Are there any anti-depressant redpill infographics out there? I'm at my wits end and am considering inquiring about them, but I've also heard that they're sugar pills so I want to know before I commit myself to some ongoing scam.
Are there any anti-depressant redpill infographics out there...
Be careful with them, if you don't actually have a chemical imbalance and are more so 'emotionally' depressed, they'll make you manic.
They can cause ED, and can make you gain a ton of weight. If you miss a dose it can hit you like a truck mentally.
Mine work, sort of. Now instead of swinging from sadness to numbness to happiness and all back again I just get irritable way easier
Pill jew
They're probably useless for actually treating depression. I have some for off-label use as anti-histamines (allergy related) and they work pretty well for that but the doctor warned that taking them too long could permanently fuck you in the head.
That's what I'm after. My mood is all over the place, to a worrying extent. It's only getting worse. I can't take it anymore. I just want to be numb.
I won't say being numb is healthy user, but if it's what you want then that's your business. I'm on bupropion, but not all anti-depressants work the same from person to person, so if you get that then don't bank on getting the same results I do. Finding the right medicine and dose is trial and error. Once I'm due for my refill I'm going to try something new.
No infographic, but I can give you a fuckton of advice.
Here's the thing - anti-depressants work and serve a certain purpose, but they're vastly over-prescribed. Anti-depressants don't make you happy, however they prevent you falling into profound hopeless depression. They also reduce your capacity for real enjoyment and tend to make you more apathetic. Ideally you should only get on them temporarily if you're in serious trouble, like near-constant crushing depression and frequently thinking about suicide. For that, they can be incredible. HOWEVER, you should not start on them if you're in temporary shitty circumstances and your mood is accordingly shitty. They will do absolutely nothing if what's necessary to improve your mood is some change in your life. The biggest problem is people going on them and changing nothing about their life and expecting to be happy again.
You also have to know that while you don't get addicted to them like other drugs, the withdrawel is an absolute bitch.They are fucking awful to get off of once you're on they for any considerable amount of time.
Anti-depressants can and do work, they are successful at correcting or maintaining chemical imbalances inside the brain which is linked to multiple different personality disorders. That being said the side effects of most of them while minor initially get much worse over time. All anti-depressants get get worse over time because your body builds up a resistance. Meaning it starts off okay and for the first year or so you don't have to take that much medication which is why you might not see any of the side-effects like itching, burning, shadowy figures, ect. After a long enough time it becomes crucial to increase the dosage or else you're taking something that no longer works but, your body has become depended to function properly on which greatly increases the chance and severity of side effects. There is no real way to treat depression permanently my advise would be to see a therapist and get on medication but, don't think it'll magically all go away without effort on your end.
You don't need meds. You need to change every aspect of your life. It is clear that you are psychological unfit for your environment.
But you take your brain drain. You will probably kys in a few years.
I took Prozac. Here's my personal redpill:
>It does help you think more positively.
>It does not help you magically fix your life. Only you can do that. That takes sustained motivation.
>There are potential side effects, and some are serious. I experienced working memory loss, for one. Working memory is like this: "I want to make cereal -> I will take out a bowl -> I will take out milk -> I will pour cereal in a bowl -> I will pour milk in the same bowl -> I will use a spoon to eat it" . Random parts of this logical sequence were removed from my brain randomly while I was on Prozac.
It can also make your dick numb. Look up "Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction"
they work by regulating chemicals in your brain, if you don't have a chemical imbalance they'll make your depression either stay how it is or get worse.
i grew up in an abusive family, i made the mistake of saying i wanted to kill myself at like 12, and i got put on heavy doses of SSRIs. they didn't make the depression better, they flattened my emotions. instead of feeling good occasionally and like shit the rest of the time, i felt like nothing all the time. this turned my "i just want to get out of this bullshit" suicidal thoughts into "i want to kill myself for real" suicidal thoughts. if i didn't take myself off them against the advice of doctors, my family, etc at 16 i wouldn't be here today.
make damn well sure your depression isn't caused by something external before you go on them. if possible get a bunch of tests to make sure you actually have the chemical imbalance that these medications are designed to fix.
If only you'd listen to your own advise you easily give to other people.
came here to post this. please do not start taking pills, user.
I have changed every aspect of my life user. I won't go into who I used to be because it is none of your fucking business. So I have taken my own advice. Unless you thought I told him to kys. I didn't but I can see how someone that is illiterate might think so.
