What do people want to achieve through nofap? I thought masturbation makes you immune to women manipulation?
What do people want to achieve through nofap? I thought masturbation makes you immune to women manipulation?
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They want back the vigor, focus, and wonder if childhood.
They can meditate and improve their focus, they can abstain from masturbation and have more energy, but they don't realize their innocence is never coming back. When you jerk off to dogs fucking women in the ass, crazy violent orgies, transexual gangbangs and shit like that, it leaves stains on your soul that don't come off.
getting a placebo effect rather than actually improving their lives
recovering some of the time spent into wanking and side effects, like dick sensibility or valuing relationships in other way
porn really fucks you up lad
holy shit miss zimbabwe is hot
wait a minute buster, this is false advertising. you almost had me, i was just about to book a flight there
improves discipline, self-control. anything else is a meme
But im not one of these people who fap 10 times a day because they are bored.
Whats wrong with fapping once per two days or so?
it's not about how many times you fap a day (although if you jerk off 10 times a day your dick will suffer), it's about how it affects you in the long run, neurologically and psychologically speaking
have you tried spending a week without fapping and felt desperate?
Being an addict to masturbation or porn puts you in the same level as a druggy. It kills your motivation and the only way to get back on the road is to stop, no matter if a few days or forever
You do realize that if it's not sustained constantly you will not get addicted. Watching porn twice a month will not effect you in the long term. That video applies to people who watch it literally every day and whack off once a day.
you get more testosterone if you dont masturbate regularly
It's the same as alcohol addiction, it doesn't affect everyone the same way, but some people self-medicate with their substance of choice until the develop a dependency.
Like most guys do, lets be honest.
I used to have a wank every day and watch tons of porn. Got to the point where a couple of occasions I had a girl in my bed and couldnt get it up (most of the time I still could, but these few chicks I had ED with never called me back)
ive cut it off mostly, but it's a hard thing to break. Still watch porn every 3 days or so, but the ed is better.
Nofap is retarded. In your twenties the benefits diminish after 7 days resulting in wet dreams or sexual frustration, then reduced libido.
In your 20s you can ejaculate once every 3 to 4 days and still have perfect sexual energy.
wait that girl is white
fp bp
they want to free themselves of sin. God hates masturbators
sad truth
porn is slavery of the mind
All nofap did for me was make me horny enough to fuck a fatty drunk as fuck at the bar
>never again
Not true. It's possible to recover, just very, very hard. Any rewiring of the brain just takes time and a different habit pattern (stimulus).
They are american and have a weird shame about masturbating.
what he wrote is pretty accurate in practical terms. Some things are never truly forgotten...
Fuck, it's entirely possible to retrain yourself to piss and shit yourself.
Diaperfags do it all the time.
>masturbation makes you immune to women manipulation?
Where'd you hear that from, originally?
to rid of the cuckoldery degeneracy and beta mindstate and lifestyle that porn has beseeched upon the western male
You can drink alcohol a couple of times a week and not be an alcoholic, too. Not everyone needs NoFap the same way not everyone needs AA.
These people that are deep in the NoFap community are jerking off at *least* once a day and using a lot of disgusting fringe-appeal porn to do it, in a way that leaves them disgusted with themselves and full of self-loathing.
Personally, I think I jerk off too much. It makes me lethargic all the time and it's a form of escapism. I can't subscribe to the cult-like behavior of the nofap community though; if all of that simpering and whining over their "x days clean" badges and fantasizing about nofap "superpowers" is the only way to live and be free of pornography as a monkey on your back, I'd rather continue to fap 3 times a day and hate myself that way. High involvement of NoFap looks like an absolutely miserable way to exist.
You can "recover", sure, but you're never going to forget how you spent years of your life beating off to violent and disturbing videos. You're never going to be able to go back to a time where you didn't even *know* half that stuff existed, and the lens you view the world through is going to be forever changed because of those experiences even if you're no longer dependent on them for satisfaction in your life.
I remember when I was a youngin' and being shown throat-fucking porn, being absolutely disgusted wondering why you'd want to fuck someone's mouth until they vomit. Now it's passe and doesn't even get me going unless she's at least getting banged up the ass as well. I've accepted that I'll never be able to go back to a time where that kind of stuff truly shocked me.
That's great that a white 6 in America can be Miss Zimbabwe......usually it's black 3 becoming Miss Finland or some shit.
They wont be forgotten until you ascend into a vibratory state where those thoughts can't even dwell. There is always hope. If you fill yourself with good thoughts eventually the memories of jacking off to even shit as raunchy as taiman asagi will fade away
Not fapping makes you more desperate for sex and that somehow, using some mental gymnastics, means that you'll get laid easier. Also there's some "broscience" that says your test will increase if you don't fap. I think nofap memers are sub 50IQ megavirgins who don't want to actually DO shit to improve their lives.
Only way I could healthily quit was when I got a qt gf that I was pounding instead. Now that I'm single I have no desire to fap or watch porn.
