Why is Trump very unpopular with the top artists?
Why is Trump very unpopular with the top artists?
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That would have been the headline no matter who played.
I'm starting to actually feel bad for them now. I couldn't imagine trying to construct a narrative about a concert going poorly. What a waste of time.
The music industry is run by people who are opposed to Trump. They control a musician's ability to have a concert ever again, or an actor's ability to ever be in a movie again. So the artists fall in line, because their interest in money is greater than every other interest.
Also. Jews.
>total disaster
Not an argument.
any artist who performed was ripped to shreds on social media, thats why it was a lot of semi-famous people who didn't have enough to lose to care.
>top artists
Most of them are owned by corporations. And do what their corporate masters order them to do.
> ×who are opposed to Trump
> ○who are opposed to racism
Top artists benefit from the corrupt establishment that Trump opposes.
Top artists are the best and most creative (characteristics of the left). The right (suppressed wannabe conservatives that despise extreemism and want linear behavior) want to force everything to stay conservative and "god" like.
The best and coolest artists would not exist because their freedom would not be expressed and would instead be SUPPRESSED in order to conform with the traditional values that the right try to push on them.
You speak like a child
you could have resurrected michael jackson and had him flawlessly recreate thriller and libs would have called it shit
>tfw Trent Reznor is against trump and pro Killary
Never trust the music jew
>You speak like a child
well...I can't top that!
>therefore, let us suppress conservative artists and cast them out of the music industry through corporate power.
>that surely is a sign of freedom of expression, ain't it?
Why was it a disaster?
im a musician and i hate liberals
because they are all under illuminati contracts
Trump is from God not owned by the Luciferian illuminati.
Why do you think the intelligence agencies are chomping at the bit to destroy him?!
Why do you think Kanye West is now with Trump?!
I wish it was all just a retarded conspiracy theory but the facts speak for themselves.
Oh and for those expecting Trump to be assassinated, rest easy, they have another plan now, to actually assassinate left wing public figures and blame Trump supporters, so then civil war starts, Trump then has to call in the military and implement Martial Law, this causes a revolt and Trump is overthrown.
Expect the chaos soon, but you will be looking in the wrong direction, its going to be a sacrificial lamb scenario and before you know it America is back in the clutches of the globalist elite Satanic death cult with all the mindless zombies giving up their liberties.
They don't see Trump is the anti-establishment figure and Hillary was the same old shit they supposedly hate, dumb brainwashed sheeple.
Who cares all politically engaged art is shit
what, like mariah carey?
I watched it and it was pretty good desu
>best and coolest
Real question, how can one be into music and not immediatly turn into a liberal/leftist/marxist shit ?
This whole area is full of them and so cock-sure about their own moral superiority
So he was right.
Was 3 Doors Down playing?
Trumps is an orange cockwomble.
Only total fucking retards would touch the vile cunt with their mother's penis.
I didn't say ALL musicians are liberal. I never implied that.
I'm saying that if it were up to the right, the branch of entertainment that represents leftist ideas would not exist, would be wiped out, eliminated. So obviously liberal artists have a legitimate reason to not want to assist Republican politicians. I don't know what's so complicated about what I'm saying.
All the popular bands are owned by left wing people.
the laws aren't racist, unless every politician is a racist. enforcing the law isn't racist.
Here's a (you). I heard what you said and I got BTFO twice in a row. You guyz r good!.
Because they do exactly as their record company masters tell them to do
>implying that whatever garbage the (((media))) is pushing right now counts as "top art"
It was kinda like a filter for me, the artists that turned up either couldn't give a shit about politics, or were on the trump train, either way they wern't left leaning faggots, so i looked them up.
Now i'm a fan of Toby keith.
What have you done..
Most non-pop artists tend to be down to earth over here at least, music schools are for learning music, not learning about political agendas
Majority of "artists" are rich people who live in their own bubble gated communities.
Because there's a gaggle of media and leftists ready to pounce, write bitchy opinion articles, and start petitions calling for boycotts of any artist that isn't anti-Trump.
Even if you love Trump, it's a shitty career move to associate with him right now, and so the only artists willing to do it are those without careers, those with dead careers who could use any publicity, and those who rare few with fan bases that aren't insane. Or I guess they might love him so much they're willing to take the damage.
The whole inauguration concert comparison shit is retarded
They are afraid cause they need to get a real job now.
which is why you arent famous no matter how talented you are, don't want you and your wild ideas getting out there to the public now.