People that start using medication to fix their life instead of making positive life change are at a high risk for suicide. If you didn't know that then you are just an uneducated faggot that should go back to plebbit.
Yeah, nope, don't start. Honestly the best case scenario for you even if you get the right one will be a constant shitty mood with the occasional downs. Plus you'll feel worse than ever before if you decide afterwards that it's bullshit to keep spending money on them and stop. I'd seriously consider other options to improve your situation.
Psychedelics are the best solution. Pharma just wants you to keep using their products, they don't actually cure your depression. They only treat the symptoms.
>people that start using medication to fix their life are at a high risk for suicide.
I bet you think vaccines cause autism too. I'll never understand how people can be so insensitive and demonize others because of their own "success" stories that we all know are anything but. Good for you, you turned your shit life around and didn't need medication. Maybe you actually don't have a chemical imbalance in your brain that causes these thoughts.
I faked ADHD and take Dexedrine which helps depression. It motivates me to solve the source of the problem.
>hurr everyone who gets told they need anti depressants has a chemical imbalance
read and then jump off a cliff
The problem I have with your pushing of meds is that it is always the first step people like you push. It should be the last resort. The very last thing you should try is altering your brain chemistry with still very unrefined methods.
The best thing you can,do to make your life better is change your routine. Change how you live. See if that works, if it doesn't then change more. Don't just start shoveling pills because muh depression.
Its a temporary solution for a temporary problem
Nice argument there. So, because your parents were shit and didn't know how to handle your autistic ass they put you on drugs which made things worse that means nobody who's ever been prescribed anti-depressants has never needed them or benefited from them. Absolutely baffling how you can shit this sorry excuse for an argument out but, you are only good for shitposting.
Any info graphics about taking anti-depressants not because you're particularly depressed. But because you have anxiety - and are paranoid that you may be speaking your thoughts out loud.
I'll tell you about anti-depressants. and ADHD medication too. I was put on all of that shit when I was five years old.
my parents were stupid. so many people are fucking stupid in the modern world. they will make you think that you are also stupid and you need medication.
there are people walking around with 1 leg. there are stroke victims who are driving on the road. why does a sad person need anti-depressants so bad? the whole thing is a scam, just think about it.
I got off of everything when I was 16 and old enough to know it was shit. I gave some of my old ritalin to a guy that used to smoke meth and he told me it was almost just like real meth. why were they giving this shit to children? are they still giving it to them now?
I agree, it should be a last resort and is given out too freely. That doesn't mean there shouldn't be a last resort for people who can't see a way out. A good therapist can help with a lot of this if you can't do this on your own like some people can't.
just drink
the only pill that can actually help you is oxycontin
I take Effexor, and the amount of times I think about killing myself has dropped to almost zero. Sorry, guys.
Need some answers for this, friends
The "Sugar Pills" are SSRIs.
Do you flip flop moods a lot (are you bipolar as fuck) ? Lithium is the gold standard
Oh fuck, should I stop taking Zyrtec?
work out and create a set schedule, you don't need that shit.
Jus take mdma
are you liberal?
I had a writing class at uni some guy wrote a paper about anti depressants. Basically the companies making them found out the main chemical that does anything is found naturally in cashews and they just buried that shit he had found their string of emails. Don't know how or where.
Tl;Dr a handful of cashews has same effect as antidepressants
quit lying
Look into vitamin D and magnesium (the absorbable type, not the shit type).
Also magic mushrooms.
Get your testosterone tested too.
Ok i am cuck
Just smoke some grass every 3 nights or so. I haven't wanted to top myself or felt hopeless since I started doing so. 12 months in and all is good
I remember my parents put me on Ritalin in first fucking grade.
Obviously I never really experienced life before but sometimes I think trying all these bizzare drug cocktails on me over the years (and they switched it up alot) to try to treat my ADHD/Autism/OCD/Tourettes/etc probably did more harm than good.
I'm still a fuck up but fuck me if I'm going down the pill hole again. Eatting better, exercising, meditating, doing what I can.
>speaking thoughts out loud
look up intrusive thoughts
hint: anxiety and depression go hand in hand, you just don't know it
unlike everything else on Sup Forums there isn't some redpill you can use as an excuse. Depression is something you have to actually actively fight
no I'm serious
how do you think MDMA influenced your political beliefs?
