/aus/ pol general: How do we stay up for the Inauguration Edition

How are you gonna do it, mates?

I've been drinking since 3pm. Staying up until 4am seems impossible currently.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck is it at 4am?

>We have a nap
>we set an alarm
> we wake up at two am
>bloody oath m8

Where's best place to live stream?

tough it out m8

this fella has the right idea

It'll be on live tv, mate. Newscorp has the rights here so expect it to be on 9.

Just gonna tape it. I have a cricket nets sesh with some mates at 11 so I can't stay up too late.

TFW It's only going to be 1am, but it's still going to be late.



Fuck off wog, back on your boat

We're definitely full. You can't even drive through Melbourne without painting your windshield red.

And fucking Tomic loses just as I type this. Fuck him and Kyrgios, how am I expected to root for losers which are so unlikable?

If they were winners I could get aboard but they'll never be anything special: Tomic doesn't have the talent and Kyrgios doesn't have the drive.

>Fuck off we're full

Didn't you just make more room for a couple of Lebs today?

poofter projecting confirmed

I'm white, faggot. I just follow sports which aren't boring.

Sure you are Antonio Doulopolous

Your sport is boring and for faggots. Sorry you didn't have the athletic ability to play a real sport. You have my sympathy but that's the most you'll get.



Shut the fuck up, Indriaualapa Untalduca. Just because you emigrated here doesn't mean you're Australian. When you can play a game of footy without dying or complaining I'll call you Australian.

You fuckers have internet? Everything has been down for the past 24 hours, I'm only just getting 4g..

Fair enough. You're entitled to your opinion. Not my fault if they're shit.

>this wog pathetically trying to put on a tough guy act
You're not impressing anyone shitskin

Fuck off back to India Abdul

No way to prove I'm white without photo, fuck you.

I'm white and your sport is shit. You have no legitimate arguments.

Kek, how's Western Sydney?

What's a good place for Indian food in Cuckbourne?

A southern Mediterranean isn't white Mario Matterazi. You have to go back

tfw a cunt runs over 2 people and a baby but "it's not terrorism"

>Australians call this "full"

>Implying I'm from Shitney
You're gonna have to do better than that Abdul


ABC News 24 will proably be covering it

Hopefully Sup Forums will havea stuicky with other streams

Sydney CBD is full of asians.

Not that I hate it though. At least they're not muslims.

oh yeah and he burned a bible just before he got in the car to do the crimes for a cherry on top

>hating cricket, an authentic and quintessential Australian activity
>calling me a cuck
Pathetic. How much money did you raise for the Muslim posters Ahmed?

Tell me about work and travel girls from europe, do they get fucked by aus and abbo dick a lot?

>come home from fucking around with wires in a shitty basement at Tafe to find out some wog cunt ran down a bunch of melbourne pozz, and my mum lost her job.
>have to stay up till 3am for inauguration in this fucking hot as hell night

>have driving lesson at 9 and dentist at 1 tomorrow


Red Chilli / Green Chilli on Bourke st

looks pretty full to me!

>tfw only English and German descendance aside from some assorted scallawaggery on the mother's side

feels good.

Reminder that wogball is objectively awful and the a league gets half he ratings of the WBBL

so you're saying there is room for 3 more?

Not fooling anyone Roberto Hernandez

Cricket is legitimately shit, mate. It's nice to be able to say it online. I have a plethora of mates who love it and I can't stand it when they expect me to sit through it.

One dayers are ok, I guess. But that's as good as it gets.

Which footy team do you barrack for?

Too far away, friend. I don't live in the city.

I think i'm going to sleep early & wake up at around 4am.

Kek, you're just outing yourself are of. The only people who support it are the Greeks in Melbourne and the Lebs in Sydney.

St Kilda

>Not realizing that the grey area on that map is filled with Abos
>Not realizing that the grey area is a desert wasteland
>Not realizing that he should fuck off because we're full

Outing yourself as a wog*

I love how this thread has devolved into a argument about sports.

>Watching sports and not playing them is silly.
>E-Sports are not a thing.

Your mates also have the right idea

well then don't fuckin ask without being more specific you little shit

>Going to Bourke St
You trying to kill someone?

>tfw waking up to a Trump presidency.

I've got one of the busiest days of my life tomorrow so i'm resigned to having to catch it second hand tomorrow night.

There better be some videos of protestors getting rekt, i want as much pepper spray as liberal tears going out.

You'll have a decent year. Love the team your assembling and reckon Brown and Carlisle free from his suspension will be huge. I actually think Saints can sneak up into the 8 this year.

NRoo on the wing has been Richo esque; will have an even better year than last despite his age.

Your depth is pretty weak but with low injuries I reckon you'll make finals although won't be able to go too deep.

we are most definitely full, burgerino.

stocked up for 2 days of riot streams, bet these low energy cucks disappoint

>Being this upset

How to detect who wasn't born here

What are you doing user?

Yeah, it's a fucking embarrassment. When will parliament wake up and open immigration the the centre of Australia for refugees?

Just wasted space.

kys cricket is top tier comfy

Moving into my own fully paid for house with a wife expecting any day now.

adding trump train shenanigans on top of it will kill me.

Protesters are flying in for this shit, both Pro and Anti trump. Protester warfare happening?


See you love afl but dislike cricket. What's wrong with ya!

