Okay guys, Red pill me on the columbine shooting. I've seen people making parody videos of it but never watched the original myself, yesterday i got curious because everyone seemed to take it lightly while making those parodies and jokes. All i want is the truth, and i'm not expecting to hear anything, i'm not taking sides i just want the truth. Anything you dug up about the motives of the shooters, or anything about the victims, and your theories but backed up by some objective analysis and not bias
Columbine Red pill
Other urls found in this thread:
4/20/99 look at the digits and fuck off
Enlighten me please, what about the digits?
Read Sue Klebold's book
come on man, i wouldn't be on pol if i wanted to study the case :/, i don't want to spend a lot of time on this, i'm just curious
A few days ago I had the same curiosity as you but instead of being retarded and asking Sup Forums for "objective analysis" I decided to look up some books and start reading one. That's the best thing to do when you're curious about a subject you don't know much about. You take some initiative instead of asking others to do the work for you.
I know Eric was really into Nazi Germany's hatred of inferior people and Hitler's views on natural selection. He also drew a swastika on the knife he took to school the day of the shooting. Other than that, Dylan pointed out that there was a black guy hiding under a table and called him a nigger before they killed him. Dylan did say he was half Jew in the basement tapes though.
I understand what you're implying but my curiosity concerning the subject is not great enough for me to go into any deeper research
technically making a thread is initiative.
also knowing which books are (((non-fiction))) and which are non-fiction is made much easier by Sup Forums/social media
tl;dr: youre a cunt
>also knowing which books are (((non-fiction)))
>i'm a lazy faggot and I expect other people to do everything for me
Bowling caused them to commit this massacre.
i don't expect, i didn't state it when i made the thread but i was asking for anyone willing to explain it to me. I'm not making a demand
They were pretty redpilled.
Dylan had depression and was pretty much under Eric's spell. or so it seems. Eric had some type of Borderline Personality disorder.
Both were bullied and they both wanted to originally blow up the cafeteria, then shoot at the surviving victims fleeing the school. The investigators say that if the cafeteria bomb wasn't a dud, over 400 people would have died
hitlers birthday and some doubles, they were Sup Forums time travelers
Reading is for faggots and nu males, you think chad thundercock reads?
Doubles? It was reversed satanic trips! 1999. It was a time traveling Sup Forumstard
>also knowing which books are (((non-fiction)))
this is the reason i wanted to avoid extensive research
Best thing that ever happened to the school system:
Prior to this, bullying was a simple right of passage with no real repercussions to the bullies other than being told "Please, don't do it again, Zack, you're hurting poor Rodrigo'sfeeling".
It was quite the norm to blame everyone else when someone killed themselves after being mercyfullesly bullied for years.
It came to a complete shock to all that victims could actually fight back and send the "white caps" straight in the ground.
Sad, homicidal boys kill innocent people.
Klebold was a kike, Harris dad was part of the MKUltra program.
They wanted to top the OKC bombing which was the deadliest attack on US Soil at the time.
Funnily enough they also wrote in their diaries about hijacking a plane and crashing it into NYC
"If by some wierd as s--t luck my and V survive and escape we will move to some island somewhere or maybe mexico, new zelend or some exotic place where americans cant get us. if there isnt such a place, then we will hijack a hell of a lot of bombs and crash a plane into NYC with us inside iring away as we go down," Harris wrote.
Who dis
wtf i love school shootings now
>If somehow me and bae make it out we're gonna move to a tropical island or crash the plane with no survivers
He had some shit grammar.
I disagree.
Keep in mind I grew up in Quebec, land of the Canadian school shootings, but it caused a lot of bullshit.
One teacher had my class do a personality test where you would get a score from 1 to 100, with the score reflecting how much of an introvert or extrovert you are. She didn't tell us that, however, and had everyone in the class state what their score was. This is how it went:
>Who had a score above XX%?
>Okay, class, these people are the introverts of the group. They are ticking time-bombs.
>Ticking time-bombs
Prefer reading a good book over talking about the fucking weather? You're the bane of society!
It's Jeff
>ticking time-bombs
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LOL===__ \
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There is little discussion about their motives: They were edgy teens, felt excluded and wanted glory and notoriety through a violent massacre. Which they committed.
There is some discussion on whether or not they were truly bullied but that matters little. They felt excluded and cultivated a victim mentality.
Hey I have the same receiver.
Fuck off, newfags. I remember very well those epic threads of K&D.
>Be jew
>Try to frame nazis by killing inferior races
>Not realising that Hitler wanted to integrate and eventually racemix them into the general population
Fucking kikes
>born on 9/11