Digits confirm Trump's first executive order.
Universal concealed carry reciprocity
Digits confirm Trump's first executive order.
Universal concealed carry reciprocity
double decker wall
kill all niggers
Execution of all minorities and gays according to (((them)))
Cripples & Reporters get burned on Tuesdays.
Anime is real
build it
Well, shit.
Start diggin holes in water
Double winar
Big Mac, fries, and a Diet Coke.
I've waited a long time for this day.
wat does kek mean?
oh shit
it means lurk moar, fag
Kek confirms, anime will become real.
title IX nullified
Fugg, now trips? Quads will mean the cast of Hamilton gets hanged on the Mall.
Meme it!
Legalize killing anyone who identifies as a leftist
what did kek mean by this?
build death camp for mexicans
He will officially make obama care go away. Then replace it with almost the exact same thing but It will be bigger and better somehow and called trumpcare
make anime real
The wall becomes 10 feet higher
LGBT youths will now be encouraged by public schools to stick metal objects into a toaster
This will be accompanied by mandatory student demonstrations.
Universal concealed carry reciprocity
I like you.
Death to white people.
Pizzagate is real, investigation begins
Praise Kek
Order 66
All non-virginal women will be required by law to refer to their vaginas as "my filthy slut-hole"
The punishment for failing to do so is being sent to North Korea in a poorly maintainanced 60's-era NASA rocket.
> Canada making us build wall.
Next executive order.
We do need a northern wall tbqh
Friends with russia day.
Trump will audit the fed and issue treasury notes
Then he'll roundhouse kick an attempted assasin
Welfare offices across the country will be permanently closed to anyone who claims to be descended from Egyptian pharaohs or kings.
They will also be mummified and buried alive alongside their ancestor, King Tut.
>You'd be in jail
remove the canucks
He will execute order, 66
eternal comfiness for all believers
Truly, I am blessed by Kek.
First exec order to make Putin President.
maybe there is hope for a good and loving waifu
>it's a trap
>ib4 rigged numerals
martial law
>hitler dindu nothing wrong
>kosovo is zergia
Moonman will become the United States official mascot.
He will also become the mascot of every American football team.
Except he isn't really a mascot. He's actually the real-life incarnation of Moonman.
Make batman gay
Reform patent office to allow production of free energy, legalize all drugs, disclosure of immortality and aliens.
This will all happen.
Legal to kill Niggers
Invades Senegal and keeps Jammeh as the real president of gambia
That's more like it
Maybe declaring Taiwan a free NATO as well
fucking weeaboos
Praise be!
This user is a prophet of Kek!
Something related to the economy.
>free nation
>he gets trolled by anime on a Japanese Japanimation image forum
Everyone who opposes the Anime Reich will be involuntarily cast to star in a real-life cinema adaptation of Boku no Pico.
Tax returns are non-disclosure.
Russia becomes our new Greatest Ally
Trans Atlantic tunnel
In Russia, greatest ally becomes you!
All liberals will be required to wear small penis's on all clothing.
Trump is under psychic attack by reptilians, trying to reprogram him to fall in line with (((their))) agenda
Make me wake up 8 years ago and avoid killing my gf.
You need to take a fucking constitutional law class. Or at least wikipedia your retardation
Plot twist, he is a Russian plant and starts working Yeltsin-style
England, France, Italy leave the EU.
Germany elects AfD.
EU disbands
All the neg Russia vibes dissipate
China has a famine and massive die off
Modern day crusades
The popes resigns.
A meteor destroys Hawaii with a tidal wave.
Subsequent island volcanic activity finishes off anything else
The wall happens
Google caught in financial scandal
Investigation leads to spying and laundering for Israel
FBI becomes a powerhouse of honest and fair justice through misc appointments.
build wall around california
>Tfw liberals will all have to apply to Trumpcare
even: NK won't allow Trump to make first executive order due to fireworks
odd : releases moon landing documents proving it was a hoax
odd indeed
an ai gf in every home
>builds gallows
333 get
invasion of mehiko
hey user, that's a cool anaglyph pic
Trump will remove Sup Forums.
all niggers are gassed
fuk so close
Trump and Putin will meet for frozen yogurt and they will tweet a selfie to CNN on Twitter
shut down buzzfeed
be m ai gf