G'day cunts,
How are you all doing?
I'm sure you heard about Melbourne getting car'd
Memes and bants here.

Now for the news.

>Police chase driver in Melbourne's CBD, pedestrians hit, reports shots fired

>Lion Helm brings the bantz

>Nick Xenophon pushes to decriminalise public service leaks after Centrelink scandal

>Abetz insists Centrelink problems resolved (not really, shill cunt)

>Abbott criticises 'leadership revolving door' Trending Content&utm_content=58811aca04d30148f811d143&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=facebook

>Melbourne lord mayor Robert Doyle to propose ban on sleeping rough in city


Other urls found in this thread:


>pol is bored of this a mere 6 hours after it habbenig

Mates, my Uni posted this today on the Zuckerbook. What am I in for for the next couple of years?

rip Sup Forums user


I was there.

man, those buttblasted labor faggots

should have gotten a trade

you mean when it wasn't religion of peace?

nobody cared about the deaths or destruction, they only wanted their biases confirmed.

First 5 results for Wage Gap Myth on google are from Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Fortune and Time all saying it's stupid then BUZZFEED chimes in with it's tripe about it being like, totally legit.

Official Aus/pol/ theme:

What about that long facebook post about god and bullshit?

Was he christian? Why was he screaming allah ackbar out the window?

31, ex Army, Physically disabled from wounds sustained on Operations. No trade for this guy.

>just because of your gender


Crazy psychotic muslim

And what's the chance that they are comparing fast food workers or store clerks to miners getting paid stupid amounts of cash because of China?

>screaming allah ackbar out the window

let's be real: if there was any chance it was religion of peace then Sup Forums would be all over it.

>uber hacker
are LDP /oldmate/?

Lads I don't watch TV. Are they really saying that the Melbourne car incident was some sort of "domestic violence"?

Religion of piddle?

i heard him screaming out the window of the car in the 3+ vids ive seen

well i guess you're fucked
be like the burger vets and sell t-shirts and coffee

LDP attracts young autists, but they are not redpilled. Just mildly familiar with a few entry level memes.


rip vets

fuck this country isnt looking after its own people horrible fucking place.


I need that shit for facebook. You know the ones, where the libtards are on the ground making excuses for them after being run over...

But Gender is a Social Construct? So I could technically prove the GPG Myth by being at work one day, saying I am now Transgender and make sure HR know and see if they dock my wages 30.9%...

These fucking cunts...

Who is staying up to watch Trump sworn in?

It is going to be 3:30AM here when he takes the oath.

Too late for me mates. I will watch the highlights tomorrow morning.

Not one of them is rootable except maybe number 20.

Half the bitches I went to school with are in HR. The fucking cunts have got it piss easy and they get paid 70k+.

doesn't ryhmn do it again

90% of the public service is an absolute bludge. Women everywhere. Disgusting.

Nah I'm kind of over it. I'll see what he actually does from now on.

>I'll see what he actually does
I think he will be a mixed bag. Some good, some bad.

Post vids please


What happens if the USA goes to war with China? War with Russia won't affect us too much, but a war with China will affect us massively. Especially if we respect our longstanding strategic alliance.

>lets fully welcome refugees



meanwhile i cant get any work because of these dole bludging breeding stupid HR cunts taking work from men instead of you know staying at home and rasing children like BIOLOGY has dertermined the best way to function

Instead they buck the system and now we have no jobs, no rising birth rate and fucked immigration because these cunts keep getting abortions and turn around and blame MEN somehow

I hope I framed it well.

Can someone >zoomed words it? I'm on mobile (for what should be obvious reasons).

House prices will crash.

Hopefully they won't conscript anyone. I've been told modern warfare doesn't need heaps of soldiers but I have no idea.

Then it will truly be a great time to be alive

I was there. Pretty hectic.
Saw him get dragged out of the car etc

That's what they said on the news here this morning

>he was screaming
>must have been screaming islam shit

non argument

>House prices will crash

Fuck. I hate these high house prices, but a sudden crash will be disastrous without our citizens and government being prepared to act decisively and very harshly.

Well, it seems he was Greek going by his name, but still a good case for no more non-white immigration.

Look at that manlet wearing pedal pushers like a complete fag.

Honestly I can't take much more of this.

He was half Tongan half Greek. He said so on his plenty of fish profile.

