Really makes you think
Yes, about the level of retardation of people who believe images in the pic are actually real/going to happen.
activates my peanuts
>Implying this isn't a utopia
Your capability to think is really impressive.
Prove it won't.
>disgracefully allowed himself to be brainwashed.
sage the bait
Lithuania running rampant again. When will Poland finally take you over again and assimilate to their culture completely so that you're nothing but a memory?
I wish
Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia:
wow looks nice
Prove it will, you're the one making the claim faggot.
It's only illegals that get the boot.
I wonder how retarded you have to be to believe that Trump is next Hitler? Same thing happened here - some lefties unironically believed that we elected NSDAP.
LOL does baby need their bottle and diaper changed.
Kek, liberals always blow everything out of poportion
I hope to Trump it does!
Fuck all mudshits!
> road to holy site accessible only to muslims
>labelling it apartheid
Fake news
>no muslims
>no mexicans
>return of non-shit architecture
>zeppelins making a comeback
Sign me up.
Looks good to me.
Whoa there. You can't use burden of proof! Evidence is sexist!
imagine it some other way
>Vatican is now forbidden for non Catholics!
>Zeppelins are coming back
I'm in for the 2020 campaign
And racist
>Muh burden of proof
So you can't actually prove it won't happen? Thought so.
Is Lithuania always this retarded? If that happens that's actually good for America. We don't need fucking Muslims here you libshits.
This is where you're mistaken, simpleton. We are smart enough to know that muslims bring peace and prosperity to the countries they come to. They boost the economy and bring in their culture (think about it (you probably don't do that often), how much more diverse the food scene in your city can become).
If you don't let them in daesh wins, because that's what they want. Only drumpftard rednecks don't understand that diversity is strength.
Yes, they can go back to their own countries and live there. They have no entitlement to ours.
Germany would disagree with you.
Holy fuck.
How bluepilled are you Lithuania?
Oh my god trump drinks water, he must be a nazi!
God this would awesome
But i gues trump will pussy out so stop crying nigger
>people die in your country because of muslims
I've had Muslim food in the US and China. It was shit. The Xinjiang Muslim food was good only because it was another version of already-Chinese food (like beef Guo Bao Rou).
We don't need their backwards ass legal/political medieval beliefs injected into our country.
>Everyone who disagrees with me is literally Hitler!
I don't really mind this, as it normalizes the nazis and holocaust. Every time you use the nazi card, we come closer to not fucking caring.
When that happens, "It's literally anuddah shoah".
Dig your own grave, jew.
this really got my garbonzo beans going
Are you retarded?
hitler hated jews, trump hates muslims what more proof do you need
zeppelins are fucking baller tho could rural and suburban DUMBFUCKS vote for CLUMPF? wow...
really makes you hope
How much Butkevicius pays you to post that propaganda shit?
Trump hates Muslims because they're trying to fucking blow up our country.
No they aren't. It's a small minority which blows people up and shoots at us. The majority of muslims, for the most part, do not blow us up or shoot at us.
Why do cute anime grills sometimes have sharp teeth
I like your second flag. Looks aesthetic.
Unrealistic. Piles of ash can't look afraid.
I'm convinced Horsey secretly admires Trump. Even when he's doing a comic against him, he draws Trump in a position of strength and power.
as nesuprantu, kaip polas iki dabar dar nesuprato, kad cia masalas
Are you retarded? This is (((Landsbergis))) tier
The Wall just moved 2,252 miles north.
Are you excited about all the Americans who are moving next door?!
looks like a paradise
Write in English so everyone could understand.
Butkevicius, Landsbergis, whats the fuckin difference? xD
who's this greasy whore? this is proof, you can't make chocolate out of shit... i fuckin hate women
Get out of white countries, lesser breed.
Only 3rd world shitholes have green in their flags
Butkevicius is an actual cuck
Landsbergis was our leader during our fight for freedom, he also triggers vatnikai
>green ID
Yah such a leader, who was ready to run away with his helicopter while our poor fooled people risked their lives.
they are called canines and if you dont have them go ahead and kill yourself.
Are all Lithuanians this stupid? What kind of absurd propaganda are you even posting on here? Yes, not wanting muslims from high terror nations to come over and not wanting people from Mexico to illegally come into your country and take advantage of government subsidies makes him Hitler.
You know what you're right lets just pull a Germany/Sweden and just let every single shitskin from West Asshole, Syria come over and fuck shit up by not integrating into society and committing crimes. Let let in every single person from South America who's illegal crossing our border because why not right? It's not like we're an actual country, we're a joke. After all, they're countries are shitty because of poverty and cartel violence, it's alright lets take them all and have them turn our country shitty too.
I understand that this is only a political cartoon but this shit is getting beyond ridiculous. Trump is not fucking Hitler. I'll gladly admit that he is like Adolf if he ever starts doing to retarded shit that ignorant libtard bitch about.
>muh gays are being sent to concentration camps
>muh niggas are being sent back to Africa
>muh women are all being raped
>muh muslims are being murdered
None of that shit is going to happen.
Yeah, I guess political leaders should have no protection and let themselves get assassinated in a crisis. You probably also hate Trump for using secret service.
Looks pretty glorious to me. Eye for an eye. SA treats non-muslims about the same.
That's the narrative of our mainstream media.
Most Lithuanians (apart from the intellectual elite) are very redpilled about rapefugees and support trump. Most of us don't want to have a shariah country. We're do not have the cuck mentality.
Those are not sharp, it's the row bending backwards. The closed mouth can express canines, and open usually shows it as separate.
Every time i see your flag i cringe
these threads always make me think whether someone is getting paid to make them, or whether anyone could be so brainwashed as to naively shill for an establishment that is currently bombing 7 countries full of poor brown people.
Trump can't get here fast enough.
No we are not stupid, we are divided. Dont listen what our government puppies are crying.
Now you got me confused. You just said that Trump is shit and muslims are good, but now your saying that we are redpilled about it and hate muslims and support trump, wut?
>how much more diverse the food scene in your city can become
you're right lithuanian bro I guess it's ok that Mahmoud will be raping our women because at the end of the day Ahmed can make me some delicious goat brain.
11/10 totally worth it
This is (You)r answer
The fuck? You just made a thread about "le drumpf is ebil and rayciss xddd" and now you're saying you support Trump? Pick one, faggot.
cucks thought it was inappropriate at the time, so we stole african flag. Well I wasn't the one who made decision so whatever.
I see no problem with this.
I can tell you that's only the media, here we hate the fucking muslims
This guy is a retarded troll. Ignore him please.
>implying I wouldn't support a 4rth reich if they had zeppelins
fuck you zeppelins are cash AF
The majority celebrate and encourage the ones who do kill and blow things up.
That's what I've been asking my self since childhood....
Dusk debile.
President Trump. House. Senate. Supreme Court. Libs are officially fucked. Top kek losers.
Put down the durnaropÄ™ bro....
Trump will bring back airships?
Yes. Please. Make lighter-than-air aircraft great again.
you guys fucked up, this was such a cool flag
Baiting for no reason is stupid just like the "durr hurr fooled you im not retarded."
I agree.
Please ignore OP, he's a retard.
Are you?
Just change it, the Africa tier one is just
ebin bait
>having a vector graphic on your flag
stupid burgers
Really makes you think...
literally nothing wrong with that picture
I literally can't wait for OP to happen, looks like heaven. The only problem is that muslims are still here and not dead or deported.
is there something wrong with that? i like how libshits think thats an insult
>Lugenpresse calling anyone else Nazis/fascists
Do they not know to stop doubling down or do they just lack any semblance of self-awareness?