Here's how to deal with shitskins in your country.
Here's how to deal with shitskins in your country
Its been deleted
Everyone saw that video anyway
Good vids. Sad we saw no executions like these mudshits deserve.
jesus fucking pieces of shit are being told to go back to Turkey and they still don't get it. they still think they're going to go through, you can see the look on their faces
"no bulgaria for you, back turkya! blyat"
good thread
>falling for a troll thread from the Skopjan retard of Sup Forums
>Reffo reupload the gypsy video for so I can troll
>It worked yesterday night not now
Here a mirror you faggots
He was just giving him little love taps. Should have beat his goddamn brains out.
I hate this video but it just shows slavs are barbaric animals.
That kid was a gypsie you retard.
For doing what?
for being a gypsy, silly goose.
You're either a nigger in which case you can kys or aa white man in Africa in which case you're just like the gypsie.
Because I think lynching some kid minding his own business is wrong?
no, because you are a nigger loving chink.
i feel sympathy for the guy
Invading. Do you tolerate the sickness, or do you cut away the infection? Bury them deep.
What if a black man did that to your father, your brother, or your grandpa. How would you feel?
the kid didn't deserve that
I'm not though. You cant just go around lynching people minding their own business especially someone like a gypsie who has been in Europe for a very long time. I hope you get lynched one day too so you know what it feels like
You too. By an Albanian.
Getting sissy hits from a gay macedonian is not helping the status of refugees. It is a pathetic despicable act caught on tape. Go fuck yourself cowards.
Here, the law has their back. The moment the left is ousted, every street in Western Europe will look like this. Except most people getting the shit kicked out of them will be islam-worshipping lefties.
nothing to be proud about. Racial discrimination is awful.
Gypsies are lower than any nigger tho.Everyone agrees they aren't human
Try punching a mirror.
gtfo hehe xd
He was born there. His people have been in Europe for centuries. A lot of people from the Balkans probably have some gypsie blood especially in Hungary where they tried to completely assimilate them.
>Bak bak povratno
>Ju go bek tu trki!
A kad ode u hotel pa poruči čaj za sobu 232
>Ej ti tu!
>Tu ti tu rum tu tu tri tu!
Echt waar Henkie?
Nou nou nou toch.
no one should be treated like that. If you don't want him in your country then just kill him, but acting like in this vid is just pure barbaric shit.
fuck off, ataka shit. You hate romas and you treat them like shit but in europe YOU are the shit.
the mudslime would've twisted a knife in the guys back the moment he turned away, could see it in his fucking face
>nothing to be proud about. Racial discrimination is awful.
what's even worse than racial discrimination is having your country be gradually taken over by outsiders due to treacherous lawmakers
Racism here is disgusting.
Poor guy. :(
Allez huup huup! Ge zijt nie welkom ien Balgië eh! Terug naar Germanistan! Allez!
He's a gypsie you moron.
>distinguishing between subhumans
sasuga leaf
i absolutely agree.
i also behead everyone i disagree with.
>If you don't want him in your country then just kill him, but acting like in this vid is just pure barbaric shit.
wew lads top keks thanks
hahaha good, fuck that sandnigger. They all deserve this
Desecrate their mosques, make their whores dress up as we like and threaten them with instant deportation if they step out of line. You know, standard procedure.
Wow, just...i cant even right now. That was so mean and uncalled for. We need to dox that guy right now and bring justice to this poor discriminated minority!
>pure barbaric shit.
welcome to Sup Forums
you do not belong here
>he was born there
Who gives a fuck? Mexishits might be born in the US, but I don't want them in my country. The native sons of Europe have every right to expel the filth from their borders.
This, as a proud social justice warrior i stand with persecuted minorities in white countries.
No borders, we are all one world citizens. End racial discrimination NOW.
You realize this is a jap image board right? Everybody belongs here. This shitty board needs to stick to the sometimes funny memes it produces.
