>whites a minority in 2043 in america
>white homeland (europe) being flooded with mudslimes en masse with no limit, every relevant city is full of mudshits
>canada is full of pakis, poo on loos, chinks and mudslimes
>australia is full of chinks and lebs
>balkans are getting outbreed by filthy gypsies
what the fuck is the future of the white race? what is left? baltic and polish depopulated tundras?
Whites a minority in 2043 in america
/houston/ here. Half a century ago we sent white men to the moon. Now NASA is basicaly shut down and the city is filled with a sea of brown people. My son is already a minority in his own country. Not sure what to do senpai. The worst part is that kikes have infiltrated anything far right and we tear ourselves to pieces the minute any positive movement gets going. At least we got Trump. If he fucks us it's pretty much over I think.
trump is a civic nationalist you shouldn't be so hopeful you'll just end more disappointed
I blame welfare. You couldn't design a better system for making stupid people breed.
Hey it's something. If he builds a wall and beats Obama at deporting then gets reelected it will send a signal to the GOP the kind of party and policies we want. It's an ask sure. I don't know what else can be done right now though.
Nobody cares, wigger, especially not your DNA
Much adversity is upon Europe and the lands her descendants call home.
Hardship is required. Comfort, 21st century provides our people has made us petty and weak. Do not mistake my words for a luddite. There are too many distractions in life. People are too engrossed in the realities of others. Alongside this, is the propaganda the left crams down the mouths of our people. That is tolerance and diversity. Tolerance and diversity are the rallying cry of the destroyed and weak. The death cries of a defeated people. The best bet you can do as an individual is to work against this tides, slow it as much as we can till we can gather a pool of minds awakened to this bleak reality. Propagate a message to awaken the consciousness of the masses, in order to prevent this fatal future.
>what is left? baltic and polish depopulated tundras?
Yes. There were some people that tried to excel the investment we have in the forms of genetic makeup, but they lost. Now we're again no more than animals pushing each other around the prey. And whites aren't the winners in this kind of liberalism.
Trends can change and they have to
Deport all the refuggeeess to safe zone in syria paid for by the Gulf states......
in the past the boat fudges were placed in Libya. However, Qadaffi was killed and replaced by jihadis and no replacement was established.
>what the fuck is the future of the white race?
Literal armed revolution
Will it happen in our lifetimes? Who knows
USA still has more whites than all of Europe combined.
Even if we become a minority, the USA will have more whites than Europe.
Mass European immigration to the USA. Have babies.
Secure America!
Fuck off Mehmet.
It's funny because I was just talking to a friend about doing the same to Germany. Take advantage of your open borders and free schooling. Make a shit ton of babies with Anglo/Germanic blood and save Germany.
Obviously the flaw with your plan is we actually make it harder for whites to immigrate to America.
>mfw I'm a paki yet I am writing radical neonazi fiction and submitting it to publishers to see if one is crazy enough to publish it and history is crazy enough to make me the next schopenhaurer
You won't die on my watch, white man
america is like other countries next to its vicinity, full of mongrels. when you think of america what comes to your mind? new york,california,texas,chicago,miamo.
all places with almost no white ppl left. whites should get out of the shitty meth-den villages go back to the relevant cities and become the dominant culture
hmm, well, you could actually leverage our infrastructure but only if you are immune to the excessively cucked rhetoric that is spewn off here. Not that easy to isolate yourself from that "consensus position".
The benefit of USA is undoubtedly that you get better protection of your freedom and your self respect. The disadvantage is the high minority count.
>what are relative numbers
lel, usa also has got more non white people than europe combined, whats your fucking point?
>he hasn't embraced the apathy/schadenfreude pill yet
gonna be fun watching all the rapes and people getting the future they so dearly wanted
Move to Baytown, keep the property values high, and let the mudshits have Houston.
>centralize in Poland
>breed like hell
>spread like wildfire and scorch the earth with raw, organized fury.
I admit I am a little worried about the future of whites. Even if Europe turns in the far-right direction, and removes all kebab, in many countries the birthrates are still abysmally low. I'm afraid we'll see a population crash anyway
>USA still has more whites than all of Europe combined
Dude what? Do you even numbers? In absolute numbers, taken together, Europe has like 2-3 times the amount of white people that US does
>baltic and polish depopulated tundras?
Slavosphere, Cuckraine, Pooland, Belarus non-coubtey and Motherland
Come home white man.
das right we are the whitest in the world don't come here you shitskins
I'm actually moving to Baytown this year or next. It will be in a trailer though.