seriously i just scroll down this page and its people found with 15+ Kilograms of the damn stuff, and he's just pardoning them like it's nothing.
I count 8,000 dealers pardoned since trump won, he just started pardoning them all right away in massive lumps.
I'm thinking he's trying to sabotage the crime statistics for trump's first year in office. Because he's just released 8000 known criminal distributors back into the communities they initially ruined, which are likely black communities considering its mostly crack charges.
Whatever it is, its pretty fucked up. Maybe more people should be looking at this.
1 gram of crack = 100 grams of cocaine in the crooked court system
Connor Ross
Worse than that, he's pardoning terrorists like that FLN bomber. Surprised he hasn't let Mumia Abu-Jamal or Assata Shakur off the hook yet.
Anthony Reed
>Obama is right.
WRONG. Obama is a nigger. That means he's never right.
Joshua Ramirez
The majority of them were violent offenders who had possession of illegal firearms.
And that's your excuse?
Cooper Evans
they'll be out of a job once the wall is build anyway.
Hunter Foster
Helping fellow democrat voters.
Dominic Lopez
Zachary Perez
>The majority of them were violent offenders who had possession of illegal firearms.
Parker Morris
Pardons hurt a presidents political capital.
It is 100% normal for presidents to pardon everybody at the last moment.
Obama believes black dealers were the victims of racist justice policies that punished blacks more than whites. They actually WERE racist justice policies that punished blacks more than whites.
Obama has been getting dealers out of prison for awhile now.
Aiden Cooper
just fucking read the page man
it lists firearm possessions and previous arrests.
Brayden James
>I count 8,000 dealers pardoned since trump won, he just started pardoning them all right away in massive lumps.
Meh, what's the body count from his endless support of ISIS and other "moderate" rebels?
Ryan Ramirez
>So... guys That was a really reddit way to start your thread.
Noah Anderson
Every president does this during final week of the final term. Jfc I know most of you didnt even vote or follow politics so Thank god i came to shed some light and prove /pol is full of a bunch of rooks.
Wyatt Wilson
Like BEFORE he started pardoning these guys, I 100% thought Obama would be pardoning hundreds of drug dealers today. Obama has a habit of letting black dealers off the hook.
Thousands surprises me.
Nicholas Williams
Takes one to know one.
Lincoln Jones
thx senpai
Jonathan Williams
What point are you trying to make again? Those are two separate crimes & two separate charges that have nothing to do with each other.
Just Jim Crow me up senpai
Christopher Johnson
Where have you been, you media drone.
Brayden Baker
Kek every president pardons a bunch of nigger crack dealers with histories of violence?
Noah Bailey
>firearm offenders >2nd amendment doesn't apply because muh feels
A search for violent on the pardons page yields 0 results, a search for violent on the commutations page yields 3 results. That's not a fucking majority. Bootlickers need to fuck off.
Michael Anderson
he needs them free so they can join the peaceful protests
Nicholas Nguyen
Can't possess a firearm while committing a felony
Jacob Barnes
I just took one guys name, googled it, and looked at a massive page of crystal meth possession counts, robbery, fraud, and attaching a fake license plate to his car.
Parker Robinson
>make everything a felony >2nd amendment becomes worthless Good job retard.
Liam Thomas
Says who?
Felons have the rights of the constitution
Jaxon Turner
>1 guy is a majority
Jordan Davis
>that punished blacks more than whites
And he's doing it again by unleashing violent criminals onto the black community.
>It is 100% normal for presidents to pardon everybody at the last moment
He has issued more pardons to violent criminals than the last 20 presidents combined.
Landon Smith
Yeah I'm surprised by the sheer number of pardons.
Kevin Miller
>Today, the President granted commutation to 330 individuals. The President has now granted commutation to a total of 1,715 individuals, including 568 people who had been sentenced to life in prison.
who the fuck gets life in prison for possessing a couple grams of coke?
Liam Howard
>violent criminals
Like who? Your hidden segration state motive is showing
Ryder Taylor
jesus christ look at these statistics
almost 1/3rd of the people pardoned were serving life sentences because courts thought they shouldn't be released again.
