presidency
I am also the first get in the picture
Calm down baguette, i love Trump. Also aryan here.
Ten hours my friend, ten hours
Digits Dis- carded
It is written.
At least we all get qt gfs
Fuck off Ahmed
If trump is touched there will be bloodshed
Obama will be the second last president of the United State and Trump will only have a few minutes and be the last one, just like Obama told him in his farewell speech.
Oh man them some pretty good digi-
I dont take anything a leaf says seriously. Jokes on that fucker, we'll see whos dead once the day of the rake comes around.
>trump gets assassinated
>pence becomes president
>usa becomes grand bishopric of america
the op called for trips
trips said riots
you're bad at this ahmed
Why the fuck is it always a fucking leaf with the gets??
Revelation? That is all.
Trump will survive unless kek gives this post digits
>Calm down baguette,
I don't give a fuck if you go to jail, it would be a good laugh. I went to school with someone in the secret service. Even if you aren't charged with anything, you are given a threat assessment number from 1-3. a 3 and it's an automatic year in a psych ward.
Fools those Secret service agents planning that plot are already taken care of The CIA may be pissed Trump won't take there shit, but all parties are payed off. The Clinton foundation didn't collapse for nothing it's payday baby!!!!!!
When this doesn't happen,
it will be proofs that
>mfw based Putin takes us back and saves us from ourselves
Because we're blessed by Kek. You mad muhammed?
You say as you bump this shit to the top, allowing others to see and complain as you have
My digits counter-confirm. Your Kek faggotry is trash lies. Trump will be President for at least 8 years.
1: Trump survives
2: Trump survives
3. Trump survives
5. Trump survives
6. Trump survives
7. Trump survives
8. Trump survives
9. Trump survives
we're done here
Pretty sure if he's sworn in and anything happened Pence would be President.
The only thing that disappointed me about Trump winning is the lowered risk of a happening, but if he were to be assasinated we'd get to experience the tears of a Trump victory AND the levels of happening we would've gotten under Hillary.
Singles and trump will survive
Kek wills it is literally the worst forced meme this site has ever came up with.
Nice LARPing faggot. My IP is in Germany and german privacy laws apply here. Also this is a satire board, i would be dumb to post anything here if i was actually related to a plot and there have been countless of these threads you fucking imbecile.
"pretty sure"
Lol are you sure. That's not what VP's are for.
friendly reminder that if leafs had command over meme magic they wouldn't have a tranny loving faggot running their shithole of a country
It'll be time for Sup Forums to read Neitzsche then, because God Emperor Trump will be victorious over Kek today.
>original post said "trips"
>but FUCKING LEAF rolled a more powerful get
These. And stop memeing this. And stop doing numerology. And quit with the frogs. Also in revelation. Described literally as "chaos". How are those for fucking Varg posts?
t. moloch
umm guys
what is kek telling us
Nice hair splitting abaddon
Nothing. Less than nothing. Insanity and evil
>Trump will be dead in roughly ten hours.
>Faggot believes making a threat will go unnoticed by secret service.
They are second in line, then Speaker of the House.
That's okay, honestly a Mattis presidency would be bretty gud.
Because you love your current one? You just sound like a buttblasted closeted vaginanose
Haven't you read the leftist memo? It's an assassination born out of LOVE, not hate. Just like islamic terrorism is very peaceful.
Leaf gets are invalid and even if he did get assassinated there would be no civil war. Stop roleplaying.
The first trips said that Ivanka will take the bullet for daddy. Everying other after that is just a number.
if singles, trump will be saved
>96 hours
thank god. I had no clue how I was gonna pay rent this month. Looks like I can just up and run off to join the Right Wing Death Squads.
screencapped and reported.
>My IP is in Germany and german privacy laws apply here.
German laws don't protect against threats. And we have extradition with germany. You really are fucking insulated aren't you?
There will be an attempt but he survives.
Press conference from his hospital bed, him running america from his hospital bed. Hes going well, hes doing great, hes very high energy.
Great for tv, great for his ratings, he will seem strong and unstoppable. They tried to stop him and failed.
Liberals will have to give good words because they will seem awful if they don't
staged? A hoax? A charade?
Maybe. Maybe not.
That was 2016, right?
Seems like proof that there are some things too impossible even for KEK
KekĀ“d heartily. If they want to waste their taxpayers money by flying over here, they should bring it. I have nothing to hide. It would be fun to see them explaining breaking geman privacy law because of a mere assumption based on repeating post numbers.
>paranoid ameritards