Satan's Coat of Arms (according to Revelation)

Umm.... guys??

What did the Revelation to St. Paul mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:!yZxg3LwT!0zzSAng6KmYPxL14wX7dYQ

Who the fuck knows?

>and I saw come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs --

no coat of arms mentioned here

What the fuck

Are we the bad guys?

Have we been Satanists all this time?

Pepe is Kek is Kermit

He meant we should adopt it. If that's not politically incorrect, I'm not sure what else is

12Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the East.
>> 13And I saw three unclean spirits that looked like frogs, coming from the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. 14These are demonic spirits that perform signs and go out to all the kings of the earth, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God, the Almighty.…

Clearly, they are talking about the 3 demons.

The Dragon being The US Government Corruption
The Beast being CNN
The False Prophet being Buzzfeed






no, just no.
Its a step too far.

After careful thought, The beast could be the corrupt citizens, and the false prophet being all fake news like CNN and Buzzfeed.

Is Satan.

90% of theology is autistic fanfiction

Yes, but the good guys are so corrupt and degenerate in their goodness that we are better overall.

If devil came to our world today he would be a low level mob compared to shit we have here.

No, we're the good guys, we're just the 'bad guys' because of how shitty this world is.

Oh no, I've committed the worst sin.

History is always written by the victor. What if satan is a good guy who dindu nuffin

Honestly, we could easily spin this and CNN will probably cover it.

>(((Yahweh))) kills every human on earth other than one family
>Satan only ever kills one family in the bible and because (((Yahweh))) told him to

hmm who could be the bad guy here

You stupid cunts.
>thou shalt not worship false idols
Jokingly doing it is even worse blasphemy, it shows your belief and faith is nothing to you.

Your consecutive digits would make you correct, if only you had any.

>12Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the East.

So the Euphrates has to dry up and the Chinks, Mongols and/or Turkestanis have to invade the Middle East.

I saw we're still pretty safe.

Here you go, have fun.!yZxg3LwT!0zzSAng6KmYPxL14wX7dYQ

>abandon all hope, ye who enter
Kinda fits the theme.

I wasn't joking, I worshipped Kek before I really began to read The Bible but it was an absolute error. I'm so ashamed of doing it.

I'm a Molochmarine now!!!

Thanks user been looking for some new stuff to read

is kek the angel of darkness? has pol strayed from the path of light?

>involves the future
>literally the opposite of history.

According to the prophecies to Saint Malachy, a 12th-century Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland, the current pope is the last one, and we're in the last days period.

Reminder that Semites are native to Africa.
>i didn't know it was illegal officer, i can't get arrested if I didn't know can I?????

Actually turkey built a damn at the source of the Euphrates and don't think they won't stop water going to Iraq and Syria if they feel like it.

>nobody noticed OP's bait by calling it "Revelation to St. Paul" instead of St. John

Has anyone here actually read the New Testament?

How many christfags on Sup Forums are just LARPing?


That's good user. I'm glad you came out of that. I hope yeshua shines in your life!

You shouldn't. Believing in the Bible is not different from believing in an Egyptian god because of repeating numbers.

It wasn't an excuse, there is nothing I can do to erase such a mistake. But I want to seek the true path, the love of God.

If anything, Satan is the good guy. Just add up all the good and bad things God/Satan does in the Bible. Satan never killed anyone, all he tried to do was to enlighten humanity. God however tortured and exterminated almost the whole world.

How dare you call kek a false idol...

SMITE him kek!

>French person
>trying to seek God

wut, that's a first

>Trusting any details of prophecy to be 100% accurate

SHA DI LAY, based frog

I wonder what has to say.

It very earnestly says that it's based on the passage, not based on the arms described in the passage.

sort of


The bat is pretty meh, a raven would have been better.

Also, the crown doesn't fit, completely pleb tier, Satan is the prince of this world according to the gospel of John, so it should follow the traditional coat of arm decorations for a prince (example pic related, note the typ of crown, the harnass and the oak leafs)

>trip frogs


>remember, you're here forever
I am now thoroughly convinced of meme magic

we done goofed


>leaning on thy own understanding

Yeah? Why would I look at it from the perspective of a delusional cosmic tyrant?

You obviously aren't knowledgeable on the bible, especially if you ignore how the "Devil" came into existence, along with all the mischievous things that are done in order to manipulate individuals into corrupting themselves.

Also, the people who were killed by some phenomenon already knew what was occurring ahead of time, since a messenger would usually inform people on what to do. Any person who disobeyed would simply die because they didn't take the warning(s) seriously (in many cases people are repeatedly warned).

I personally do not interpret Genesis how many mainstream/evangelical denominations do, but in reference to the Garden of Eden, this was supposed to be a Utopia on earth in which humans couldn't distinguish right from wrong, and simply lived without any form of suffering.

Like some people have already stated, the devil isn't allowed to do something without the permission of God (this could go into the whole debate about God allowing humans to become self-conscious/aware and thud allowing them to have choices and a moral compass), so the credit would still be due to the higher power within Christianity.

satan tried to harvest kek power

this desu

I know someone is going to claim that God allowing the devil to cause "evil" is contradictory, but the verse that is also used in reference when it comes to that claims humanity was made in "God's image." Although one could debate what was meant by that.

