Are girls actually secretly Redpilled?

Are girls actually secretly Redpilled?
What's Sup Forums's response to 54% of White Women voting Trump?

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out of all of the social groups in the world, white women get the most abuse from other social groups

it makes a lot of sense if you think about it

Women are 100% bluepilled and are genetically disposed to go along with whatever the majority is doing. (Look at stupid women's fashions, for example.)

EVERYTHING a woman does is a strategy to attract attention. If there are "alt-right" women commentators out there, they are just doing it to get attention.

54% of white women voting for Trump means they have uncucked husbands or boyfriends who support Trump.

I see what you mean

So you're telling me that in Pic Related of Thread, wrote Benis just for attention?

Stick your red-pill up your butt-hole.

Any white woman that didn't grow up in a gated community has suffered some sort of abuse from black men. Many just choose to take it out on white men for 'not protecting them properly' instead of blaming it on their actual attackers since they are easily manipulated by emotions.

Two sides of the same coin really.

poland really hitting it up with the facts here

But that doesn't even make sense, Women are smarter than that, that's just plain retarded

The only white women who are red pilled have a close relationship with a male who is redpilling them. Whether that's a positive (white male in a positive role) or a negative (abusive muslim/black) influence, few women have truly original thoughts and ideas. Men are the drivers of cognition.

>What's Sup Forums's response to 54% of White Women, who actually voted, voting Trump?

Fixed that for you. More white women either didn't vote or voted against Trump, than voted for Trump.

White women are still mostly shit.

Is that greek or russian in the speech bubble? Fuck it either way I'd bang that chick right in her dumpster.

the red pill can be taken as a supository

>Anecdotal case of white girl
Just had a huge argument with my liberal cousin. She bitched about the pay-gap. She's in medical school, got in after doing some arts degree. I don't think she would be there if she was a male.

As soon as I pointed out to her that males have a larger IQ spread, and that 90% of workplace fatalities are male, she went from "civil conversation," to "just fuck off right now you sexist cunt," and walked away.

As she was leaving I pointed out that liberals always do this when they can't argue.
She came back and started calling me every name under the sun, "loser, no friends, ugly, balding, etc" (all true).
She then claimed she didn't have to argue anyway because she didn't really care and that I was too much of a loser to waste time arguing with. (Second part probably true in general, but not for her).

My cousin isn't redpilled. I know that at least.

>tfw no tomboy gf to whisper you memes in your ear every night

Looks Russian

Sounds like typical cucked NZ women heheh

Giving women the vote was one of the most stupidest things the human race ever did.

This is why taxes have gone so high, this is why divorce is so common and so unfair. Why birth rate so low etc etc etc

So here we are, where they have voted in successive lefty governments who are now race replacing us. Thanks women.

you aint a loser user,never call yourself one even if its true

go look in the mirror and say you are ace right now cunt! then do somert to fix your self esteem,do it for the donald

thats serious bait, you must have a uterus you attention seeking where.

Red pilled woman work and act because they have a moral disposition. They are driven because they have an ethoS that drives their behaviors ina functioning society - which contrasts to the moral relativism of blue pilled individuals.

kill me

Don't thank the women, thank the beta white knights who allowed them to vote in the first place.

Women are just being women, it's the men's faults for not being man enough to keep them in check.

She's been in university for too long. There's no coming back now. Thinks she's "educated" and "intelligent," and anyone who gives her facts that challenge her views of the world is just an uneducated moron.

nice digits but you just sound like a virgin

Yeah mate, University is the source of all Cancer. It actually doesn't teach you shit, they usually forget 99% of shit afterwards.

Once they get their paper saying they're a "qualified expert" in [x] field now they become narcissistic whores

Now watch as she struggles for an actual job and a good life, and struggles in debt. Just watch.

The real issue is childless, unmarried people.

t. intaligentsia

you have to understand women don't think like men. They don't think of the differences between their stance on economics or immigration between the candidates. They don't consider pros and cons deeply.

Women think of what their friends, family and coworkers will think of their voting choice and choose the one that will get them more societal brownies. Also, they look at Trump's "I don't give a shit"-attitude at all the 'scandals' and see a strong man they instinctually want to take care of them.