While you lot are talk it about pills for depression can someone redpill me on sleeping pills for insomnia please, I'm having constant troubles sleeping, always have had troubles since I was a child
Mdma hasnt influenced my poliitical beliefs
It all comes down to chemical inbalance honestly. Melatonin is a naturally occuring thing that helps with that, go to a doctor and ask for some
bullshit. apparently it's some kind of ecstasy. everybody I know who has tried has some kind of liberal leaning. own up to yours.
When will you dumb faggots learn that the cure to depression/anxiety is going to the gym and working out for 30 min to an hour at least 3x a week for a prolonged period of time? You don't even have to lift, cardio is better for you.
So sick of hearing about depression like it's an actual thing everyone doesn't suffer from.
Or you know. Just buy melatonin at a store what with it being readily available and not requiring a prescription.
Or maybe im just not as susceptible to that kind of thing cause i chose what i think makes sense and dont just jump in with the sheep. Not hard to be awake
>So sick of hearing about depression like it's an actual thing everyone doesn't suffer from.
If you think this, you haven't actually suffered from clinical depression. It's not "the feels", it's a black hole in the pit of your stomach that only goes away when you're asleep. Exercise is only one part of a robust treatment plan for depression. Shut the fuck up.
>Expecting an anti-depressant to block histamine receptors
Sounds like you're already fucked in the head.
Most people dont understand that their hormones and vitamin levels are the main thing for mental health and that if somethings off then its literally real. Nobody eats properly anymore and are too exposed to crap hence why its so common now
I don't think either of you are wrong, I think the point is that nobody realises they actually have to TRY in order to see a decrease in depression.
I see too many people just medicated away sitting there waiting for the pills to fix it. Not going to happen
>It's some kind of ecstasy
It is the main ingredient in ectasy. Ectasy quality is all about the amount of mdma used. It's also been proven to be extremely useful in couples therapy but, was made illegal when hippies started abusing it and using it for recreation. Before you ask no, I don't take these kind of drugs and would rather it be used to benefit rather than taken in seedy clubs and bars.
Yeah, everyone feels that. It comes from being disatisfied with your life, which is normal, and experiencing a wide range of emotions many of which are unpleasant, which is also normal.
If you dumb fags would just bike for 30 min, 3x a week for 3 months, it's clinically proven to heavily mitigate depression. But the truth is you're all lazy fucks who want to press a button to succeed at life.
Why you so cranky
Right, depression is a chemical imbalance. I get that. Some people don't have the same chemicals running that others do. Got it. But nobody asks, "ok, but why? is there behavior that can reintroduce the chemicals? if i eliminate this behavior, will the chemicals come back?".
Instead, they just say "welp, guess I'm a victim, doc please give me a prescription because the medical system in a capitalist society maximizes profits as a subscription service and i dont know how to take care of myself so I'll let you fleece me because i dont know any better."
If it's legal in your country go for CBD products, do some research on what brand is most trusted and fuckin do it, don't fall for pharma Jew.
That's what I'm trying to say, but people become inordinately defensive about it because they desperately want to be a victim. Everyone in my family suffers from le depression and anxiety except for me, generally. The difference being that I maintain a positive attitude, I go to the gym 3x a week, and I take a solutions oriented approach to life. Rest of my family does the exact opposite. Guess who feels hopeless and throws their life away? That's not to say I don't have bad days or weeks, but it makes a huge difference.
Some day, hopefully, people will look back at all of this and wonder how millions of young people threw their life away over this depression meme. Of course you feel like shit, look how you spend your days lying in bed on your laptop.
>Nobody asks "but why"
>Hundred billion dollar industry dedicated specifically to researching and creating solutions to this
>expecting a company not to make any profit after spending billions on research, testing, patents, drug trials, and manufacturing
People who believe in this kind of boogeyman because they can't understand this shit isn't cheap and the government won't do it or couldn't afford to do it are a special kind of stupid.
My sister pulls this on my parents and the rest of the family and I wish society stopped pushing this meme and thereby ruining my family. It's the dumbest thing, preventing people from starting their lives.
Really guy? [You] need to figure out why you feel like shit and want to die. It's your behaviors that you need to look at and figure out what's working and what needs to be introduced. Your doctor only knows what you tell them. Come on man.
I've been doing an hour of cardio every day for the last 2 years and I still have crippling depression and social anxiety.
The only reason i workout is so I don't turn into a fat fuck, which would make my life even worse.
cunt i take the shit every blue moon and it turns me into Dylann Roof
Its not really about people not having the same, usually when you depelete certain things you will be susceptible to boughts of depression because your brain doesnt have what it needs to work.
