>be me
>be in class
>teacher talks about trump and how its horrible he is elected
>everyone agrees
>1 or 2 people dont agree, but they dont say they disagree either
wtf do i do? my class is cucked
Wtf i hate my country now
bring your maga hat to class if digits
oh shit, how would i go about getting one of those?
Oh shit
Checks out.
They him why trumps better than hillary low iq sand nigger
Tell * irony
Du gamla du kedjade du cuckade nord. Jamal o muhammed får betalt för att käka chips o dricka cola. De våldtar o stjäl osv osv osv.
Jamal lär leva vi lär dö i norden.
Our country's cucked to hell, not just your class. Even our ¨anti immigrant¨ people are meek as fuck and our cucks take it to 11/10.
Snow nigger * im out
what's the problem of saying you disagree? are you people scared of voicing your opinions and become social outcast? I didn't know opinions hurt other people's feelings, you guys are doomed.
Do it
not just that, if you say anything "racist" there will be fucking heavy consequences no fucking joke. if id said anything that teacher would have failed me for fucking sure
You could make one. Shit, just get a baseball cap and write "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN"
Also, when you see my recurring digits, underneath you could write "DEPORT ALL SANDNIGGERS"
Meh, you would just get labeled a problem child and sent to a retard class, no biggie
jesus christ that would be way too much theyd have my ass for sure
If you don't voice your opinion then you're as much of a cuck as they are
I can't believe that in some western countries teacher can say what the kid should think about politics. Here the teacher would be fired for that
Step up sven
I think there is a rule or some shit now that teachers have to appeal to leftist ideals in their work.
Same thing here. Agreeing with Trump equals agreeing with the AfD equals agreeing with the Third Reich basically, not even kidding.
Most people were grimacing and playing along so they don't get on the shit list. Had an lolbertarian econ professor do this and I managed. The worst part was that it was during the primary and this actual redneck Cruz supporter would not stop moving the discussion over to his soapbox everyday.
This. They're cowards user. They speak freely like that when they think they're in an echo chamber but will crumble if someone stands up to them.
Just checked your flag. Okay most of them are Hilldawgs, but point still stands that there are some hiding their beliefs in order to not be persecuted as a fascist.
Oh the irony.
Most teachers are leftists from the get-go anyway. And the materials for class are largely left-wing oriented. And the state is leftist, giving left-wing instructions. And then we have the fact that our young tend to go with whatever is popular- feminism etc is popular as is... Hive mind mentality and left-wing idealism and then you add outward forces (commercials, politics etc) from the US and you get Cuckistan.
say "boo" or "wrong" every time they do this
You fucked up
what's racist about no agreeing with the other people? are they putting a gun over your head? if people can't take an opinion perhaps their value in society is nothing but cynical and hypocritical.
If you teacher fails you then take action, stop backing down, you don't live in a fascist nation.
I actually remember back in 8th grade I had a social studies teacher whose catchphrase was "I'm not going to tell you how to think, I'm going to give you the facts and let you make up your minds yourself."
He framed everything in an extremely liberal way, and used statistics and sides of the story that strongly favored liberal viewpoints and conclusions. The guy himself was constantly protesting in our state's capital against Republican causes. It was almost comical to me that he fancied himself a "center of the road" type in his teaching style.
Dude was a douche. He genuinely acknowledged what the actual problem was, or at least the criticism directed at it, then deluded himself into thinking he wasn't actively contributing to the problem. At least he wasn't doing it outright, I guess, but doing it under the guise of being unbiased is almost worse.
Ask him why heis concerned about the us election and wants sweden to get more mudslimes. Ps flag.
all of Sweden is cucked. the kikes have infiltrated all white countries with Marxism. the likes of Sweden, and Germany etc fell for it the most.
>tfw Swede FAGGOT is a maricon
Be silent. Keep your opinion and share it only with people you are sure in. It is not about cuckery. It is about you becoming someone before sounding your opinion so you will not have your life destroyed in one day by voicing out an unpopular opinion. While you are in school, an old USSR proverb about livivng in society with an ideological narrative is correct for you: "You spit up on them - they'll mop up. They spit on you - you'll drown".
You can borrow mine
>"You spit up on them - they'll mop up. They spit on you - you'll drown".
underage fag
did i tell you which fuciking grade im in? or even what type of fucking school im in?
This is genocide by stealth against Europeans by the (((usual suspects)))
Many of these politicians and Leftist supporting this nonsense don't realize that they are white as well and when we are all gone...they are next. Idiots.
kek wills it
Question for Sweedcuck:
I read at a Counter-Jihad forum that in Sweden when you vote you ask for a specific party ballot. So even though your vote is supposedly secret, the poll worker knows WHICH PARTY you voted for and can tell everybody. This is the main reason Sweden is so fucked because you don't really have a secret ballot, and you can face discrimination (job/education/benefits) for voting for the 'wrong' party.
Is this true?
No. You get a paper where you write the party you vote for.
Just the fact that you're still in (((school))) confirms it.
Well, excuse me because i want a good education so i can do better than the sandniggers who take the lower payed lower kill jobs.
Report the teacher to the headmaster you dingus. Teachers in sweden are not allowed to politically change your opinions by taking any political stands and express them
this fgt
Speak your views openly you pussy
Really? After everything else Sweden has done, this of all things is what makes you hate your country?
>when its time for prep class and Jontavious Mohammad has a weird fungus growing on the tip
Don't be a Swede, assert yourself
Just wait until after the inauguration and let him settle in, none of us know if he's going to do anything yet. He could totally suck as president. Just give it time. If he's great them everyone will change their tune. If you make a stand now and he turns out to be Dr Evil then you'll be the one getting the flak for it. Just keep your head down for now.
My God how Swedish can you get?
Being the loud lonely dissenter is the whole bloody point you waste of meatballs.
Wow a cucke d place in Sweden !? Not possible