How do we deal with the problem of China?
China is only a problem for people who live near China. Especially Hong Kong, Formosa, and Tibet.
Better question: How does China deal with the problem(s) of China? They are literally one cat dumpling shortage away from total cultural breakdown.
Stop importing their shit and they implode.
Would it be worth teaming up with poo in loos, gooks, and japs to take on China?
You know how mosquitoes are being eradicated by introducing large amounts of sterile mosquitoes into the population? I propose that we get the chinks to produce a product that requires the use of a chemical that causes infertility in it's production. Due to their habit of leaking chemicals into the water supply this should take care of the problem fairly quickly.
Why don't you get your fucking gun and put your money where your mouth is?
start a war here before its too late
Trick India into nuking them
Ahh the south china sea. i would place my bet on that the next global conflict would be placed in that region. and a 9/10 chance that it just will be the USA vs China.
And we all know how terrible the US is at warfare...
yep it will happen around 2020 and rest of the world would be audience cheering for each side
go get em
give them more trucks, they will remove themselves.
How is Vietnam these days? Is it true that the Vietnamese are just southern chinks?
We don't. Politicians and businessmen only have loyalty to money.
We already deny reality just to please them.
no worries, as long as they don't have stuff that can make too big of a bang
Its simple. We reintroduce them to opium.
But they do
China, 5,000 years of culture, but no toilets, no clean water, no safe food.
Supposedly the TPP will eventually force them to act more negotiable. But honestly, at the way their middle class numbers are rising and average quality of life getting better, they won't be able to sustain the manufacturing powerhouse they once were. We just need to speed up the process and inhibit their ability to build their factories in third world countries.
Buy doing nothing and letting them deal with the eternal perfidious albion and their failed colonies such as australia and nz.
Hot, tbqhwyf
in China, you pay money, you can buy nice
the Communist Party know how to grow prostitutes.
Post more amateur chinese girls
If the theater of combat is the south china sea, we already won.
>Tibet-Xinjiang union
>Japan sweeps South Korean -> Manchuria
>Mongolia balloons its border
>all Vancouverites are sent back and forced to endure infuriating conditions after so much time in a clean land
we kissinger now
if you say so user, pic related
no money, no honey
>implying they can pull it off without an army and with a generation of bodypillow-fucking men
5,000 years of culture went down the shitter when Mao came. All that's left has emigrated to Taiwan and Singapore
Nuke them before they can nuke you back
There's no problem with China, the real problem is disgusting American imperialism
Third world country pls go
t. Fatfuck internet defense force
chyna chyna chyna!
No, someone who is directly affected by the South China Sea
can't wait for this. imma watch it at my backyard
Well it's Chinese land, stop complaining.
Let's have a beer while our faces melt from the nuclear radiation.
let Taiwan annex them already
Easy, Russia and America Split it in half and let some of the southern parts become a new country.
China is a problem because it's what Americans want to be politically.
let poo in loos deal with it
send black people back to africa with a trillion dollars and teach them to murica africa.
socialism with Chinese Characteristics
>China needs international waters so they can import foreigners and be controlled by foreigners banks
Says an increasingly nervous Jew who is in Asia to fuck prostitutes, while he preaches Christianity on every board.
Chinese are stupid enough to blow up the world by carelessness
>China is nothing of a threat, an useless nation that's gonna collapse on its own
>China is the biggest enemy our world faces, gib me mooar money to spend in military
You guys have to make up your mind mate
Restore the republic
>Implying a bunch of midget sea monkey island rice niggers can even attempt that shit again
The KMD and the CCP would team up to kick your asses again, you midget looking Serbian rice fucker. Japan has quite literally become severely autistic and haven't had a military in decades, there is no way China would lose to them in a conventional war as it stands.
Nuke their shitty sandcastles in the south china sea
This was actually a practice originating from Chinese public policy. The government would make you pay for the medical bills of whoever you hit, so in response, drivers simply started backing up and killing the wounded so they wouldn't have to pay their medical bills and they could claim that the killing was an accident.
