We really fucked up, Sup Forums.

Our meme magic has gone way too far.

Sure, it was fun to post pepe memes, to praise Kek, to make pictures of Trump building the wall and such.

But we really fucked up.

Think about it for a second. No, really. Just for one second.

We just elected a bigoted racist asshole FUCK for President.

But it's not too late. We can still reverse the damage we've done. We just have to act fast.

By protesting and signing petitions like these:


We can still stop Trump from taking the white house. We have to filibuster his arrival with our protests.

I wish you all the best of luck, Sup Forums brothers.

praise the lord of chaos


Your whole post reads of liberal impotance

>We just elected a bigoted racist asshole FUCK for President.


I am not a liberal. But I am Anti-Trump now. I've seen the light. And I'm hoping you will soon too. We have very little time left to make this work.


>Trust me goys, I'm one of you

What's so bad about meme magic?
Sure it kills people and sometimes ends up consuming you, but what's so bad about chaos?
Don't pussy out.
"racist" Trump now, but who know who we would be behind in the future.

Why are you Trump-shills trying to derail my thread? This is how Sup Forums was tricked into voting for Trump in the first place. By shills.

Kek will take this further.

There is no stopping

heil trump
heil kkk
heil facist usa

but his hair is real who would have thought.

>We just elected a bigoted racist asshole FUCK for President.
So what? Asia and ME does it all the time. We live. It's cool. Just give us your shekels. We don't care if you throw gays into the well, or lightnining bolt them.

Meme magic isn't fucking real. You really believe that if trump was a real threat that (((they))) would have let him run let alone win? Fat fucking chance. Federal reserve has had their grips around the worlds balls for 100 years now. Nothing goes down without their families say so or consent.

oh still in the denial phase i cant wait until you hit the depression phase

>What's so bad about meme magic?
cause to many fags cry whenever it turns on them. They want chaos and shit but only when it no way shape or form affects them. To many of them are actual pussys who dont want chaos they just want fake as vindication instead.

That's wrong. If we can gather enough people, we can STILL use our collective meme magic AGAINST Trump to keep him out of office. Then we can elect a real president in his place.


whenever this pepe is posted, the OP is a faggot.
Only rare pepe posters make quality posts.

consider balance of power and present day and allow yourself to understand that no country remains in charge forever.

I will fix this.

Do you feel in charge?

This train has no brakes. You were warned.

Praise Kek

I saw them flip it around and that is real hair.

Fucking kill yourself you deluded kike.

>By protesting and signing petitions like these



>We just elected a bigoted racist asshole FUCK for President.
>Thinking we are responsible for anything.
I'm Australian you faggot, I didn't vote for shit. Don't blame Sup Forums for the incompetence of your preferred candidate, or the stupidity of your voters. You cunts did that to yourselves. The rest of the world is just enjoying the shitshow and it is fucking amazing.


as you can see in these posts, rare pepes are an indicator for good posts.
Shills dont have rare pepes

This is how we do it, only dedicated polacks post rare pepes to validate their posts.
Shills steal the rare pepes to look good, true polacks make new pepes. Only the rarest pepes are from true polacks

Listen, I know hating on Israel is a meme here, but in reality, Israel is our friend. We need a leader who can cooperate with Israel, NOT a bigot like Trump who will make it all about himself. This is really important.


Fuck off redditard nigger

You can't elect shit. American election was the equivalent of jangling keys in front of a childs face. (((Hillary/bernie/cruz/rubio/trump))) they all played their parts.

It makes you wonder, why would Sup Forums be around if it posed a real threat to anybody. The answer to that is data mining. Imageboards are just giant honeypots.

This, honestly.
It also feels lovely to win no matter what.
Trump's a good president? Amazing, we can finally work together.
Trump's a bad president? Amazing, our main foe will fall apart.
Trump's our plant?
Get a taste of Yeltsin, murricans. Hope you don't mind your own medicine.

OP is a faggot

More proof of my rare pepe claim


Digits tell us that op will die at the ptotest.

That's just the process of weeding out the weak or undesirables.
Now many want to embody or use chaos, but 99% always chicken out at some point. This is all planned out and "natural" if you can even call it that.
It's just how life is, ignore or laugh at them.

President Trump. House. Senate. Supreme Court. Libs are officially fucked. Top kek losers.

And then another four.

Fuck off Hilary shill

You're in the wrong neighborhood, faggot/nigger.

its over Drumpfkins

Really made me think. Fuck off Redditnigger.
(((Our greatest ally)))

Shut up you spineless faggot. Its about time there was a leader in the west that stood up for its own people. I can only pray trump annexes my country and properly uses its resources in a way to benefit us all.

Faggots are not always OP.
But OP is always a faggot.

