It's happening.
It's happening
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thats a nice image, but poor photography desu..
didnt include the entire subject, which is the apital building..
Are there any "drills" or anything going on?
Are jews or another group of ppl calling in sick or that they can't make it?
why are inauguration threads disappearing
what do the different flags mean?
>13 in circle
Fuck Canada.
>13 in square
Fuck Canada.
>50 in square
Fuck Canada.
13 is unlucky.
for you
13 original colonies
its a fucking rhombus you dip
Oh I'm shaking in my boots, try not to die too much for israel this time.
Here's some shit
I don't have cool font tho
From what I heard a bunch of Democrats won't show up.
And Obama's gearing up for his shadow government to take Trump's place if things go south.
Add to this that CNN is actively entertaining the thought of Trump's assassination.
Something's up.
I will cut their heads off if they do anything to God Emperor
Well, I recorded this earlier while listening to see if Fatty Un would launch his missirls. Anybody know what they're talking about?
Yeah, it's called a hissyfit.
you know how, when some people steal other people's copyrighted material, they make minor changes to it in the hopes that it's different enough that they don't get in trouble?
same situation here. the US flag is an illegal copy of the East India Company's flag, see pic related.
This reminds if that old Reagan ad "It's morning again in America"
Please gib invite to lodge I am craving some old wrinkly dicks
It doesn't have to be whole-shot especially if the subject is apparent or too big.
Is this the Mexican intellectual I heard so much about? I'm not impressed. 1/10 for actually trying
So why did you steal the French Revolution flag?????
Pic related your theft
The attack will take place.
Trump and his cabinet will not be harmed.
Yup, see here:
Pls keep this all year, shit looks fucking sweet.
It doesn't have to be a full shot but it should be wider since the subject image is wide, ruined photography opportunity desu
what do these different flags mean?
Low IQ people have shitty unoriginal flags. Look at Australia, America, etc. all faggots with no creativity.
The center flag is just the regular flag with all fifty states represented as stars.
The two left and the two right flags all have 13 stars which represent the original 13 colonies.
Perhaps but it might be a cropped image or just one of several.
I found your flag.
The sun is rising. It's time to
Just want to say thank you anons. Thank you for all you guys have done. Who would have thought we'd achieve this.
I have no idea but it's beautiful.
Kek wills it.
What did you just fucking say to me LEAF!!
Distress position?
you are welcome vlad
>Low IQ people have shitty unoriginal flags.
My hatred for Canada grows stronger every day.
So much gold in that picture. I like gold.
More like amber.
>unoriginal flags
Wakey wakey!
Wait has that dome on the top always been there? I've never noticed it.
Would the people who are against Trump's wall also be against having the iris on the stargate?
It's the most notable part of the Capital Building, Desu. Fake News OC inbound
The statute on top is called 'Armed Freedom', originally it's name was 'Freedom Triumphant in War and Peace.' But like DC's streets satanic layout, it's based of ancient of an ancient greek angel of Death. Whatevs.
>All aliens welcome!
Wouldn't want to be xenophobic now would we?
potato nigger is right.
No, for King George
What a beautiful place to go kaboom today
so happy, what time does the shit start
Funny how companies get mistaken for countries all because of a few flags and things called elections.
Thats because to capture the whole building from the ground you'd have to move past a statue and into a body of water, and you wouldnt be able to see the flags
It's jsut a flag pattern like how everyone has three fucking color stripes.
Currently on my way down town. About to hop on the metro
that's not what i said. i merely pointed out that america is literally a nigger country because even their flag is stolen
My point is the flag isnt stolen.
Spotted the millenial.
Stream starts at 9 bois:
yeah, your flag is so original teanigger
>steal peru flag
>add a fucking leaf
>It's happening.