Carson Jackson
Black people thats who. Its slavery, then jim crow segration then mass incarceration in that order.
We have more prisioners today than slaves in 1890
Gavin Garcia
good, make em work. Russia does.
Nicholas Lopez
>they dindu nuffin >they in jail cause whitey raysis
This is literally your argument.
Jeremiah Brooks
Obama knows the court is broken. Why do you think he pardoned them?
Henry Robinson
t. Bootlickers
Isaiah James
It is pretty much his job to make trump look bad.
why are you complaining?
Eli Hernandez
The fact that you said >after, triggered me so here's a proof he's been doing it for more than a year. Yes he did pardon some after this Vice special.
Because he's like a little child. Since his team lost the game he wants to shit up the playground as much as possible now that he still can. It's not really his fault. If only his father was there for him when he needed to he would have become reasonably well adjusted.
Evan Richardson
Actually, they don't. If they're a convicted felon they are not allowed to vote, or own a firearm
Samuel Cook
Im a marxist when we have a larger prison population than fucking Communist China?
Yeah no
Christopher Scott
>Your argument is that you don't think crime should be punished.
>We should support all shitty laws because the government can never be wrong
t. Bootlickers
Caleb Nguyen
>Losing rights as an American >government taking away constitutional rights for a lifetime
Yeah what kind of commie shit is that?
Jeremiah Baker
Maybe it is exchange for El Chapo going to US prison
Jason Allen
>illegal firearms Only illegal in California and New York
Dylan Thomas
>Your argument is that you don't think crime should be punished. Most crimes aren't actual crimes.
Ayden Hughes
>people should be able to commit crimes because I say so
Jaxon Peterson
>attaching a fake license plate to his car Well that just makes sense, especially if you're going to be driving down a tollroad
Benjamin Reed
>people should be able to commit crimes because I say so
Ryder Gray
>bootlicker can't comprehend a law being shitty
Statists like you are the type that would report their own parents for wrongthink.
Grayson Nelson
>White Supremacists should be able to class so many things as crimes to they can get as much inmates as possible and keep them in prison for as long as possible.
Capitalism at work. Private owned prisons are a business and they control what exactly us a crime.
This should be state run and state controlled. Another reason why capitalists are ruining the world over a buck
Hunter James
>shit, Trump's going to make the inner cities great again >what do we do, they might stop voting democrat if their living conditions improve! >FLOOD THEM WITH CRACK DEALERS!
Levi Gutierrez
>canada has no leaf >makes an intelligent post
Clearly the leaf is what makes Canada retarded. Remove the leaf and you remove the retardation.
Jeremiah Reyes
>Most crimes aren't actual crimes.
how many layers of dude weed lmao are you on.
All Crimes are Crimes, your opinion on if they should be crimes or not is irrelevant, and if you want to change that you should run for office.
Trump is actually closing down funding for private prisons.
Ethan Thomas
You're calling me a bootlicker because I don't think violent criminals should be released onto the public.
Zachary James
looks like nearly every pardon is just cleaning someones record rather than releasing than from prison the commutations are stagered all over the place so there wont be some rush of criminals still fucking hate this nigger lessening the penalties for nasty degenerates is probably the most substantive thing he did in his entire term
Liam Sullivan
Trayvon was not killed by a cop.
Adam Harris
>niglet with drugs caught 3 times >life in prison >king big nig deals drugs >pardoned
Anyone forget Obama is a nigger?
Caleb Moore
pretty much every president has done that shit right before they leave office
Nicholas Peterson
I hope you know, most crimes are crimes because it makes the prison industrial complex as much money as possible, not to protect the population
Mason Ortiz
Not finding this image via google. Don't know where it came from.
Caleb Flores
>nothing to do with each other
Except the offender...
Daniel James
Samuel Foster
Gavin Walker
Communist China doesn't have black people.
Jeremiah Diaz
transition period bullshit needs to go, if this is what is being done, how can people tolerate this and Obama sending troops into Europe.
just take office right away, this is not needed
Hunter Cruz
>falling for the hollywood jew I found your problem.