Now if you are ready to sign a deal with the devil you can be a top selling artist, but you will do as they tell you.
Conservative artists:
>Nice art
>Has an impact on society and on the individual
Liberal art:
>Nigger trap music with a lot of bass and sounds that can be compared to a broken garage door trying to open
>Shit modern art
>Has a negative impact on society and the individual
>Forgettable when the new hip liberal trend comes over
>Artists come and go and no one will ever remember them
Beat me to it.
Nevermind, I searched for a recap, there was nothing wrong with it, liberals are just mad.
Kinda reminds me of Sup Forumsirgins who cant play exclusives and call the game shit.
The military band was awesome, the best, in fact.
From the Anthem, without stupid vocal pop tricks to Glory, glory, wich was trully glorious.
I always disliked country music until I started working at a club where two girls danced to it (former strip club DJ). It eats into your soul and no one can resist it after a while.
Play metal.
should have hired amon amarth and manowar
>which is why you arent famous no
More like conservative music fucking sucks since you can't talk about shit except for timeless relationship issues and it must stay pg-13 (I'm looking at you country) and that's why it doesn't make money.
Let me know your top three artists and one song from each.
they don't even live in communities, they spend most of their days surrounded by people they hired, in places the public is not allowed.
Liberalism used to be harmless fun for teenagers in all-white, safe countries.
>Liking Elvis Presley was once considered radical and degenerate liberalism
>Those same people would now be considered 'old racist conservatives'
Liberalism has now become dangerous and threatens the fate of Western civilization. Hippies and liberals cant do much damage to themselves unless they are put in control of government and immigration issues, which was never the case in generations gone by. Kids had their fun, adults looked after the country. Eventually the window shifted so much though that the sheep thought it would be a good idea to let the wolves in the pen. The enemy is inside the gates, and they have found a weak, fat prey on which to feast.
>Now i'm a fan of Toby keith.
shit, so am i
Because he's super popular with autists
>Why is Trump very unpopular with the top artists?
Whores think they can be fussy?
Whores think they can be fussy?
Inauguration CONCERT, what a pleb tier dumb bullshit.
>Liberalism has now become dangerous and threatens the fate of Western civilization
I agree with that. I don't want men using women's bafrooms and vice versa and I also don't want men adopting kids but that has nothing to do with liberal artists since liberal artists don't sing about that shit.
Sure they do have some pretty violent themes and sexual content but that's different than what you're talking about.
>be Carla Bruni
>be a left wing idol, everything you do is amazing including your music and you're so progressive
>marry sarkozy
>suddenly become a money grabber whore who got to where you are because you sold your ass and you could never sing anyway
he's cool with kanye though, who is basically the king of nig music
By not giving a fuck and doing your thing, like in any other work environement
thats GOOD
top artists are shit
Slayer should perform
i think u r trying to say that u r a faggot
and then proceed to call Jackson white, while Shaun King tweets more stupid shit pretending to be black.
No. You're wrong. He's right. It's impossible to be influenced by the left and liberals. If you turn out fucked up it's because of liberals and the left. People don't have freedom to do what they want and stand their ground don'tcha know.
Always the left's fault for luring people into the dark side.
>Why is Trump very unpopular with the top artists?
The "top artists" do not live in the real world. They are shielded from reality by layer after layer of personal assistants, managers, producers, accountants, agents, and roadies.
When you wake up in the morning, you have certain stuff you have to do, right? Take a shower, grab some breakfast, hit the road by a certain time to make it to work, get through the day of miserable labor, come home, make supper, clean the house, then maybe, just maybe, you might have a couple hours to do as you please.
Artists like those of whom you speak have no such schedule. They wake up and do as they please. All day. Every day.
If they don't want to deal with street niggers, they just don't. If they don't want to deal with the police, they don't. If they don't want to see any homeless people, they don't look out the window on the way to the spa.
They don't ever worry about money so they have no concept of the economy. Is it good, is it bad, how would you know if you had all the money you could possibly spend?
They are detached from you, and me, and they feel a little guilty about that. Many of them don't feel like they've "earned" stardom, and many of them haven't. Maybe they just got there on good looks and charm. In any case, this kind of general guilt about a pleasurable lifestyle leads to liberal attitudes. "Yes, more gibs for the peoples, I'm in favor of it." "Yes, I'm a flaming homosexual so there's obviously nothing wrong with gay marriage." "Yes, I do drugs. LEGALIZE IT!" And so on, and so on, and so on.