Im not argueing on that aspect, i think medication is stupid for majority of it all because it interferres with your natural production of shit and will just fuck you up in the long wrong.
PHARMA COMPANIES ARE ABSOLUTE GOLDMINES IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ACTUALLY HELPING PEOPLE. They want everyone as hooked on shit and as unwell as possible so that its easier to control the masses
You should seriously get blood tests done to see what your deficient in and then you can go from that. Generally low vitamin D has a lot to do with depression, unless your depressed from some kind of life event
No shit, that's why people go to the doctor or see a therapist. They realize shit isn't right and need advice or a shoulder to lean on.
>But muh work ethic
Keep telling yourself that all you need is exercise when someone you deeply care about is diagnosed with a terminal illness or dies. Just because you think it works for you doesn't make everyone else lazy. Get off your high horse you don't know shit about life or other peoples lives.
Sorry to hear. Any trauma in your life? How much novelty are you able to introduce, do you have a very strict schedule? Are you lonely, could you get a pet or join a social group? Do you sit for prolonged periods of time? Isolation can wreck a person, perhaps you might want to try the slow approach of introducing small amounts of social interaction until you can build up to attending social gatherings where you can enjoy yourself. I mean, a lot of things to ask yourself, basically: "Are there any behaviors I have that make me feel generally crappy? And is there a behavior I could adopt that would make me feel more healthy?"
Exercise is more effective at curing depression. If you're the /fit/aussieanon that I know lurks around this time, maybe you should consider the pills but just know they aren't a magic bullet and take time to work. Also don't forget the side-effects
my argument against antidepressants:
if they successfully invented a drug which made you happier, surely EVERYONE would take it?
i consider myself content, not super happy but not sad, and i would take a pill which just made me happier all the time
>My mood is all over the place
Don't know how other people experienced depression, but when I had it I just felt absolutely no motivation whatsoever. Just pure boredom with existence itself.
>people will look back at all of this and wonder
It's no mystery, we're surrounded by a culture that happily perpetuates it. Binge watching on netlflix? epic! Ha ha can't live without wifi amirite??? LOL addicted to reddit!!!
Yep, it's a meme. I know when I've spent a week shitposting on Sup Forums I'm not in a good state. The internet is an echo chamber for depression, and you won't fight it unless you detach from it.
Yeah, something I realized when I got into business was that it's entirely about markets, especially in medicine. You found a cure? Cool, but what's the profit margin? A one shot cure will never get investment because it's not profitable.
The market for depression is huge. In some ways it's an artificial market, but it's just an exaggeration of general life misery that we call "deep depression."
They are absolute goldmines and to think it has nothing to do with helping people is just dumb. Why is it so hard to believe that you can help people, save lives, and still make money? Without these companies we wouldn't have the ever increasing average life expectancy we currently do.
Do you really think somebody should be dirt poor if it involves helping a human being live life?
This. I started taking CBD oil and it works wonders.
That's trauma and is different. But trauma also needs to be worked through. A therapist should guide you, but eventually like training wheels you need to be able to walk away from the therapist and be able to function. Sort of like a physical therapist, they show you what should work, and then you keep it up on your own. Some people have their T become their friend, which is tough and I get it, but you have to carve something out for yourself even if it feels impossible. What choice do you have?
That's a good way to make you go from anxious to wanting to kill yourself. My friend did that last year, he is not here this year.
You don't understand business. I've been involved in all kinds of investment for all sorts of companies, it's entirely about the shareholders and profit margins. What better product than one where you can say that you're helping people?
Everything is dirty. How do you think doctors get better at what they do? No one starts out perfect. They practice during their residency on low information patients who don't realize they should request not getting a resident, and then the resident does extra procedures to check off their checklist on the live patient in surgery. My sister saw this first hand in Hawaii. It's tough, but it's true.
Money and prestige and shareholders. Nothing else matters.
Lost my best friend 3yrs ago this month to similar
>tfw see him in my dreams
its probably your diet is shit. Probiotics motherfucker. Kefir, kombucha, fruits, leafy greens, salmon. Nothing processed. if it has more than 5 ingredients listed its not food and you shouldnt eat or drink it. Red meat, chickuns, etc sparingly. Also find purpose and get goals otherwise all the cardio and good diet in the world wont save you. Social anxiety stems from your lowly status in life, its a signal that you need to better yourself. depression and anxiety are jew memes to sell you drugs. they are real but you need to fix the cause, not the symptoms.