This tbqh famalam
How did they go from this...
to this?
it happens when you put the nazism to rest.
Because minorities have to be coddled like children at all times. I don't even begin to understand the white guilt complex of countries that never even owned slaves though.
>no desire to fap
that's called depression user
Kek you still have no chance.
>Personally, I think I jerk off too much. It makes me lethargic all the time and it's a form of escapism. I can't subscribe to the cult-like behavior of the nofap community though; if all of that simpering and whining over their "x days clean" badges and fantasizing about nofap "superpowers" is the only way to live and be free of pornography as a monkey on your back, I'd rather continue to fap 3 times a day and hate myself that way.
You're actually retarded. Did you know you can not jerk off/watch porn AND not visit that retarded cuckit site?!?!?! WOAH
>miss finland
>miss helsinki
It's like Miss Malmö vs. Miss *some random northern swedish city*, the difference is bretty big.
Chance for what? It was just childish banter desu, Turkish girls are nice
I can't even understand the white guilt here.
Of course I know that you fucking tea chugger, I didn't say "I just fucking give up I'm going to jerk off forever", I said I'd rather live that way than having to join the self-pitying cult of NoFap; i.e. If I can't do it my way, I'd rather give in than *having* to do it their way.
I make a conscious effort to be more constructive with my time, and find things to do other than jerk off; but I can't be bothered to go cry about it on reddit whenever I "relapse" and have a nice fap. They treat it like it's the end of the world and their whole lives hinge on it, and it looks absolutely miserable.
You create your own reality. If you have subconscious scarring from fapping to degenerate porn, it can be healed if you use your own belief to cure it. if you subconsciously believe you are scared for life, that will be the case.
this is coming from someone who has lasted NOfap for the last few weeks (still going strong) from a lifetime of jacking off to absolutely abhorrant porn, even traps.
Vid related if you haven't already seen it
Porn and trying to chase orgasms is a form of slavery, Once you accept that as truth in your mind, you're one step towards recovery. you have the power to stop projecting women as fucktoys. You can unleash your lust when you deem the situation to allow it. But following the rhythm of your patterns of "feeling like fapping" is basically akin to giving into your base passions.
Greatest tip I can give you is to strengthen your mind like you would if you were at the gym trying to strengthen your body. If you have to start out by looking at porn without spanking it, then go for it, just do it until you can calm your boner by willpower alone. Buddhist monks are known to be able to look at a woman and just appreciate her beauty without wanting to bang her like a dog. I've already reached a similar state because it comes easy from all the desensitization at this point.
the point is to have this translate into your real life, once you hit that point where you can look at a woman and not feel your heart sink or your dick react uncontrollably, then you've reached master level. The key is that you can control it, you just dont want to deep down. Convince yourself otherwise on a fundamental level, and you'll see wonders.
Yeah I'm not saying it's justified here either, but at least there's some basis of an argument to be made for things like affirmative action and the existence of organizations like the NAACP.
Countries like Sweden I just don't understand where that even originates from, when did it even start at how? Mystery to me.
The high energy thing isn't. I think the people who really feel the energy thing are a minority though and I'm one of them. I'd like to know exactly why, but I can tell you for certain that after I finish (sex or otherwise)lethargic, tired, and have skin problems for a few days. Wish I had known about nofap when I was younger
>What do people want to achieve through nofap?
prostate cancer
The biggest problem is that porn's like heroin. You never stop being addicted, and it's so damn easy to fall off the wagon and go back to wringing your dick to death while staring slackjawed at shit that should be or actually is illegal.
Fapping too much makes you lethargic, but nofapping or subscribing to the nofap community only makes you feel guilty when you eventually break whatever "streak" you're on. I don't like feeling guilty, depressed or be thinking that the benefits I gained from a week of nofap are gone after I rub one out.
Everything in moderation lads.
Most stuff that has a meaning to us, is like heroin. Shitposting included.
isn't it funny how all the shitskin countries always send their whitest models to these beauty contests while white countries send the niggest immigrants they have
How the hell do people get to the point that they masturbate more than once every day or every other day? Are you just telling yourself that the urge is there when it isn't?
nice meme
>I don't even begin to understand the white guilt complex of countries that never even owned slaves though.
Virtue Signaling. Since they can't compete economically or militarily, they compete "morally".
fair enough,I agree
>feel bored, don't know what to do
>jerk off
literally that and it's not healthy
I'm pretty sure they're compensating - like binge eating. Sup Forums faps constantly while taking pleasure in other people's misery in the off time
> yfw she was probably raped by Mugabe and now has AIDS
god is watching you right now (right now)
and he won't let you out of this sim if you've done too many depraved shit and/or gone beyond too much
Personally I was just bored at home with nothing to do.
True. I get legit fucked up in the head if I go for more than a few hours without shitposting.
There is no reason you should be put yourself through nofap unless you are trying to prove you have sexual discipline. You can fap away and still be a motivated person who wakes up at 6 AM and achieves his goals in life; pursuing a real science and getting a nice career, whatever it may be.