I am NOT a Hillary shill. I was one of you. Then I took the biggest red-pill of them all, and now I'm firmly Anti-Trump. He will ruin this country. But we can still stop it. We have the ability to change the future, Sup Forums.

you have to go back !


Merkal and Tredeau are now the leaders and protectors of the liberal world order.
Don't forget your importance leaf. Be proud of your country.


>he will ruin the country
Do you hear that, John?
That is the sound of Justice.
Enjoy your very own Yeltsin. At least he isn't an alcoholic...

Anarchy is the best order

My country voted in a pathetic excuse of a man that puts refugees above his own people. You dont know anything you star spangled fuck

>I wish you all the best of luck, Sup Forums brothers.
You're not my or anyone's brother here you fucking kike

>We just elected a bigoted racist asshole FUCK for President.

didn't though.

Vai vai vai

I legitimately unironicly want a nigger hating president.

You can't honestly believe that, can you user? How blue-pilled can you be?

> Not vax vax vax

I stand by my votes for Trump, and your liberal tears are a delicious side-effect.

You're just scared of actual change for the better. It's like quitting your terrible job for one that is in entirely different country.
You've grown comfortable with misery, it's time for good times.

We've tried

Why are you afraid, John?
You do not desire to have HIV rates skyrocket, to have your savings plummet, to survive off potatoes and eat meat as luxuries, to see young boys at age of eighteen die in thousands in a war corrupt generals get rich off?
Too bad. This is your future.

I bet you scream AAAAAHHHH instead of AAAAAAA when something shit happens.

For the last time, I am NOT a liberal. You can be Anti-Trump without being a liberal.

Fuck off you fat fuck

Fuck you Russia. A real president wouldn't be buddy-buddy with Putin, who is nearly just as bad with his policies. We need a leader who will be TOUGH with Russia, and that is NOT Trump.

This almost seems like it could be an actual redditor. Advanced irony.

My country survived the grandest crash of its imperial past, lost millions of people to starvation, illness, cold and wars while you were probably going to preschool.
You deserve same suffering my country endured. And if Trump's as bad as you say, you will endure it tenfold.
Weight your options, buy gold, stockpile ammo.

Leave Ivan alone you weak cunt.


I don't like Obama, but that's a good picture. Haha.

Fuck off you false flagging faggot

I don't care if you're a liberal faggot or a cuckservative. Your country needs to die.

America invented most of that technology you use Sweden... like all of it.
How about you kneel down and show some appreciation or go back to living without technology in the woods.
Ayin Kafin Yan, idiot.

Fuck off lefte scum

The only petition i'll sign is to sink your hemisphere


Typical leftist propganda.
Who hired you to post shit on Sup Forums you beaner?

It's too late to use meme magic, it's all been used on Trump.

>I've seen the light
>I am Anti-Trump now

God, you broke quickly.



unarmed liberal muslims against an army of cyber transmogrified nazi trump supporters who have turned into demonic were beasts? holy fuck

You mean a real conservative, unlike Trump?

Trump is NOT a real conversative. He's not even a real Republican. He's a fake. A phony. He's been a liberal for most of his life, folks!

What we need in this country is a strong leader. A proven leader. A leader who has time and time again fought against the Washington establishment. A leader who will uphold the Constitution. A leader who will uphold American values.

That person, is Ted Cruz.

We made the wrong choice in the primary season, Sup Forums. Admit it, we did. But it's not too late to rectify that mistake. We need to keep Trump out of the white house. And we need to let Ted Cruz in to save this country from the mistakes of the Obama Administration. Only Cruz can protect and restore America, unlike Trump.

Ted Cruz will reignite the promise of America. We just have to use our meme magic to put him in office, and we have to do it now. We did it for Trump, so we can do it for Cruz as well.

I wish you the best of luck, Sup Forums brothers. Praise Kek.

>we fucked up Sup Forums
Stopped reading there, fuck off shill

Blasphemy and untruth! Meme Magick isn't some fossil fuel that can be 'used up.' If anything, the power of meme magick is increasing by the day as people better grow to understand it. The cries of those who can't cope with chaos, the mighty memes of social media, and the onslaught of Ogdoad Occultists all give fuel to the conflagration! You see the first domino fall and in your despair cry out, it is finished! KEK!

A serial murderer is worse than a fake
You should've seen the thread about this little piece of art. It was glorious.

any screen caps?

and I just noticed the jewish shadow on the left!

3/10 shitpost, got me to open thread
what a joke


>forced meme

>A serial murderer is worse than a fake
Cruz has already confirmed before that he is NOT a murderer. He is also not a serial rapist, unlike Trump.

>someone said something
>so that must be true

I make 200k$ a day off professional bogdanoffposting.

If Cruz said it, then it's true. Ted Cruz doesn't lie.


Nor do I. Do you not trust me?