Mods are asleep: Post your doggos

Black pure bred German Shepherd girl, 10 months (still technically a pupper).



>pls throw snowball

Mmm, your doggo has some pretty lips I have to say.

Cute. Does she like playing fetch?



jej, thought doggo was chickens, good stealth camo.

he is patrolling the rabbit hutch lol its his form of tv

Nice duhbs and nice doggo! Is he a rottie?

yes, she absolutely loves playing fetch with her frisbee. It's nice because she has a lot of energy and it wears her out quickly

5 1/2 month old Newfoundland. Pretty smart pupper. Learned to sit in two minutes without treats.

Hunting dogs getting ready to hunt.

french mastiff,doug du bordox or somert like that

well hes 3/4 french 1 quater english,only difference is the english ones have a black mask

So cool! What kind of dogs?

What the fuck, way too cute. I demand more pictures!

Love the ears, and nice straight back too. :)

I think he's some kind of Asian breed. He was a stray before we took him in.



He's definitely got asian eyes.

His name is Maximus Nero

Norwegian elkhounds.

>post doggos


Here is him about a month and a half ago




Today. You can see the huge size difference now. Sorry on phone so it's flipping pictures

11 month old black german shepherd girl. 25% lab though. not pure

That looks so damn comfy!

This is when I first got him. Just a tiny little guy. He weighed 18lbs then and is now 40lbs

lastly this is my cat waldo,its a girl but i didnt know that at the time lol so fuck it her name is waldo lol

>uses flash to photo a dog in the dark
Please off yourself.

>inb4 saged
WORKING dogs are the red pill of dogs. They are companions but still serve a useful function, and aren't helpless cucks.





If you say doggo or pupper you are a reddit fag and need to kill yourself.


EDIT: Thanks for the gold!

This guy knows. Newfoundland master breed


My German woof.


Biggest why boner of my life.

Found the muslim.

my dog that died about a month ago. such a good dog

Ya mine's part swiss and she's really smart. Learns tricks in 1-2 training sessions.
very nice coats

Nice dog leaf. I'll bet she loves the snow.
Took my doge for a trail run in the snow today.
Blacks are uncommon though. I've never personally seen one.

godspeed pupper!