First Beretta and now Sig Sauer.
I am waiting for a Trump tweet that this is unacceptable. It should be Colts or nothing.
First Beretta and now Sig Sauer.
I am waiting for a Trump tweet that this is unacceptable. It should be Colts or nothing.
Nah. Germans and Swiss make good funs.
A lot of American arms companies are producing parts in Mexico anyway, with shitty tolerances.
I'm pretty sure it has to do with winning contracts. I'm too lazy to look it up but I wonder if any US arms manufactures even bothered to compete.
These Sig Sauers will probs be made stateside like most US military arms
You realise anyone can bid to buy US arms contracts?
Damn I was just considering a P320 over a glock 19 too
The RfP should have said "American companies only can apply".
I think it is outrageous that they switch from an Italian company to a German-Swiss company. Is there no pride left? This contract is valued at 600 million, that is not peanuts.
I'd rather carry a Taurus than a Colt.
Pretty sure government contracts are required to be made in the US for most stuff. "American" companies are just as global as European companies, so as long as we have guns and jobs why should we care?
Also no one uses handguns in the military so it's not like it's a big deal. The few exceptions are people who are allowed to use whatever they want anyway.
Pretty retarded switch imo. They should have switched to a full sized glock. They make them in the USA too.
When you go total war mode having to import a gun from overseas is a Fucking pain
This. Pic related.
The real problem here is they picked the goddamn P320. What a fucking turd of a service pistol.
>that is not peanuts
You obviously don't know much about US government spending.
One of these cost over 1 million dollars.
sig sauer usa is an american company. just because it's owned by a german holding means shit you bratwurst idiot. also, the p320, as most sig guns, are engineered and designed in the usa. now fuck off nogunz achmed.
anybody in a gun battle facing rifles who has to resort to a shitty side arm with 1/3rd the range and capacity is dead anyway
I feel so sad for that fucking was one of the cool thing of being italian the fact that americans had our guns...i remember the beretta 93r in codename brokenarrow. :'( it was so cool, but now is all over.
Not for long with Trump as CinC.
sup nogunz
Fuck colt they sold out to the gun-grabbers years ago.
This is America, we buy the best product at the best price, no matter who produces it. Get with the program.
now that russia has a substantial influence in USA they'll be using russian made guns.
suck it pidora amerikanskie
>German-Swiss company
>sig sauer
except this is wrong you kebab eating subhuman.
Sig Sauer wined, dined, and hired a hooker to suck off whoever was the one that made the decision.
the US army is a buyer of arms production licenses and is subject to capitalist dynamics like any other buyer. normal countries design and produce their own armaments, but every institution in the US is like walmart buying its cheapest chinese stock.
SIG Sauer GmbH is a firearms manufacturer and importer. A partnership between Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft of Switzerland and Sauer & Sohn of Germany, it is the subsidiary of Lüke & Ortmeier Gruppe (L&O Holding), which also owns Swiss Arms AG. Initially SIG Sauer Inc was established in 1985 with the name Sigarms (until October 2007) to import and distribute SIG firearms into the United States.
sig sauer gmbh is not sig arms usa you fucking idiot. p320 as well as 99% of all sig guns are made by sig arms usa. now fuck off you dumbass nogunz.
and yeah schweizerische industrie gesellschaft sold the weapons mfg part decades ago you fucking idiot.
If I recall, procurements for DoD contracts can come from any NATO ally.
You realize the US government can just change their bidding standards when it comes to such things, right?
Why continue to support fucking Krauts when they won't even save themselves from Merkel and her rapefugees? Get your shit together and then we'll talk.
Make better guns then fgt.
Your army is pretty shit, if you're close enough to use a pistol you're close enough for a knife.
The enemy cannot shoot a gun if you disable his hand.
Fuck YOU dude. Sigs are top tier. Love sig.
Why is there a telephone cord on the pistol?
This, plus it'd be cheaper.
Besides when the US army hears a dog bark the house over they retreat back to base and then the Airforce blows up some Marines that were called in to patrol where the army was too pussy to go in.