>increasing numbers in the city
Why exactly is this a bad thing? Sounds like it would be a lot safer.

any videos of that happening?

Going by the name he is Greek. This is why we should stop all non-white immigration.

Dumb half-caste. That's where the Jews have us all headed.

We train to fight Russians user.

Anyone have any questions? Or are you all too just judging some fags clothing choice?

Did the cops stick the boot in?

Sorry, pretty drunk. I am trying to structure my sentences in an acceptable way.

Yes, when they dragged him out and beat him pretty badly, even after they tazed and shot him.

Just show and or tell us anything good you have that we wouldn't have seen/heard before.

Otherwise you are just attention whoring.

I haven't taken my family to the Sydney CBD since about 2006 - too many immigrants fouling the place up and making it dangerous. We just exist in the suburbs and the suburban shopping centers, but even this has become soiled over the last few years. I am currently planning to white-flight the family up to the mid north coast. When can us whites stop running?


Fuck treating him respectfully. Beat the shit out of him and cuff him as fast as possible so they can help the injured.

>even after they tazed and shot him
>shot him
I don't believe you

>Putting yourself on the Sup Forums pedestal of worldly enlightenment
If you want to know something, ask, that is all I am offering.

>Attending supertafe

He was shot in the arm
>Being bad at watching the news

I need a full video of the attack cunts

The only one I have seen is the one of him going round in circles

Yeah I don't have a tv

probably a tad excessive

You have the internet, dicklord

I know it sucks to live in melb settle down ay

No, he was still trying to get up after they dragged him out.

He'd be considered macho in Melbourne.

I was in the Navy prior, I lived all over and chose to live in Melbourne, friendo

M8 I don't really care he's just a by product of the faggoty system. I'm sure there'll be more to come.

Did he yell allah ackbar or not? Is this a terrorist event? Tell us more.


Reporting on a crime while the crim is in the background yelling out you.



fuck that cunt

Disastrous for who? Greedy property investors? Good. I'll be dancing a fucking jig if they ever get properly punished.

They'll probably have to tighten up immigration too. Even better.


thats like a whole new level of irony

Aussie on holiday here.

How's Australia going fellas?

Found pic related yesterday

im getting up at 5, i have an iq so il record and fast forward to good bits

Melboune got car'd

With writing like that I'm not sure you do have an IQ, m8.

Wait a second

What the fuck happened in Melbourne?

An IQ foxtel box faggot

Read the fucking OP.

Domestic violence man did some fully sik burnouts at flinders and swanston before he drove through people at bourke street mall.


Here's ya proof

Guy was driving in circles at the busiest Melbourne intersection. Then decided to drive on pedestrians for a bit.

Turns out he stabbed his brother earlier, may have kidnapped a woman shortly after that, and was currently on the run from the police.

Seems like he was an iced up leb who cracked.

Don;t think there's been an official report on who he was and his motvies, but there is shit like out there.

Our family will.

That reads like Spirit Science, Illuminati-confirmed bullshit, not Islam.

The guy was just a nutter, not a terrorist.

I'm working a 12 hour night shift so ill be fairly comfy watching it getting paid shitloads

Eye witnesses claim he was yelling about Hawaiian lolly shops while driving in circles. I guess it's just a "coincedence" he was claiming islamic ties in his online rants right?

The funny thing is the (((media))) have pushed that exact meme of not real islam crazy crack head so hard up normies poopers maybe it can be exploited...

You know this is just something our media does to us right? Tells us it wasn't terror related?

The guy who poured fuel and tried to burn down a bank and everyone inside months ago was also a Muslim, yet all the media trying to tell us it wasn't terror related. They are trying to hide the facts. They didn't even want to say he was Muslim in that instance.

Your first mistake was going to ECU cuck

Their Economics department must be cringing in embarrassment kek

>meant to be world leading institution with cutting edge research
>can't into basic microeconomics

Sydney CBD is fine, just go to the corporate end of town and it's at least 80% white during commuter times even taking into account international students, foreign workers and tourists

Every single political party in Australia except LDP and SFFFP are anti-gun. Liberals, labor and all the minor parties except those I mentioned before are anti-gun.

Do remember it was our CONSERVATIVE government that too away our guns. I don't like labor, but you are pretending like they are some how the "Anti-gun" party when both of our major political parties are.