Well Sup Forums, what are you going to do?

Well Sup Forums, what are you going to do?

Crush watermelons and stomp on KFC in front of them


This really is what it's all about. These people desperately want to be remembered for something. They want to go down in the history books. They are willing to convince themselves that Trump is hitler in order to role play as freedom fighters. This is what happens when virtue signaling spirals out of control.

post memes online and jerk off to 20 year old anime

i'm gonna do it /po/

i'm gonna jack off to tranny porn

Why are they so nostalgic for horrible events?

'ave a giggle at whities claiming they're darkies

What rights are being restricted right now?

Does this mean I get to turn a firehose on some uppity negroes?

Teach me to make paper swans, senpai.

Sometimes I want the race traitor libcucks to get exactly what they want in some alternate dimension. Just so they could see how much they fucked up once the niggers turn on them.

god damn i hate that race baiting piece of shit

i wonder if he actually think's he's black or if he's just pulling one over on people.

I've met cucks like him. They honestly love everything nigger and are ashamed of being white. They do a shit ton of drugs and usually have below average IQ.

I'd love to see some water cannon action. Blow these berntards and niggers down the streets.

they're kind of right to be scared though
we're going to crush dissent into oblivian
Amendment 0 - Those who dare disparage the God Emperor will be executed as traitors daily on C-SPAN 3

Is that guy still a thing?

oooh Now you gotta teach him. Kek demands it.

>I'll leave a like on a facebook page, that will show them

Lynch niggers?

>tfw wont be operating the firehoses

If I had known about the coming Civil Rights 2: the sequel nobody needed or asked for, I woulda signed on to be a firefighter well in advance.

Have you ever wondered what it must be like to be Shaun King? It must be very hard, being that duplicitous, he must not get a lot of sleep or even moments of calm.

welp, they did this to themselves.

>Well Sup Forums, what are you going to do?
watch from my computer while police do the best they can to protect the CIA and Nazi Collaborator cannon fodder.
Wait for the movie to come out in March.
Ghost in the Shell gonna be sick


It's kind of funny, because the people that go down in history will not be them, it will be those single men that masturbate to anime and their fucking frog god, in a few decades you will see this image next to President Trump in the history books and you will have to explain to your children how this all came to be and you will start with, "well Jimmy, there once was a group of edgy, yet lovable turbo-autists, who liked anime a bit too much...

Why dis white boy tryna act tough tho? He don't even got da Melanin to protect against skin cancer. Ain't no real Kingz & Queenz BAKA.

I say let them.
The more they amp themselves up to violent behavior, the more they'll force violent behavior out of white men.

And when two sides take action, the whiter one wins by default.

play the role of the baddies well!

God I wish I could think of a way to scam these liberal fucking retards out of their money.

>you somehow have a loving family and grandkids
>one day the grandkids show up and ask you what the election of 2016 was like
>"well kids, it all started with this fucking frog..."

interestingly this motivates me to succeed more than the idea of family itself does

he got hired by THE YOUNG TURKS

so did he ever address questions about those fake charities he used to scam people out of hundred of thousands of dollars?

i guess if he was alive in the civil rights movement he'd just be stealing money

>This really is what it's all about. These people desperately want to be remembered for something.
I remember someone on Sup Forums saying exactly that almost a year ago
Ever since then their behavior made sense to me.

Just say you are going to petition a recount for the election.

Drama queens