It's happening

trumptards Immediately after election:
> lol so much liberal tears
> please more

Trump starts doing what Trump does best: doesn't give a shit and lies to everyone...
Doesn't give a fuck if he lied to the people that elected him
> trumptard denial
> trumptard tears


I aint clicking that fake news niga

>not archiving fake news
not clicking

Lol same thing supposedly happened with brexit

No clickin, no clickin,... you can also copy and past in the url in the browser.


President Trump. House. Senate. Supreme Court. Libs are officially fucked. Top kek losers.

>Static image gif
>(((Vox))) link

We cry now yes, you will cry in a couple of years when you finally realise what fagotry you've done.

Only if you prove you're a psychic. Don't worry slovbro. It's gonna be all good.

Look, when he was elected I thought, ok, this didn't go as expected, but maybe he acted like he did just for show, his true intentions are good, let's see how this goes. Then he starts appointing generals and billionaires. His cabinet now looks like something Scrooge McDuck assembled. And he is still putting up the shit show he always did.

drumpf btfo

Well he an't pick normalbros off the street. You won't know the truth about him until he gets in office. I don't understand all the fear of the unknown. America has a new energy. I am excited to see what happens.

Same happened in brexit the sore losers in the msm and elites dragged some fools (and always the same 3 people lel) to somehow show that everyone suddenly regrets the brexit..
Yet even to this day people demand brexit and a hard one at that.
Poor msm and poor idiots that swallow their cum.

>still pushing Drumpf

You know this idiot is on his way out just like ever other piece of useless libshit, and it's gonna be fucking hilarious.

Dubz means he's next.


I don't think that everything is unknown. We can draw some conclusions from the guys he picked. For example ...I don't want to get into the global warming false/true debate again... but if I look at the man he appointed I don't like what I see.

I dont even think I have a suitable reaction picture for this

Fair point. I'm still stoked. We needed a change and one is definitely coming.


Fake news


>regretting voting for the God Emperor
Ignore shills
We won

can't be done without clicking to select the text

Actually no, because pol will be here to push identity politics as much as possible. Next time it will be constitutional amendment majority, followed by ban on niggers.

Apologies, didn't now you have muscular atrophy.

I gotta admit guys, I'm getting pretty black pilled about Trump's presidency. I swear to god I'm not concern trolling, but seriously... he's basically not walked back a singe bit of his kike worshiping neo-con bullshit.

I hope you will be happy having that ban,... even if on a train to poorfag land, while Trump makes rich richer.