What if Sup Forums is the anti-christ?

Yeah I've read Tacitus on the Jews too.

But I'm pretty sure by "east" St. John meant east of the aforementioned river Eufrates m8

I assumed it was a brainfart, there are several revelations, including an apocryphical one of St Paul:

Der Moloch luegenpresse

Never read the bible but from what I gathered it seems to serve as a good metaphor for the neverending conflict between natural law(god) and free will (satan or whatever it's called)

Daily reminder Yahweh is a Jewish blood god. It only makes sense that (((they))) would demonize their opposes.


If God represents the current agenda regarding political and social manipulation, then Satan did nothing wrong.

Christianity is the child of Judaism and all jews are liar.

2000 year old Jew (((St. Paul))) tries to blame KeK for his small penis, im not surprised.

>All cultures have anthropomorphized their gods into humanoid (if sometimes grotesque) form. Were the Jews the exception? Hardly. We know precisely what the Hebrew god looked like. We are, after all, fashioned in his own likeness! "Yahweh", in fact, is an abbreviation of the longer name, "Yahweh Sabaoth." It means, "He who musters armies." Thus Yahweh's name identifies the god primarily as the military leader of the tribe. No wonder the God bequeathed to the world by the Jews turned out to be a monster.


We're not the bad guys, we're just anti-hero


Because you don't know jack diddly squat you impetuous spec of dust. God at one point commands one of his devotees to destroy a city and all of it's people. This devotee cannot bring himself to do this and leaves the women and children alive. For all you know, those people could have gone on to bring into this world individuals, if not entire groups of people, that cause needless conflict and strife with the rest of humanity.
A similar situation is in the start of the Bhagavad Gita. The friend of Krishna cannot bring himself to fight in a war against his own friends and family, but Krishna enlightens him as to why his compassion for them in such a situation is foolish. Not only foolish, but empty.
Interestingly enough, Krishna said that killing a murderer is compassionate and just because unless they are killed in the same lifetime that they murdered someone, in their next life they will suffer greatly due to their karma.
The flesh is just a vessel.
What good is it to save the flesh when the soul is what matters most?

toppest kek

Don't worry about it pic related is incoming.


Pepe, Kermit and???

Satanism is redpilled.


Consider the Following : Jesus spoke against institutionalized Churches as being syngagogues of satan and would be fake christians ect if those people Preach that Satan The Morning Star is Evil and Call Jesus The Morning Star doesn't that Mean Satan is Jesus and his Coat of Arms is some Pepes?

Fuck off christcuck.

dat boi / yoda / Billy n Mandy Frog Wizard Dean.

There are many Frogs take your pic.

Never ever forget this.
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, so that they may be like us."

Or the false prophet out whose mouth comes a vile unclean frog spirit?

Satanism is a meme


I don't care either way because I don't believe in bronze age fairytales.

I wonder which flag does look like.

Yes, that is correct.

Lucifer was the first to rebel against the divine dictator. He rebelled military and he lost. But his only sins were that he did not want to bow down before men when god asked all creation to do so. And that he though men knowledge (as symbolized by the tree of knowledge). God banished man from paradise before he could become divine too (tree of life).
>Now, so he won't reach out, also take from the tree of life, eat, and then live forever—"

Jesus came to open the eyes of mankind and show them they worship a false god, a god of lies, a god who enslaved them, the god of the old testament.

>You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

As I personally see it:
-The god of the old testament is an evil god: the demiurge
-Lucifer is an agent of enlightenment trying to free man's body and mind
-Lucifer & Jesus serve the same god and oppose Yahweh.

all religions are a meme

>implying that you have anything to refute that besides ad hominem bullshit
Are you a child?
If you aren't underage than at least your mentality is. Run along now. Adults are talking.

Kek is the god of Chaos and Order. He is born from chaos that is the absence of order and created the order that is the required condition for chaos to exists.

Satan is an entity of order and can live only in our world, while Kek is the creator of both and can live in water (chaos) or earth (order) and can bring the order into chaos and chaos into order that's why he is a frog.

The elite dried up the world of order from the leftovers of chaos by worshiping the entity of order (such as any god or daemon), causing an environment too arid for the frog to live and thus banning Kek.

At this point the only leftover of chaos was the free will and before the elites succeeded in fully banishing it Sup Forums used it to reopen the gates of chaos through the mememagic.

With the chaos now flowing through the world of order, Kek is back and is destroying the predetermined order created by the elites, because the order cannot exist without chaos, but he can't do it by himself because it would disrupt the order for good and turn it into chaos that's why he chose Trump (and other people) as his champion. Trump is an entity of order that can interfere with the order without turning it into chaos but has the power chaos and thus is not confined to the predetermined order.

This is why kek is not satan. And kek is not helping us, we are helping him, probably he chose us (remember Kek is not an entity of order and is not subjected to time, present past and future exist at the same time for him ).

Religions usually tend to call Satan everything they don't understand.


That is how I perceive it because the Gods in the Heavens are far more complex than we perceive them.

nice try Satan

Yhwh is known as a Blood Demon fyi.

Ok guys, i see your into Real Satanism.

Start with Exposing Christianity Dot Com

You will eventually reach the Truth.



fug :DDD



We are the bad guys from the point of view of the real bad guys.
