Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism...

Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.

>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."

>To acheive such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.



ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:


It is reccomended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.








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die commie

Lunatic alert

back in the summer of 72' i learned communists make excellent compost.

I was driving home after a long day at the office and at a busy intersection, a bunch of coons, chinks and pasty fat kids were blocking the road with communist propaganda signs and an arm-link fence. this was the 4th time in 3 months. it was time to do something about it.

I got out, walked to the back of my car, and tore my license plate straight off. I then got back in, put on my driving shades, and hit the gas. the shrieks of terror and the thumping of their now-dead bodies colliding with my vehicle were the stuff of nightmares. apparently the sight of so many of their members being killed in the line of duty scared off the rest of those filthy stalinists, because before i knew it, anyone whose head was not splattered against the bumper of my car was now running for the hills, screaming all the way.

I had no idea if anyone had called the cops or not in the ensuing panic yet, so i rightfully decided to book it. as i was running to the back of my car to try and reaffix the license plate in case any potential cops on the way home took notice, i thought to myself, "i can't walk away from something this big without some kind of souvenir." At first i thought id take one of their signs, but that would be too big to easily hide. Then i saw it: a severed hand, torn straight off the arm of some red cunt. At this point, i decided id do something interesting with it. You see, i had a small chili plant i kept on my windowsill that i felt hadn't received any type of nutrition for a long time, and seeing how worthless communists inherently are, i decided it was time that one of them was given a purpose in life. I wrapped the hand in some tissues, and when i got home, i lifted the pepper with all the dirt out of the pot and placed the hand at the bottom. to this day, those are the damn best tasting peppers ive ever had.

look how great capitalism is treating you India, can't even afford bogs.

Hi comrades

fuck off

is this the krusty krab?

We have had a Socialist government since Independence (barring a 5 year term from 1999 when we experienced tremendous growth), you illiterate Britfag. Only 2 years back was a somewhat-capitalist government elected

fuck off

How is this pasta still around? It was funny at first. It's mine too, keep it up to trigger unironic stormweenies.




Zizek slams SJW's.


Hang yourself you fucking retard.

>Corbyntard Commie
>Intelligent and Knowledgeable

>Family political dynasty
>Constant border wars
>Caste society
>Breeding ground for worker exploitation

india what?

Btw does anyone else here frequent /syria general/?

Is this the krusty krab?

Zizek on Trump

One of the only things left on Sup Forums that's any good. Stay comfy.

your dreams of totalitarianism will not magically turn you from a useless neet with no social value whatsoever into a tyrannical redistributor

What does he talk like that. He also looks like he has OCD.

Good luck getting Labor elected again. Fedora save the queenie.

>Family political dynasty
That was the socialist Congress party that was bludgeoned in the last elections and which has ruled India for 50+ years pitifully

Sustainable economic growth, almost complete lack of corruption under the nationalist BJP, presently in power (also a based kebab-remover PM)

>Constant border wars
What has that got to do with socialism or capitalism?

>Caste society
Affirmative action across the board (A lower caste guy with 50% in a standardised test is picked over an upper caste guy with 80%, no kidding), Reservations in legislatures, Draconian laws against casteist crimes, One former President and the Governor of the most populous state were Dalits

>Breeding ground for worker exploitation
Please elaborate

>india what?
The Constitution itself describes India as a socialist nation


No but they could keep Corbyn as the leader of the opposition for life.

only if you're a filthy kulak.

better dead than red, faggot.

I think the point of those generals and of leftypol in general should be to switch the american narrative regarding race.
I am horrified by the racialization of everything coming from America. It influence protest movement worldwide.
While being strongly anti racist and internationalist, we should push for more class consciousness, class struggle in the american political theatre. it's incredible the difference between americans and europenas when it comes to class consciousness. the 99% movement, while being positive in many ways, put the focus on the 1% but class divisions goes beyond the 1%.
let's fight this battle together comrades!

so if i had that land for 10 generations and the state forces me to give it to them and i refuse, i deserve to die?

You have lived for 10 generations?


yes because im santa and im a magical being

>if i had that land

The worst thing America is exporting is Black/White protests - like these cucks over in London shouting about how pollution is against black people.


but i gota pay them asshole, they need to feed theyr own families and i need to buy the raw materials which cost me money, and i need profite or we all die, plus were already united in the fight for producing more profitable toys

If the elves are making all the toys anyway, why can't they just split the profits from the toys without having to settle for a fraction through wages?

You wouldn't be in the position you're in Paella-Santa with your fine red garbs if it wasn't for the actual produced that's created by their labour. Raw materials are easy to come across and I'm sure elves can buy wood, metal and plastic for themselves. Why not split the money created by the fruits of there labour between them rather than taking a higher percentage?

It's pretty common knowledge, retard. They were even allied with the USSR during the Cold War.
>british education

Fuck off El Pinko Spico.

What was their alliance treaty called, i forget, i know their east european allies was the Warsaw Pact.


The Indo-Soviet Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Cooperation

reminder that only those who haven't experienced actual schizophrenic communism, as well as those with malicious ulterior motives and dreams of commanding fellow men, tend to promote this nonsense

>It's pretty common knowledge, retard.
India has never been socialist, maybe they've endorsed it - but never been socialist.

