Whites didn't do shit

ITT thread, we go through civilization advances and say which race actually invented it, so as to make white people acknowledge their inferiority. Feel free to use the Civ advancement tree and wikipedia to guide this exercise. I'll start and samefag:

Agriculture and cities: Mesopotamia, Indus Valley, Yellow River, New Guinea, Central Mexico, Inca-land, Central US (Amerindian) and Sub-Saharan Africa, simultaneous.

>Crickets in Europe

Other urls found in this thread:


Writing - Mesopotamia

Americans drew a dick on mars.

Alphabet - Phonecia

Writing is first found in eastern European caves, including the swastika and that Jew star, you Semite worshiping faggot

Ceremonial burial - Middle Eastern Neaderthals

Horsemanship - Mongolia, Khazakstan

Number system, mathematics, decimal system = India

Plastic surgery - India

>using electricity
>using a computer
>speaks English
>eats food from a refrigerator
>cooks it in a microwave
>talks oon a cell phone
>lives in the USA

fuck off you'd have NOTHING without whites and probably wouldn't even be alive as your grandparents would have died from some disease

First Iron Pillar and rustless smelting of Iron and first people to make steel (aka Damuscus Steel) - India

Prefabricated homes - India 1579

Almost every scientific advancement and invention - whites

Rulers/Scales - India 1500 BC

Weighing scales = India 2400 BC

Pooing in the street = India

Crescograph - India 20th Century

Europe: conquered them all and improved their shit.

Crucible steel - India 300 BC

Using hand to wipe instead of paper = India

Wootz Steel - India

Seemless celestial globe - India 1589

Designated pooping lanes

J Sharp:Visual J# programming language - India

Sending effluent into your only source of drinking water = India

Slavery, Asia.

Kojo (programming language) - India

Call Centres = India

Bathing in sewage

Carbon pigments and Inks - 4th Century BC - India

Iron and mercury coherer - 1899 - India

Here. Advancements have already been calculated

Refusing to bathe in anything but shitwater = India

Microwave Communication - 1895 - India

ez non complicated natural discoveries - NON- WHITE

space travel, chemistry, physics, modern medicine & technology - WHITE

Murty shearing interferometer - India

Electricity - Egyptians and Jews
Computer - Chinese
English - Indo-European, invented by Iranians (Urals)
Refrigeration - Chinese, Semites
>Microwave - fuck you honkey, I cook
USA - belongs to Amerindians


Has to Banter in English - 21st Century AD India.

Hang on that was a frenchman, not Indian

Mysorean rockets/First rocket in the world - 1780 - India

>The first public demonstration of microwave transmission was made by Jagadish Chandra Bose, in Calcutta, in 1895, two years before a similar demonstration by Marconi in England, and just a year after Oliver Lodge's commemorative lecture on Radio communication, following Hertz's death. Bose's revolutionary demonstration forms the foundation of the technology used in mobile telephony, radars, satellite communication, radios, television broadcast, WiFi, remote controls and countless other applications.

lol that's like me saying
>I invented a new knot
>rope inventor BTFO

Shampoo - 1762 - India

Anything pre-roman is almost certainly going to be nonwhite


But once you move into the 1500's onward, it's really hard to ignore the incredible dominance of European civilization. Especially in proportion to their numbers

Currency - Sumeria

That just means he was able to detect a signal from a distance, not speak through microwave communication


Toe stirrup - 500 BCE - India

Saunas = Estonia

Pseudomonas putida - species of man made micro organism to break down crude oil - India

Industrial revolution - Anglos

Chess - 200 CE - India

Ludo, Snakes and Ladders, Suits - India

Buttons - 2000 BCE - India

Space flight - perfected by African women

Calico - 11th century - India

Carding devices - 2nd Century CE - India

soap - Celts.
Stolen by Vikings, romans.

>Electricity - Egyptians and Jews
When you're talking about the development of electricity as a theoretical and practical technology, you're going to find names like Maxwell, Tesla, Volt, Faraday....etc


Muslin cloth - India

>Black box flight recorder
>Spray-on skin (Medical)
>Electronic pacemaker
>Google Maps
>Medical application of penicillin
>Cochlear implant (bionic ear)
>Electric drill
>Winged keel
>Wi-fi technology
>Ultrasound scanner
>Inflatable escape slide and raft
>Permanent-crease clothing
>Gardasil and Cervarix cancer vaccines
>Frazier lens
>Tank-bred tuna system
>Hills Hoist Clothes Rack
>Victa Lawn Mower

All Australian Inventions, thank me later poo-man

Yoga - India

Actually the first writing was found in the Danube river valley recently

shampoo in loo, yet no poo in loo

Conquered the descendants of all the faggots listed by OP - White people

Martial Arts - India

Shut up now. Read this

Cashmere wool - 3rd BCE - India

Peanut butter: Mesoamericans

Cotton cultivation - 5th Millennium BCE - India

Such brave women

Indigo dye - India

Jute cultivation - India

Sugar refinement - pre 647 CE - India

Conquered by the British - India
National hero was a pedophile - India
Washing floors with cow shit - India
Shit on streets - India
Inability to invade Pakistan - India (this was invented by India; all prior attempts at conquering Pakistan were successful)

Pooing in the loo - whites

You do realize that every invention your referring to was created long after the immigration of the Aryans into Indus Valley region, right?

Tjank you for the ability to shitpost whilst taking a shit.

A ability which i am utilizing right now.

First flush toilets in the world - India - 3300 BCE

Indoor plumbing and attached bathroom - India - 3300 BCE

All of these groundbreaking discoveries and you still couldn't figure out how to make a seat with a hole in it.

Seriously though, if you created all of this in the past, why are you still a third world shithole in 2017 AD?

Minus a couple of examples, which are really less than mind blowing.

AKS primality test - 2002 - India

and the only year.

Submarines - dutch

Finite Difference Interpolation - 665 CE - India

Stock market - Dutch

Algebraic abbreviations - 7th century - India

Fractional banking - Dutch

India is a fag, no sources. Probably reading off of a list he found on India fanboy site.

Pooing in the loo = India NEVER

Rolle's theorem - 1185 - India

Large scale water drainage - Dutch

>get a head-start
>still fall behind
what did nonwhites mean by this?

Modern land reclamation - Dutch


Kosambi-Karhunen-Loève theorem - India

Brahmagupta–Fibonacci identity - 668 CE - India


Fibonacci numbers - 700 A.D. - India

Why is it that Sup Forums brags about whites and their technological prowess, but ends up shitting on science every chance it gets?

>earth is flat
>global warming is a hoax
>vaccines cause autism
>peer reviewed study is wrong because I disagree with the conclusion
>muh degeneracy