They should've thought before they let kanye west live plain and simple.
But Kanye West is objectively the best artist of our generation.
I see no problem with this.
Why hasn't KW been lynched at the Grammies yet?
typical jew tactic to get you to accept one of their premises by pretending to accept one of your premises, then choosing to forget about it after. You can blame all muslims for terrorism and you cannot blame gun owners for murders
This is a non-subjective fact.
Fuck off, Sven Al-Ahmad
Based on your flag, you're either
A: A shitskin
B: A woman
C: A cucked nord
So you can fuck right off with your "political opinions"
But you can blame Islam for all Islamic terrorism.
moronic image
yes, civil guns primary purpose is to defend yourself
yes, there are good musicians and bad, it's about talent
no, muslims believe in islam and islam is a religion of terror which orders you to kill and enslave disbelievers
now, fuck off ahmed
wat, these groups arnt related
>some Muslims are terrorists
>some musicians are kane wests
>some gun owners are murders
that makes no sense, lets try
>Gun owners cause murders
>Muslims cause terrorists
>musicians cause Kanye Wests
also, no, some are is-a relationships, other are caused-by relationships, how can you add them on the same pic?
it should be terrorism, or producers instead of musicians, or something completely different, but not this.
Muslims are not violent. Muslims are simply stupid and primitive
Sweden YES
I'm pretty sure gun owners don't have any other unifying agenda other than "I like owning guns".
Unlike some other fanatical death cults that inhabit this planet
Muslim religion calls for murder.
Unlike constitutional self defense and controversial music.
Not after his mom died
I blame islam. And anybody who can not critically think when reading qu'ran is a retard. Yes, i blame them as well. Feel free the blame all muslims for terrorists because all terrorists take their theoritical support from qu'ran and hadiths.
I have to ask as someone that doesn't give a shit about artists personal lives, what makes Kanye West a "Garbage person" as some normies like to say he is?
His 'singing' is him talking in a monotone voice, and then autotuned to fit a melody.
>doesn't believe in self-defense
>Paige Wyatt?
>was sacrificed
Muslim's defining rulebook tells them to be terrorists
why do people not understand that difference
also kanyeezy is based
I've never blamed all muslims for terrorism.
I've blamed Islam, the ideology, for Islamist terrorism because it is directly called for in the texts.
Stoning someone to death is pretty violent mate
kanye is ok but i'm not 15 so i don't listen to him anymore.
Bah fuck it, theres no rule 34
>Fuck Kanye's music though, enjoyed his redpill/mic drop and the chimp outs that ensued.
>Bosnia and Herzegovina
So I just imagined a drunk-ass Brit saying "Here's the governor".
No one blames all muslims for terrorism but islam does cause terrorism more than other religions but this thread is bait and op is a faggot
let us teach west to be tolerant to everybody while we teach our children loyalty to our race and that other races are inferior
>t. jews
fuck off shill
Can't blame all musicians for Kanye West. Just Rap and RnB.
I believe in self-defense, but there's no gun owner manual that tells you to defend yourself.
You can be a gun owner and not believe in self-defense and not be a hypocrite.
A muslim isn't really a muslim if they're not trying to enforce sharia law by force
But you can blame all white people for slavery that happened hundreds years ago.
Rly makes you think
> Kanye West
> Musician
But rap is not a music. It's like noise without melody, only dumb beats.
what's it like being objectively wrong?
Islam is an idealogy with laws that conflict with ours
Because niggers..
Islam promotes terrorism at the core of the religion.
Common misconception.
and reminder problem is islam not muslims
These comparisons are wrong.
The best way to stop terrorism in white countries is to keep all Muslims out of them. They simply aren't needed,
>implying that yeezus is bad
This. They literally don't allow non-jews to live in Israel for fucks sake, pure double-standards
I don't see any connection between music and Kanye west
Guns dont come with manuals saying that rape and pedophilia is ok.
wavy baby, yeah
Reminder this ideology doesn't apply to white people, the whole white race is guilty for the slavery.
Why are leftist so fucking stupid?
Muslims are explicitly commanded in the Koran by Muhammad (the warlord himself) to spread Islam through violence, intimidation and subjugation.
The second ammendment does not command US citizens to kill all those who refuse to be gun owners nor do musicians adhere to an ideology which compels them to make rap music or commands them to kill those who do not.
>Why are leftist so fucking stupid?
Why is grass green? Why is the sky blue? Why is the earth flat?
Some things man is not meant to know.
real talk though, how many more terrorist attacks do we need
Or like blaming all men for rapes
or pathriarchy
or all whites for slavery
Kanye is music genius, you daft fuck. Dude may say insane shit, but musically speaking, he's one of the best. He has more grammy's than Paul fucking McCartney.
or all whites for slavery
fuck off Pekka, you deluded peasant fuck. Sweden enforced your people to this Lutheran, so basically, if you mongols aren't able to enforce anyone to totally anything, you can be enforced to whatever people with ambition want to enforce you. It's law of nature that the strong shall dominate the weak. So get ready to convert Islam, you koskenkorve drinking insecure fuck.
Kanye is probably one of the only good rappers alive. At least his shit isnt completely ignorant like chief keef or whatever is popular today, at least kanyes music sounds good.
Fuck muslims.