I know the Inauguration hasn't started yet, but fuck it.
He's already dead. Get in here bro's, lets celebrate.
I know the Inauguration hasn't started yet, but fuck it.
He's already dead. Get in here bro's, lets celebrate.
The funny thing is, OP will end up dead soon while Trumps 8 years MAGA
Liberals don't have what it takes to assassinate someone.
if that happens...
goodbye usa
if digits, next post will come true
get ready for the 4D underwater checkers you CIA fucking shits
please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god please god
a fucking leaf
a fucking leaf
Normally I wouldn't respond to bait, but repurposed Sup Forums memes always make me smile.
I want to stuff her mouth with my fat cock head.
a fucking leaf
what is this from ?
Never ever.
The digits have spoken. The Trumpening is nigh!
American Sniper
>a fucking leaf
Kek, good man.
What is this from?
They've probably left the CTR shills locked in the basement.
Post address and I'll send you a bucket of my cum to eat. It might be a bit crusty and crispy, but should go well with sriracha.
Say it with me:
Nvm, found it... it's from a marilyn Manson video where he decapitates trump...
Fucking liberals man...
Aesthetic assassination masoyoni.
Tolerant towards all, except people with different opinions. Then it's okay to murder and torture, because "they're not really people". The hypocrisy is staggering, yet no one bats a fucking eye.
I lol'd
Also, kek will protect trump
Posting predictive programming
>Liberal obtains a gun and shoots Trump dead
>All leftist arguments against the Second Amendment are now null and void as liberals have used firearms in the manner that Jefferson intended when he wrote the Second Amendment: that it be used to protect yourself from perceived tyranny and elitist powers
>The gun debate is over
>Hell, existing gun restrictions based on liberal ideology are rolled back
>Pence is now president
>The liberals have created their absolute worst nightmare
I will never, ever understand why people don't see this.
No wonder (((they))) can control the populace so easily. So many fucking retards in this world, even in first world countries with access to great education and the vast wealth of the internet.
And that's why they call us cattle
Gonna miss you tacofriend :^(
You guys were my favorite brown guys
If they had the ability to kill him why wait this long? If he dies tomorrow that'd be the worst timing with the largest consequence.
all you get is tweets for the next 8 years. suck it world.
Only liberals get assassinated.
Lincoln, Kennedy, mlk, John Lennon, etc.
All libtards
Lincoln was a Republican and so was MLK.
There was an assassination attempt carried out on Ronald Reagan (Republican) and he was shot, but he survived.
Did you motherfuckers forget McKinley and Lincoln
Lincon was reublican.
Your post only proves me to believe that uneducated edgy teenagers like you post on this board.
Digits decide
I wonder how he will be killed, I'd go for a drone attack
stronk womyn 6: fuck trump
Boeing 747 strike confirmed
The movie "Limitless"
>Kill trump the moderate
>Extremist VP in powa
>Corporation dogs come after VP
You dont kill trump
trump is the devil you know now,The people that replace him are the devil we don't know
It is the TV show where the "good guy" in da movie is da baddy in the show
Thank you, Taco.
Kek killed Trump
God of chaos
>John Hinckley Jr. free
>people constantly compare Trump to Reagan
He's a goner.
RIP in peace.
He won't be assassinated
That's because Trump is going to be a God-Fuhrer, not a silly president.
>Kek Wills It.
Digits and ww3 will kick off
More memes for the meme god
Do Liberals own guns?
Mlk was a communist
Praise kek
Praise be with kek, show ur will troughthe numbers
Singles, No assasination
Doubles, Trump will be assasinated
Triples, Assasination will fail
Quads, Trump is next hitler
Lincoln was as much of a commie disguised as a Republican as Trump was disguised as a Democrat
>not a Chinese flag
Not canon.
He's dead Jim.
i've got to make this happen now...
Manson is an edgelord who hasn't been relevant since the '90s. I can't wait until he fucking dies.
The main channel of the maker of the Ebola-chan anime videos has been deleted by mass-flagging sensitive SJWs!
Sup Forums, she needs your help!