News flash: a HUGE amount of people suffering from mental disorders have gone through or are going through traumatic events in their lives. You've also changed your viewpoint from the whole "dumb fags just need to workout stop being lazy" to something a decent person would say.
Right but don't act like a huge number of middle class/upper class even lower class people with boring lives or who were coddled aren't a big part in pushing a meme of depression and anxiety. They're the ones who abused oxycontin and are now on heroin, or were dumb enough to fuck with benzos.
Of course some people have real problems, but I bet the majority of Sup Forums and college students are just empty and suffer from the "chemical imbalance."
>Says I don't understand business
>Offers no solution and won't because he can't think of one
If you understood business you'd know that in order to keep pumping out these medications you need to keep doing what? That's right. Making. Profit. Am I disagreeing there isn't a lot of nasty shit going on in business? Absolutely not, you'd be delusional to think that. You don't get money without having a product that at the end of the day doesn't get results, you don't get prestige without getting results. Shareholders leave if you don't get results. I don't see the point you're trying to make. This is how businesses survive they need to keep generating revenue the ones that go about it poorly or in illegal ways are just that, scumbags.
Ya know it amazes me that there can be flagrant examples of top people in the medical field being money-grubbing, murdering sociopaths like Martin Shkreli and people somehow assume he is an exception and let these companies feed them pills that alter the way they think. The difference between Shkreli and other medical leaders isn't good vs evil, its that Shkreli realized he doesn't have to pretend and tries to be funny by showing off his power level. That just goes to show how much pride can hurt a people. Too much pride to admit that maybe their assumptions are assumptions because people have paid the money and influence to make it so.
I also think it's important to work through trauma. Trauma doesn't have to be a death sentence, but when I was traumatized as a teen that's what it was essentially on every support forum. So I quit and 10 years later am managing much better. Most people can get their lives back under control in less time than that.
not even joking, take mushrooms, start with 2-3 grams, 5+ grams is a heroic dose, in the long run its cheaper, and after my first dose I found out the source of my depression was basically me, so I started working out, eating right, talking to women etc etc... it works, but only for like a year, so every year you gotta re-up, but if you don't do them regularly they help with mental issues tremendously.
And I'm saying the medications are worthless and nobody should take them. Not longer than a week anyway.
Break out of your locked in mindset, you're taking too many things for granted here. Why do the pills have to exist? They only exist because there's a market willing to buy it. Stop buying it.
I've offered the solution up top. If you can't find it, not my problem. Does the pharma industry have Sup Forums shills, that would be the ultimate meme.
I'm saying you aren't a medical professional and aren't in a position to tell other people what would make their lives better. Drug abuse and blanket prescriptions are rampant but, that isn't a doctor or therapists fault entirely. If somebody walks in with their minds made up they have clinical depression it's not your job to convince them otherwise.
Pharma is a disease on Western society. India handles it better than we do. It's why we've barely innovated in a big way in finding cures. Cures don't make money, it sucks. It's why biotech and all the gene editing hasn't picked up, aside from difficulty in testing it's too quick. If they ever caught on to something, they'd shut it down, chronic diseases are the ultimate product in the medical industry.
So you'd treat heart disease with exercise? I haven't been talking about anti-depressants but, all medications. There isn't a pharmaceutical company that only makes one medication and call it good they all have a bunch of different pills they produce. If you make money with anti-depressants but, lose money for producing a life saving medication you can cancel out the loss and still produce the medication or sell the medication off to another company that would produce it instead. Your solution to the big pharmaceutical industry is laughable and shows how much you don't understand about this industry.
Stop being a slave to ethos, jesus. Use your logos boy/girl. God gave you an intellect so that you could reflect.
You've lost me then, I'm talking about depression.
Most stupid post ever. Mushrooms et al are a gigantic mood amplifier. The slightest negative thing or suggestion can set you off on a bad trip where you don't want to go.
Wheat was the trigger for me. Every since I stopped eating wheat (other carb sources are okay) my mind has been clear and I've been feel great. If I eat just one portion of oats or something like that I will feel terrible for the rest of the day.
what?? look up the research dude they've done actual clinical studies proving that psylocybin can positively effect people with depression, what are you are shill for big pharma or something?
No, you were talking about companies that produce and sell anti-depressants. You brought up business and now you say that you've been talking about just depression this whole time then say I should reflect on my close minded views? Seriously...?
You sure you're not thinking of ecstasy for trauma?