The CCP just started executing people caught doing this on camera and it's actually stopped happening as much.
Socialism in action.
China is a pretty silly place
Not just medical bills. If the person became disabled you would have to pay their disability payments FOR LIFE. This is what a country with no social safety net, and no insurance is like.
I bet only the poor cucks get executed while the rich and party bosses still get away with it.
Just wait for them to have another civil war, its about time again.
Literaly ancap tiet shit
China is only a problem because they are btfoing americans. American century is over.
Fuck off, we won't start chimpouts on our own border. It will weaken russian army and already weak economy, and then US will attack us too.
We wont fall for same bait twice.
By being asian
Politics here is basically opposite of the french
French: chimpout > chimpout > riots > nothing > chimpouts
Chinese (and east asians/ seaniggers): nothing > nothing > nothing > nothing > mother of all happenings
Why is the first post always the best post?
Reave them to me
I personally feel that the Chinese are a naturally capitalist people. I was in Shanghai about a month ago and the poor fucking know how to make money. Hell, I come from a super capitalist Chinese family, they just seem to be naturally good at it.
You know you'd love the Chinese if they'd just let you slaughter North Koreans.
Full scale war and forced balkanization.
Fuck no, it's too cold up there. Let the bastards have a nuclear malfunction.
>army of anime watching neet faggots
we should export more
Hi English Teacher, I'm going to fly over this weekend. My chinese is getting a bit stale.
Yankees agree on multipolar world and the "problem" is solved.
China hasn't been as competent as the west since the 1300's or so when the Italian states surpassed it in GDP per capita.
China might end up with the largest economy in the world (might not if GDP per capita hits a ceiling soon) but it wouldn't be an overall more powerful or competent force than western Europe.
Over than 2 billion people speak English.
BTFO'ing America my ass. Especially when the country is so full of poverty and its fertility rates can be lower than even my country.
The eastern world will never rise to be this great.
>fertility rates
They have over a billion chinks over there.
Keep 'em coming user, I could watch these all day.
Should have left the USSR finish that attrocity of an experiment long ago.
inb4 the USSR was just bad.
Well that's true, but we would be left with one less commie shithole.
There will be more Indians in 2020.
The Chinese don't have it easy like us Westerners.
t.Communist party internet propaganda agent
The problem is, the chinks are becoming filthy rich, while average Amerifats and Europoors are going poor.
They're buying up land and property all over the world, slowly taking over Africa, and invading pretty much every country. They're taking away university positions from Westerners in every Western country and getting highly educated/taking high-paying jobs away from white kids.
If Emperor Trump goes through with his promises, he will put an end to this. We need to make it so these chinks are all dirt poor again. Trump has got the chinks shaking in their boots, afraid he's going to wreck their economy. President Xi aka Winnie the Pooh-looking old old fat pussy faggot is in Switzerland to convince the world powers to stop Trump. The chinks are deathly afraid.
Let Japan grow its balls back and rape Nanking again
It's NK the one with potential to rape Chinatown. Theyre testing nukes with enough range to cross the Pacific ocean.
The leash US put in Japan made too much damage
>the problem of China
No America, you are the problem.
The fact that you are looking to attack them in a place literally called "The South China Sea" says all that needs to be said about who are the good guys and who is the aggressor.
I really hope that the Russians have gotten smarter since the 90s and will refuse your offer of "friendship" a.k.a being useful idiots and cannon fodder for you.
>Should have left
This is the part where I stopped reading
how are you holding up pal? need to borrow more money?
t. greek capitalism
t. english teacher in sea
>The problem is, the chinks are becoming filthy rich, while average Amerifats and Europoors are going poor.
Chinks actually believe this? LOL the living standards of our poor is better than that of your upper middle class.
its still a thing
Fucking china niggers helped communists steal my clay
Chinks are truly souless insects.
Give them 50 years to rebuild their military and they will be gangbanging chink women once again.
Trump is anti-globalization, which fucks up China's plans
China's Xi Jinping Defends Globalization
Shouldn't have violated the NAP then.