More dead commie spics for you.

It's never is True Socialism™, is it Comrade Cocksmoker?

>Muh Not real socialism
>Muh my special fantastic brand of socialism has never been tried


How do Indian commies treat Hinduism ??

>How do Indian commies treat Hinduism ??

The same way Western Commies treat Christianity- with utter disdain and contempt.

Unsurprisingly and ironically they are always eager to ally with Islamic outfits that have Wahabbi/Salafi leanings, who endorse jihad against the West, who don't hesitate to denigrate women at the drop of a hat and call for Gays to be killed


>The Indo-Soviet Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Cooperation
Hmmm, it doesn't say anywhere in this that, they would be allied, only that they would not ally against each other. This is not a treaty of alliance, it's a non-aggression pact.

Kys, commie

Social democrats are not socialists. They are watered down centrists that never does anything.


>Social democrats are watered down centrists that never does anything.

Really, Danish dude? All I ever hear from you guys is how happy y'all are in your Nordic Socialist paradises and how everyone wuvs to pay 60% taxes to sustain the gibmedats

Stop this.

The next stage of communism are helicopter rides.

>le helicopter meme

I bet you have a "fashy" haircut too don't you?

The next stage of a Belgian is honouring Hajj

>a working system

nice thread, faggot



Zizek is a pseudo-intellectual and also a SJW.

Hey Comrade!
I just wanted to know what you do for a living.


>communism is inevitable

Continue being irrelevant.

Take dragon dildos.

There's NO FUCKING WAY people this stupid exist.

There's something genetically wrong with these people.

>Zizek is a pseudo-intellectual and also a SJW.

Why do you retards think money == resources?

Are you actually this stupid.

The top 1% can give you ALL of their fucking money and you won't be any better off. It would simply cause inflation because the exact same quantity of consumer goods exists.

Jesus christ you people are fucking dumb.

>they're still trying to force this cancer into Sup Forums
your efforts are almost admirable

>h-he once said things against SJWs
So? He's a literal marxist.

He don't even believe in human instincts.

How in the world could you listen to anyone this stupid and science denying?

> inflation
> socialism


He is a Marxist whose career literally is based upon understanding human instincts via psychoanalysis.

Please leave.

most gommies have only read Marx, when their are plenty of better leftist economists, and Marx didn't understand what money was

lmao they get btfo every single time by logic and facts

They can't even read.

Jesus christ you drooling retard. I was talking about resources.

It doesn't matter if you live in an economy with money(which I was describing). Or an economy without it.
The same exact amount of resources that the working class produces they ALSO consume.

The rich aren't exploiting you, they have nothing.
Why don't you understand?

National Socialist.
If I said we were in a transitioning stage would you guys support my 1 people 1 leader 1 state policies?


Read about the Hegelian dialectic, if you use that to form your opinions then you get retards like OP who think that it's 'inevitable' when it's pretty much a complete given that Communism will never happen again.

>He is a Marxist whose career literally is based upon understanding human instincts via psychoanalysis.

>making any sense whatsoever

Both marxism AND freudianism are pseudoscience.
Evolutionary psychology is real science and is actually accepted by scientists unlike this marxist bullshit.
You people don't even believe in evolution or human instincts.
Zizek literally says nature doesn't exist.

PLEASE go back to /leftypol/.

>when it's pretty much a complete given that Communism will never happen again.
Basically this.

There's ZERO chance communism will ever happen again.
The only people that want it nowadays are autistic communists on the internet with mental disorders.

national socialism is real socialism as in it abides by natural law and socialism with the truths of nature, fulfills fantasy socialism and reorganizes society as best possible.


Morning comrade!

>gets rekt
>no argument
>posts a picture of himself

lmao why do communist children always lose debates.

They don't even believe in human instincts.

National Socialism fulfills capitalism and communism, kamerade.



>marxism leninism
ITT: Things which will never happen again.


Whoever made this image needs to be gassed.


>logic and facts

Shitty helicopter memes are not facts.

I believe firmly in Britain, and am very proud of where I come from. The working class has been shat on by conservative policy and then made to feel like plebs by liberal culture.

I see a Britain in which everyone is proud of something greater than themselves which they created, and will strive towards making Britain powerful, fair and just.

this a meme imageboard lad, we're not debating.


Wait, is Pinker against the commies?

No, but helicopter memes and actual logic and facts that commies are presently being BTFO with ITT are.

Get stomped turkroach.


Even the most prominent Marxists today are called neo-marxists and had to adapt almost all Socialist policies to 'Capitalist-scepticism' instead.

Even their most prominent theories aren't being taken seriously by anyone in the economic or political world, their parties are reduced to fringe parties that want a few votes so they can make their countries 'more social' and that's pretty much it, they no longer have any concrete plans, no great changes that they want to implement, nothing but a few theories like the dependency theory and a bunch of perspectives which are worth nothing because they have nothing to back them up.


He's an evolutionary psychologist.
Marxists don't believe evolution applies to human beings. They don't believe humans have biological instincts.

>start debating with me
Neck yourself

>comparing Hitler to these retarded scumfucks
daily reminder:
“’Socialist’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency.
>Our adopted term ‘Socialist has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. ((((Marxism))) is anti-property; true socialism is not. ((((Marxism))) places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.”y