You guys have become extremely cringy recently with your LARPing le ebin edgy Roman salute lelelel xDDD
>welcome to Sup Forums
Yes i do. I just hate racism, xenophobia, islamophobia etc.
A lot of people here would consider you subhuman Zhang.
He's not an invader. The population replacement of Europe has nothing to do with him. He's just some kid.
>pure barbaric shit.
The point of killing a rabid dog is to protect your family and society, not make a spectacle out of it.
As a new zealand shitposter, you're supposed to be better, samefaggot.
He's a gypsy. You're all retarded.
Then at the very least do it in a civil manner instead of sperging out on some kid like a barbarian.
Albanians are still closer to slavs than gypsys or sand gypsys.
Day of the rake... soon chink.
I'd stab you if you beat me like a bitch too, Sing.
Stale pasta
You'd prefer he'd just die than take a little wallop? Calm down Adolf.
What does that have to do with anything I said?
Its not pasta.
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women! That is what is best in life. One day soon you will wake up to the realization that not every country is a molly coddled nanny state. That the real world is a very harsh and cruel place. I hope that time comes soon for you.
No but deportation would be more civil than lynching random kids.
>>You too. By an Albanian.
Telling Maco Bro that he will get lynched by Albanians.
What are you even doing here? pay 2 post or something?
You're literally a minority in your own country. Hopefully they lynch you.
Because FYROM is a country with a significant Albanian minority so assuming he's a slav I hope he gets lynched by Albanians. If he is Albanian I hope he gets lynched by slavs.
Terug naar Marokko, Achmed.
pff by the real world you mean niggers and shitskins who work in informal sector and refuse to pay tax or use condoms
then leech and hawk any white person that is altruistic enough to travel there and give them touro dollars
I disagree. Deportation doesn't work when there is no punishment for entering a country multiple times.
Lynching order is communists>sand gypsies> gypsies
And there will be no problems left..
Which one are you?
They will never intagrate in the society while there are evil people like yourself.
I don't post much but when such disgusting xenophobia is being posted i can't stand and just watch.
Do you think the slavs in FYROM really don't have a problem with your people? They hate you.
Praised be Kek confirmed.
I hope you get lynched by a turk.
That's not very tolerant.
Exactly. We've got wetbacks here who've been deported several times then wind up murdering a perfectly good white woman. I say we castrate them before we sent them back.
You are a communist ey? Going on with invented words. Whats next gypsyphobia and islamophobia?
Come join the line commie.
Why? Race matters. Subhumans ruin our countries and we owe them absolutely nothing.
the guy who filmed and beat him up for no reason at all is no better than the lowest of the scum on earth
bet this is some fucked up fantasy that you basement dwellers think about, the gyppie is absolutely defenceless and obviously has some mental problems, way to go mr hero for beating up a retard!
Why dont you try that on american niggers? Unlike sumissive gypsies they are always:
1) in pack/gang
2) under the influence
3) carrying a weapon
Why should I be tolerant of intolerance?
Regards they hate your people and would lynch them.
Praise be to him and his will!
>video taken down
Can't wait to do it to you kike.
>every gypsy is good guise
99% are pure thrash, you should know that if you've actually met lots in your life.
"normal" ones are extremely super rare, and it's not hard to differentiate them, I would even call one equal. You should know this if you weren't such a muh "good guy" fee fees faggot who hasn't even lived or grown up around gypsies.
Get real.
it's horrible
how can they be so heartless?
its funny to see how desperate yall for shit that you will all just blindly believe staged and fake shit so yall wont feel so shitty about yourselves.
>implying you can or would even dare to do anything irl
its easy to be brave on a mongolian cuckboard
>why should I be 'humane' instead of 'barbaric'?
I don't care what you do, leaf. I do enjoy when liberal poison effects themselves, though. It makes you look like a disingenuous rat when you champion the dindus while taking every opportunity to shit on whites.
FFS, you shill are everywhere. Stop baiting already.
kys fag
Yes, and Israel treats everyone with the utmost respect.
>has mental problems
he's a fucking gypo of course he has mental problems