Tyler Clark
There is no excuse for a thing that Obama did, even if your disordered brain actually feels empathy with murderous and ruthless drug dealers, you cannot make excuses for other peoples lifes they are going to ruin, by intimidating them and earning money on their adictions.
How distorted you sick brain has to be to even grasp posibility that something like this is "good".
No wonder why american liberals are laughed at in the world especially more conservative countries.
But delusion needs a treatment and if not treated can make someone make irrational decision, Mike Pence will fix everything with one electro shock.
Kayden Wright
Drug laws are used to lock up violent criminals, the same way RICO was used to take down the mob.
You disgust me. These aren't cock smoking hippy faggot dude weed dealers... they are violent crack niggers.
Aiden Morales
t. Ku Cuck Klan
Xavier Scott
Because now that Obongo isn't going to be president any more, he will go back to being a regular street ape. He is trying to get some "street cred" before hitting the crack houses again.
Eli Kelly
Just stop.
It's pathetic.
Jayden Martinez
>Yeah what kind of commie shit is that? It is a part of a punishment for committing egregious crimes against society. If a jury of your peers can find you guilty of being a felon, than it is how it is.
If you are a felon, and don't like it GTFO......but wait, some respectable countries have laws prohibiting entrance for certain crimes....Well FUCK....3rd world country with rights, or USA with some rights missing.....that is the choice a felon will need to make.
If you do crimes, you have to deal with the consequences.
Brody Barnes
>smoking a plant = lose 2nd amendment rights t. Bootlicker
Evan Smith
Obama is not to be trusted. He's releasing the drug dealers because they will assist attempts to sabotage the wall. The wall will keep drug lords in Mexico from moving their product into the US. Get it now?
Jayden Allen
> comparing dude weed lmao dealers with degenerate crack dealers eager to ruin more lives with a brain damaging, addicting drug
t. Bataclan survivor apologist
Ryder Hall
what the fuck?
Kayden Cox
>blatant racism spouting >angry when someone calls you out .
Youre like an exposed kike thats angry that hes exposed. Literally the same thing.
Stay cucked
John Adams
>>smoking a plant = lose 2nd amendment rights OH how I knew your dumbass would quote me.
Here is the simple facts. The laws that these clowns insist on breaking are on the books. They are very clear about what is legal and what is not, and the punishments are even very easy to decipher. You are a know about Mandatory Minimum Sentences. These crack-heads knew full well that if they were caught 3 times that they would be given a life sentence. THEY KNEW IT. THEY CONTINUED TO GET CAUGHT.
Bottom line. You are a retard with an extra chromosome.
Your opinion about a law being as simple as "smoking a plant" is totally irrelevant. Your opinion does not matter one bit. That is what makes it a neat thing to try to debate. You are debating using "feels". Keep on trying, and eventually you will get it (no you won't. I am lying.)
The simple plant you are talking about is a federally controlled substance.
Also, if you are just an "end user" of marijuana, all of the crime associated with it are misdemeanors.....Up until the point when you are caught carrying enough that you cannot legally defend yourself as it being your own (last I checked in my state it was 28 grams). I know this because I have been caught with a simple plant once. The punishment I received for my simple plant use was a $280 fine and a misdemeanor which over 10 years later is not even on my record........I know that it was, and I know that it is no longer there.
Fuck off feels debater. Come back with some facts, or better yet just kys.
Nolan Morales
>jim crow
obviously you havent spent any time around niggers
Elijah Brown
>implying prejudice is a flaw and not a learned skill of discernment when interacting with society
Have fun relaxing around black males, who make up 6% of the population and commit over 50% of all murders and rapes.
Jaxon Smith
Trump will either be the President who did nothing about a crime spree, or the president who suspended civil rights in his war against crime (And the fact that it worked will be conveniently ignored by Liberals). They're already paving the way for the return of the American royal family.
Jack Carter
That pic forgets to note that most of the world is a violent hellhole filled with despicable people. If the majority of nations actually enforced their laws they would have prison statistics far higher than those of the US.