Don't play online, at all, which is good. I recall hearing about the call story lines and all, but when you are raised lower middle class in a NYC guinea neighborhood, the idea seems a lot more romantic and a lot closer to home.
Not suggesting I was involved in mob shootings or worked with them, but def, knew who the mob bosses in neighborhood were.
Microsoft has pulled some fuming scam. "well. convert some of the games for xbo one, which proves we CAN, but not converting the ones we know have a popular enough following we might be able to get more shekels from you."
Also, just realized I ((irmy sister's son) bought fallout 4 on this thing,Always here a back and forth on this. What's the general consensus of fallout 4? How aboutt he New COd games?
Sorry for so many questions but I'm Doing all my games from th server onto xbox one and need something ti play...also have both black ops, world at war, Assassins Creed 2...titanfall...mas effect, red dead redemption, the elder scrolls 5: skyrim....
I know, "they all suck" but if you had this choice and had to pick nene, which do you pick? Sd as it may e, thi place is closest thing I have t a friend. Also have witcher 2, have been trying my damnedest but after 3 that just won;t stick
Also, "Forza 5" (keep in mind, nephew bought a lot of those sine I didn't realize until about 5 months in mt CC was open on the account. fora 5 pissed me the fuck off because constantly charging to "upgrade" tot his car or that one or to ride on x track or y track,
So, if you all HAD to get into you go with Red Dead depiction or try to gt into one of the new COd (advanced warfare) or try Bioshock? I'm desperate here, need to distract myself, Ohs, someone who has played this fucking things suggest something,,