>sig sauer gmbh is not sig arms usa you fucking idiot. p320 as well as 99% of all sig guns are made by sig arms usa. now fuck off you dumbass nogunz.
American guns for American soldiers, cheese Ahmed. An American gun is one which is produced by Americans, designed by Americans and is made by a company FOUNDED in America.
I understand cheese Ahmeds do not understand this simple fact, but America is for Americans. Not like Switzerland which has 30% foreigners in its country.
The australian cannot shitpost if you drive over his hand.
why did the happy car miss you ?
Remember this - the military's guns are made by the lowest bidder.
>American guns for American soldiers, cheese Ahmed. An American gun is one which is produced by Americans, designed by Americans and is made by a company FOUNDED in America.
I'm so happy the natives have come such a long way...all thanks to the yuropean white men
Because American sidearms are shit, the worst gun i ever had was a Ruger handgun. I traded it in for another Glock. Sure there are some reliable American sidearms.
>a company FOUNDED in America
sig arms usa was founded in the usa you uneducated underage nogunz. you actually believe someone founded sig arms usa in germany and then somehow made it into an american company? now stop kebab eater, you're embarrassing yourself.
Colt is basically a dead company and just a brand.
Try S&W
>g arms usa was founded in the usa you uneducated underage nogunz. you actually believe someone founded sig arms usa in germany and then somehow made it into an american company? now stop kebab eater, you're embarrassing yourself.
SIG Sauer. A partnership between Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft of Switzerland and Sauer & Sohn of Germany, it is the subsidiary of Lüke & Ortmeier Gruppe, which also owns Swiss Arms AG.
This is just a sham. Some foreign company opening a subsidiary in the US so they can say "we arz Muriccans!" is not enough.
The whole group has to be founded in America or it should not supply the army. This is about pride and Americanism. Fuck Germans. Fuck the Swiss. They should make weapons for their own cucked soldiers... or better, just make broomsticks.
>peoples face itt when they find out that M4s are made by FN for a very long time and not by colt
lol all these noguns itt
Weapon retention
I wonder if they ever got their shitty QC squared away. I'd assume they sorted it out when they made the move to Portsmouth but you know what they say about assuming things.
>Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft of Switzerland
oh look, another nogunz idiot.
again SIG sold the weapons mfg part in the 1990s. it's called san swissarms since then. SIG has no stake whatsoever in sig sauer. no you too can fuckk of and be a nogunz butter knife wielding faggot somewhere else.
same with the m249
fabrique national des arms, herstal, belgium.
M4s are made by their US subsidiary FNH USA.
Marine Corps tried going back to .45s
Marine Corps s all about muh history
I say we should make them go back to their original missions of punishing savages and leaving their broken, smoldering bodies for everyone else to see and doing raider shit in general
I have multiple Sigs, as well as a p320, awesome gun BTW and they are all made in the USA. Sigs are top quality and probably my favorite pistol manufacturer
American mfg P226 fucking when.
What kind of nonsense is this?
Well it's true, most of the US army light weapons are made by FN, under licence or not.
You fucking Jews can't keep getting away with this.
Pretty sure the Coast Guard already had a Sig P229 as the standard issue
"The most recent M4 contract, awarded to FN exclusively in 2013, was for $77 million with an order for 120,000 rifles."
>not using the most effective weapon
>valuing muh origin over function
swiss-german not russian
Those SIGs are made in the US.
Most Berettas were made in Maryland.
almost all p226 models, especially the mk25 are made in the usa.
Colt handguns are shit Italians make some of the best handguns
The biggest issue isn't price. When you want to sell a gun to the US Army, you have to sign over some kind of quasi-patent stuff. Most gun companies don't even bid for that reason. Example, you will never see Glock bid.
Please don't bully, it's one of the only remaining successfull industries in this socialist shithole wallonia.
Fucking flemishs & libtards also always try to take it down under the guise of "muh guns"
>$650 per AR
That's actually impressive considering.