I can talk afl for hours, and it's clear you know quite a bit too. I'm hoping they can sneak into the eight, you're right the acquisition of Carlisle and Brown are absolutely key for the saints. They were hammered by key forwards last year, I think Hogan kicked 7 Jenkins kicked 7, Kennedy kicked 8 and Buddy kicked 6. The saints haven't had a decent sized back in fucking decades.

I'm hoping nick can go to 2018 too, he was really good on the wings last season and hopefully it's extended his career due to the reduced body contact.

The midfield isn't as strong as some other teams you're right, which is why I'm really hoping they can pick up a big fish like Fyfe, Martin or Shiel which all go out of contract and in Fyfe's case is a free agent.

What's your team?

>Being able to afford a house in Australia
top form lad

t. Dimitrious Gargasoulas

Asshurt paki detected

You have to go back

I'm a Lions member. I have another tough few years ahead of me.

I'm not sure you'll get Fyfe, of the teams vying for him I hope you'll get him but I reckon Hawks have been clearing cap space with a purpose. You don't offer Mitchell and Lewis tiny contracts unless you've got big plans for the next few years. If Hawks can stay around the 8 and T. Mitchell and OMeara gets on the field (big ask) then Fyfe will pick them.

You'd be better off going for Dusty as a free agent.

>Newscorp = 9news


Stop calling me un-white because I hate cricket. Cricket is a boring poo in loo sport, faggots.

Ok so the inauguration starts at 3am but how long does it go for?

>asshurt about cricket
>asshurt about indians

Paki confirmed.

Ouch, McLuggage look alright though, bombers were retards for picking McGrath.

I also think Fyfe is a long shot because I think he will re sign with Freo, but allegedly he is the one the saints are most going after. The saints have cleared their salary cap and have 2 first round picks next year and of course can trade their future first if need be.

infowars you fucking scrubs.


Newscorp absorbed CSM with a takeover bid in 2012.

They own 9.

Having a crack at my first beer now m8, going to clean the top of the pool and go for a swim soon. I'll be drinking through till the morning.

>Defends cricket
>Defends poo in loo's
>Calls everyone a paki
Nice try Abdul, but you aren't fooling anyone

No thanks. Its just going to be alex jones talking over everything


RT have a live stream as well.

Cricket is a quintessential Australian sport mate, probably our national one given the football codes state split.

I live in a rural area that isn't fucking retarded price wise, it's about a third of the cost comapared to something even 20km near a city, i have no idea how anyone in this country can afford 1 million for a standard house.

If you didn't have decent KP stocks I'd say focus on the draft but it's clear with your salary cap you've allotted for one big name FA. From my own team Rockliff would a good pick. As an outsider I'm not sure there's much else you need outside a top tier midfielder to take you to the next level. Maybe another KPF prospect provided McCartin cops another injury even then they'd be a few years from ready.

I'd say take your two picks from the draft (provided one of the KPFs you're after isn't Connor Ballenden) and pick up Rocky or Martin.

I have an old bloke I know with prostate cancer who's a diehard Saints fan and I was sick when you boys couldn't get one over the line.

He's got about 5 years max and if you could win a grand final before then it would be fantastic.

Also you're right McCluggage is gonna be great. Class above.

RSBN, then infowars post show masterrace

There is no need to be upset Mohammed. If your pathetic nation can't hold it together against india, what chance did you have against the superior australians?

The only kind of batting your players are good at involve a squirt of body lotion and hardcore gay porn.

>Implying I'm a paki
>Implying I don't agree with everything you just said about both

You're right McCartins repeated concussions are an issue. I guess that's why they drafted Josh Battle who I'd a KPF, albeit a slightly undersized one.

I guess the two knocks on Martin and Rockcliff and Martin is the dickhead factor. There are no questions about their talent but there is about their general attitude/off field behaviour. Mind you if you believe the rumours Nat Fyfe I'd despised at Freo.

As for the 09/10 finals, I have yet to re watch them and still can't physically do it.

>Buy land away from city
>Wait for city to expand
>Sell land and make giant profit

I thought all Australians did this? Don't you guys just pass out in the morning and sleep through the day?

Me and my mates have resorted to sucking eachother off

We're not Mexico, Pedro

You won't see Battle for a while. He'll be doing yr 12 in 2017. Even then I personally think his ceiling is really low based on what I saw from the Champs.

Low tier Jack Darling; decent mark and leading ability but doesn't have the speed or explosiveness of a Jack Darling, nor the tank of a Jack Gunston. He can only play 3rd tall with his height too so if he's a bust as a forward that's it.

I'd say best case scenario when your mids are primed you've got McCartin and Bruce leading the way with Battle as 3rd. Long way to go before he's AFL ready though but this is just my opinion.

Where the fuck do we buy, cunt?

Half the prime land near cities is deliberately locked off from development.

The property in very regional areas you could be 80 by the time they're worth anything.

I finish work at 5am so I'll see how much I can catch

Fox News at 1am is pretty comfy mate.

What capital city are you? If Sydney or Melbourne I'm not sure there is a good answer

Stop being a soft cock, haven't stopped drinking since last year. Set your alarm an hour or two before it starts.

going for a nap wake me when infowars starts

I agree completely, which is why I hope we don't see from him this year, maybe even next year. From our perspective Acres can swing forward as he is a mid but is an impressive 192, the same as Battle. Carlisle can always go forward too as a last resort but hopefully it doesn't come to that.