These are not people whose opinions should be valued on any important matter whatsoever, let alone hardball American politics. Yet there they are, waving their little flags and making sure everyone hears what's on their tiny little brainlets. Vanity. And the MSM will make sure you get a fucking EARFUL of it.
You speak like an adult!
I also thought so the first time
but anti Trump wave is also spreading to ordinary people.
It's real.
Trump says opinion against him is hoax
but everything inside US will be hoax under the standard of him and his supporters.
>It's impossible to NOT be influenced by the left and liberals
...is what I meant to say. You get my point.
>liberal music
>conservative music
You know, partisanship is getting out of hand at this point. I'll just stick to telling you that country music isn't all "PG-13", and comparing what gets play on the radio stations you never listen to anyway to whatever your favorite niche band is, is retarded. I'll throw you a few tunes from country artists though just for fun.
Maybe you'll like em, maybe you won't, but if you're gonna trash a genre you should at least give it a real chance first, faggot.
>The mainstream artists are the best and most creative.
Nice bait you have there sonny.
>Why is Trump very unpopular with the top artists?
because the top artists all receive their paychecks from kikes.
>Why is Trump very unpopular with the top autists?
I fapped to that pic
Yeah don't worry
Well yeah, Toby Keith's pretty based, or at least he doesn't care. He's always performing for the troops, though I don't think he ever served.
>Manlets, trannies, and feminists BTFO
It's wrong, that is what is complicated. You're conflating the classical definition of liberalism with the modern political definition in a big way, which is incorrect.
As a pro-tip: both american political parties are fairly liberal. Conservatives are not time-locked in the 1950's.
I'm assuming you're implying the right is the most creative.
Tell me who you think is the most creative artist then?
>I can't believe I'm biting this shit
>Why is Trump very unpopular with the top artists?
Because rabid leftists will try to destroy their careers if they perform for literally Hitler.
>I am a slave who hates freedom
Explain exactly what's wrong with legalizing drugs, espcially when so much of their harm comes from being illegal.
Literally this
how long until the inauguration starts?
Only rural and suburban retards voted Trump.
City people voted Hillary.
7 hours, 41 minutes.
Obviously this. Any number of acts could have given perfect performances and sites like the Huffpost and Salon would have this as the headline anyway.
>so much of their harm comes from being illegal
Yeah, everyone would be better off if heroin was legal.
Trump isn't racist by the definition of the word
In fact, most Japanese would be more racist than he is.
Wtf cares what musicians or actors think?
Celebrity culture has turned everybody's minds into mush.
Why do sheep like you put so much value in their shitty opinions? How are their opinions anymore relevant or valid than that of a plumber, farmer or business man?
As with politicians their livelihoods rely on people liking them and offending as few of them as possible.
Their entire existence is a popularity contest.
Successfully fishing for likes, favourable press or suckers to buy your crap is much harder if you go against the mainstream ideological grain.
It is just a matter of time before these people change their tunes as they always do.
The new right are the creative, edgy rebels and the leftists are the stiffs who want to censor ideas and want people to conform to their ideology.
>Conservatives are not time-locked in the 1950's
Yeah, no shit but they pretend to be. Even the most conservative people nowadays are a utter disgrace to the the real conservationism back in the day but still deny they've gone out of conservatism.
They are the ones who are never satisfied. They want as much freedom as they desire to be happy but want everyone else to stop right there with them. They basically will only be happy if everyone mirrors them.
Basically to buy your way into Republican conservative status you just need to show up to church be white no matter how much fucked up shit you do. Otherwise you're a part of the problem.
Kikes have to make those sweet prison bucks.
>flag isn't a leaf
You're doing it wrong user.
thats not true now is it? if he had A list celebs, and people actually liked trump, then it would have been a different story.
its a disaster because no one but some shit tier artists wanted to play for him. (and they didnt actually want to, they just had to do it)
Is anyone even going to remember?
Look at how much people still talk about Obama's inauguration concert. Oh wait.
Because musicians are predominately to the left and the ones who weren't had their business or life threatened.
Trump was a national intelligence test.
America failed.
What's complicated (apart from you having to explain it twice in slightly different ways) is that your hypothetical situation exists today, but in reverse. Right wing artists are actively suppressed by the industry, so we're 'left' looking at a skewed picture. Don't whinge about it - those 'best and most creative' people are already supported within a corrupted system. It's awful that artists cannot express their true selves for fear of what might happen.
But yeah, Trump is literally Hitler, right?
t. Fucking right wing artist.
Are you telling us that your mother has a penis?
>I have ways of curing that...