If Trump get's killed today, what will be the first thing you will do, burgers?
If Trump get's killed today, what will be the first thing you will do, burgers?
>le woman meme beating a dude
If they wanted this to work, they would have drawn a huge American dude kicking the nazi.
Celebrate the inauguration of president Mike "A whole substation to your sexual orientation" Pence
Drink some coffee
Also snort coke
Open their butt cheeks for Le diversity.
>they still think women can fight men
I wish the left would stop pushing this narrative that women are bad ass and tough because it shatters their world when they get raped or beaten or something because they didn't have a man around to defend them
nu males and feminists don't identify with that image, that's why.
I dislike the Aut Right NEETSoc bs but this type of propaganda makes me want to like it.
>If Trump get's killed today
I'll get comfy, get a 3 week vacation and follow closely on the happenings.
Story checks out
fap, probably
probably go buy a new gun or 6
What if Pence dies too?
I'd like to have sex with this girl, if you know what I'm saying
Go to the store and start stocking up on supplies.
I'd still be alright with it
>implying he won't kill Trump if that can cause a race war
>what will be the first thing you will do
Honest answer?
Buy a gun.
And I wouldn't be the only one.
If (((they))) harm our President, they will awaken a sleeping dragon in this country that cannot be stopped.
Who is this fag?
After The Civil War Part Two. of course...
>I'd like to have sex with this girl
What did he mean by this?
I miss William Pierce.
He's the leader of Congress
Distribute useful info in case of right wing insurgency.
Did you just assume their genders?
Kill every liberal at my work.
R34 when?
Everyone know they're just gonna chimp out.
Can you dump that please
Kick their axis?
Wtf does it say?
laugh my ass off because Pence will become POTUS.
I believe he means he wants to buy crystal meth
If you kill Trump, you deserve Pence.
If you kill Pence, you deserve literally Hitler.
Maybe not immediately, but soon. Normal people will know the liberals have gone too far.
The real question here is, what would Bulgaria do?
Nissan Skyline GT-R you mean?
I refuse to believe that there are people this new on Sup Forums who don't know what rule 34 is.
My bad, clue please? Been 10 years I didn't come here
I'd smile and watch America continue to burn itself to the ground as the whites have an albino chimpout.
Meanwhile I'll enjoy the UK gloriously forging the 2nd British Empire as we complete Brexit. For Queen and country, can't wait to subjugate some more darkies and steal their gold, oil, and pineapples.
I've just read it, man, what a throwback. Can't believe I forgot it.
>hasn't been on Sup Forums since 2007
>claims to not know one of the most basic shit of this website since its inception
on top of that you had to be a fucking leaf
study up on the Cube... get ready to bug in
fucking gommies
Yep, guilty. For my defense, I am pretty of a Fleur de lys