This is true and doubly so for women.

A friend of mine has a degree in journalism and he could literally be paraded around as an educated young man with expert knowledge in journalism.

In reality he thinks John Oliver is good political critique until you point out its wrong at which point he becomes 'just a comedian'

>Forcing somebody to vote a certain way
>Secret ballot

How you gonna pull that off?


She's posing with it. Who self incriminates besides people wanting attention?

Women do not think and never have. Women feel. Their decisions are based on emotions and never facts.

That is why the world is fkced, because we have based our policies on feelings.

Fucken hate this double-think bullshit the liberals have got going on with their comedians.
>Right-wingers are so stupid for the following reasons ...
What? Nothing you said there is true, here's video-footage that proves it.
>God I'm just a comedian. Why are right-wingers always so serious? You gotta be really stupid to take anything a comedian says seriously.
>Anyway, here's why leftism is good ...

Giving women rights was a worse act than giving niggers rights.
You know it to be true.

white women are racetraitor coalburning whores who refuse to have white children. fuck you roastie

The white women situation isn't at bad as JIDF astroturfing wants you to believe goy. There's a redpill for you.

Because women have no strong opinions of their own and will convince themselves to agree with whatever opinion their provider has.

>"Hey guys I saw this really cool meme on reddit and now I'm posing with it because I really want you to know I DID IT, leave an upvote tnx."

Yes, absofuckinglutely.

That almost half of them voted for Hilldawg

I wouldnt despise women so much if there was just a little rationality.

1) We are strong and independent, we should earn as much as a man.

2) Dont hit women, we are small and weak. We need to be kept by the man after divorce because we cant provide for ourselves.

Pick one.

ask her

>White Women
is that supposed to be a lot? Only 54% wtf.

children have it worse by multiple orders of magnitude


Virgins actually think they know something about women.

My bad. I meant Butt-Hole.

Women can admire other women. If it wasn't a cunt like Clinton or some other female libtard running, the majority probably would have voted for vagina.

>Virgins actually think they know something about women.
Men who are blinded by titties and vaginas think they know something about women.

>54% of White Women voting Trump?
all of these stats are derived from (((polls))). the ballot does not ask your sex or race

It's russian. "Хaйль" means heil

They voted for him because they want his dong.

Its like if i kill the chimp. I get blamed for being better than him and owning a legal firearm. If i let the chimp fuck up my bitch its still my fault. Hang em high everytime.

>virgin shaming
I'd trade my high school sweet heart memories for my virginity. I'd have given it to my last wife and hopefully never have gotten divorced.

Had a couple. Its overrated my man.

Voting in Trump is no more redpilled than voting in Hillary.

In general, women that care about politics are shit

Sup Forums has your back motherfucker, always remember
MAGA everyday and make yourself better too

Why aren't you busy fucking kids?


I read this in the most sarcastic voice

women are red pilled, the quiet ones are all nigger hating bigots

>first thing he thinks of is fucking kids

My mom voted for hillary and i voted trump and my mom was respectable and never forced her opinion on me while i was autistically screeching.

Yea the 54% is a good amount due to how much msm lied about trump. Would i say grab her by the pussy? Yep.

Woman get shamed by other woman to vote for hillary.

That's almost 53 rapes a day.

Jesus Christ.

What about that republican carley? She was good in most ways and wasnt disgusting like hillary. I mean now that we have trump im glad she didnt win but she wouldve been the clear choice.

Voting for Trump doesn't make you redpilled.

Women follow consensus (even if you can find some exceptions) and what gives them attention.
Best example is the other blonde canadian jewess (I already forgot her name) who has nothing to say but things that have already been said (and in a better manner) by men she follows.
She tries to act as an opinion leader but she is just following mindlessly the best mix of politically correct trends and the ones provocative enough to provide her attention.

Of course she did, she is posing with it.

Isnt she like tomi lauren?

You have a bad mom

Girls in my city always talk shit about "pakis" behind closed doors. Definitely Redpilled.

Eh shes alright. My parents just hated hearing facts.