1. Companies do not have nationalities
2. These particular guns are manufactured here according to U.S. standards
3. Our soldiers aren't Revolver Ocelot so a SAA isn't really viable
US military are noting more than welfare queens, you really think uncle sam will buy his plastic welfare soldiers top, or even mid quality side arms?
You get those when you are relocated to the middle east and protect israeli interests.
are you new or retarded?
>$650 per AR
Yes, very impressive considering how FN try to rob everyone with the ridiculous prices of their original rifles, SCAR, F2000, P90, FNS...
Automatic is pretty cheap when you can buy it. Glock 18 goes for $507 from Glock.
>you have to sign over some kind of quasi-patent stuff
that's bullshit you just made up.
>you will never see Glock bid
>3. Our soldiers aren't Revolver Ocelot so a SAA isn't really viable
Damn shame honestly. An entire military of that magnificent bastard would be amazing.
>euros produce best handguns
>they cant use them
>nothing every gets done because everyone is constantly trying to quadruple cross everyone else
>except swarms of bees, those are taken care of without a single shot fired
Both Beretta and Sig are made in the US. Sigs are made in Exeter NH.
It's just a strayapost, bruv. Move along.
as long as they build the factory and move their some offices here, it's cool
free trade motherfucker
Ok, mechanically it will function better and also has better quality magazines (which was largely the problem of the M9 in service related issues) that and lots of the handguns were from many generations of finger fucking from PVT fucknuts so naturally they would have issues.
Same will happen to these SIGs after they go through a few deployment cycles and neglect from to much use and no up keep, as in replacing parts that fail after several thousand rounds mechanically the tolerances begin to wear.
As for duty. Most conventional line units barely supply a side arm. MP's come to mind for common use where as line INF will only give it to officers, medics and the heavy weapons operator and to the 1SG as he drives around the CoP in a gator insulting privates filling sand bags.
nothing wrong with that statement.
Like I said, it would be amazing.
thats a typical australian shitpost
just literal garbage spewed forth by a spastic with tourettes
>posts a gun made in the usa
>wants to find himself unarmed when ISIS comes to take his ass alive
Even worse
>wants to put other soldiers in such situation
Anyone who proposes to send soldiers to Middle East and not provides them with sidearms carry 24/7 should be sent to Syria naked.
>As for duty. Most conventional line units barely supply a side arm
this man knows his shit.
Sigs are built in Newington New Hampshire, I work there.
More wasted taxpayer money. God bless America!
There's fucking nothing wrong with the Beretta m9 and pistols aren't even used anyway. But hey, it's easy to spend other people's money on pointless bullshit.
if the USA would pay its arms purchase debts to belgium, belgium could pay off its national debt....twice
Sigs fucking suck I can't wait to watch more soldiers die
Wait what? We OWE you? Jesus Christ Belgium this is serious business. Who do I need to get on the line to make this right?
Good to know. I'll confirm that myself, but the info is appreciated, /k/wissbro. Been shopping for a 226 to so I can retire my cheapo hi-point. Euro or US mfg never mattered much, I've just loved the mk25 since I first fired it.
They're pretty shit. Always have been, honestly, but fuddlore dictates them to shit gold and do no wrong. I don't think anyone can argue that the company is only interested in collector markets nowadays though.
The army doesn't issue pistols to most soldiers, pretty much only officers carry pistols because what kind of fag wants to carry a rifle around everywhere?
Why are those still around??
I thought the HMV had made them obsolete.
Same reason they don't use american steel.
Don't worry, Germany doesn't use german steel in its military equipment either.
If you touch an A-10 or Leopard 2, you know it came from Domnarvet steel works.
>The army doesn't issue pistols to most soldiers
What ? Your soldiers go CQB / door kicking with only their rifles ?
I don't know man but the US military using our guns is pretty good advertising so we good for the moment
>tfw Australia still stuck using 'bad sci-fi tv series' rifles
I swear whoever signed us up for this was doing it for a laugh
Chinese steel >>>>>>swedish steel