Just graduated from didgeridoo school

Just graduated from didgeridoo school.

Gib me a job cunt.

Thats me on the far left.

All jokes aside good job to these for not huffing petrol and sleeping on the road.

We probably can't offer you a job here in Germany but at least you would get some supporting money so you can make a living in an safe environment. Feel free to come, you are very welcome

rigy didge

y u look so angry?

>when those guys sit on a couch


Aboriginals in western garb.... STOLEN GENERAION WTF RACIST COUNTRY



Neanderthals called: they want their people back.

White neanderthal here, we don't want them back. They rape our women, steal our food and don't know how to make tools or fire.

I wonder which one hates White people the most.

gib tinnies bruv

It's pretty rare to see genuine full-bloods, usually just half castes or 1/4 Abos kicking up a storm over gibs

Like these are actual Aboriginals, its sort of a rare sight

Those can't be homo sapiens, can they? I mean seriously. I don't want to be racist towards them, but they seriously don't look like the same species, or at least sub-species.

when full bloods look like THAT how on earth are there so many half castes.

Aussie's are sick fucks


Looking at that picture all I can think is "they're not human, they're something like human but not quite homosapiens"

I'm not being racist, well I probably am but I don't give a fuck.

this picture has to be shopped right?, ive never seen a less attractive group of people in my life, there literally all 1/10's at best, wtf

they're no fuglier than that Bogdan actor people keep posting. the hair though... is not. helping.

this has to be a joke.

fuck off ya white dog

its my land

Why most of them look so freaking angry?

Noonga (far right) ate my kid.

Hey Sup Forums why do we need to shit on the few who actually achieve

Disnovian ya dawg. Only whitey fucked neanderthals.

Fucking lol, they're literal clothed apes

Well, sometimes the dingos run faster than the abos. If you know what I mean.

It was Irish who fucked the fullbloods to get it started.

The Prince of Soul-Glo?

They're denisovan.

8/10 tho.

I didn't think abbos even went to school. Do any of them go to college?