>3 weeks of no fap
>Have qt grill round at my place
>Start getting freaky
>Start losing erection after 10 minutes of banging her
>Never had this problem before no fap
What have you fuckers done to me?
What a qt
This is most likely the only real answer.
I tried nofap for a bit more than week once and I didn't notice any improvement in focus or energy or anything. Only thing that happened that otherwise wouldn't I that i had wet dream.
just let go and things will probably return to norm
that's because you used to jerk off too much, it will go away
think of it like this - did the victorians need to jerk off all the time to reproduce? hell no. I doubt they wanked at all think of their productivity
the kikes call us goyim and think we are like cattke for them to use because the overwhelming majority of people (whites) (
I jacked off to all types of weird shit since l was 11, mostly hentai and l can assure you that l don't give a shkt
How do you stop, Sup Forums? I've been wishing that 2017 was going to be /the year/ but I juat can't stop fapping.
*cattle for them to use ...
i havent fapped for a week and all i feel is anger. Am i being trolled?
another thing to consider - the jews circumcise you so you can't have pleasure while masturbating. Jews like Kellogg's try to feed you corn so you don't fap. The jews don't want you masturbating... they want you miserable and begging for relief.
That makes sense.
Bullshit. I fap maybe two or three times a week. Sometimes I don't fap for one or almost two weeks. I don't feel drained at all. What is wrong with you nofag faggots that you love jizzing your pants in your sleep once month so much.
I've found it massively difficult as even when I was with my last gf my sexdrive is just way too fucking high.
I've cut down to 1~3 times a month which is as good as I can do for now. it takes time but you'll find yourself feeling good about the fact that you are strengthening your self control, something that is essential for shaping ones destiny
>the almighty creator of the entire universe gets mad at apes when they wiggle their cumsticks
I went with a nopfap for 1 month and didn't come in my sleep during the time. I did not watch any porngraphic material either.
One thing that happened one time was that when I was sleeping I was dreaming about girls etc, the normal stuff for a wet dream, so it went on for the short time it usually lasts in the dream before the ejaculation and then I woke up. Nothing had happened.. except one thing.
I had travelled through the most distant dimensions and reaching to the third one. I had ejaculated within a dream in my dream. The third dimension had I reached.
My adventure continued afterwards, but not yet have I reached the fourth dimension.
I will report back when I have reached my destination.
This is the most bullshit argument I've ever heard. You're literally justifying "not" feeling guilty because its not comfortable. Not only that, but you're outright denying what that little voice in your mind is telling you. The voice that says "hey maybe this is wrong and I shouldn't be doing this" right after you bust a nut to some fantasy.
You're not doing it for the benefits alone, you're doing it because it's the right thing to do as a man of perseverance.
Is pedophilia or beastiality in moderation a good thing? Don't kid yourself, fapping is slavery. You dont have to change, but admit that you're not in control of your own desires at the very least.
they castrated sami people and finns too i think
I agree. It preys on the most powerful of your biological instincts and I think even the people who refuse to accept any validity in NoFap are either extremely naive or disingenuous if they can't at least accept the fact that short-circuiting the reproductive reward cycle of your brain is potentially addictive.
That's a pretty hot girl, where's she from?
what's wrong is that it puts the demand in place for kikes to provide the supply to with the excuse that people watch it so people must want it.
sick of the corruption of white women? it's not solely feminism to blame but pornography aswell. it's difficult to look at a pretty female with compassion when you've got blacked.com and violent gangbang shit playing in your minds eye whilst you're face to face with her
I've never watched any blacked videos but the few (like 5 or so) that I have seen in my life time have turned my stomache. it really is just a socially accepted form of beastiality.
it wouldn't be legal (in any country that actually matters) to watch a human (white) female get fucked by an ape or a monkey but somehow the lowly nigger is perfectly fine and even encouraged
Checked, kek be with us in this glorious day
Any tips to survive that first week? I know it's the hardest week of all since you're still in the habit of masturbating
That Hit hard.
The more liberated and unopposed a person becomes, the more degenerate their modes of mental gymnastics.
Without a third party or authority figure, with only yourself to dictate your actions you either handle the responsibility or you dont.
Like all experiences, its better to go through with your actions, see thats its wrong and improve without regrets. The tricky thing about porn is this; how far are you willing to go, do you honestly have enough self control and dignity to not fap to degenerate filth in the first place.
Fappings a character building experience. Most individuals are more weak willed than they'd like to admit.
people have all kinds of advice about nofap, here are some pointers:
-everyone is different, some can jerk off 7 times a day, have enough energy to play a game of soccer, then go home and bang their gf 3 times
-if you are having erection problems, before no-fap, try these out: exercising (cardio mainly, weights cant hurt), changing your diet (fresh food does wonders for your body), try and relax (a lot of peoples problems come from personal anxiety and dealing with intimate situations), ...sometimes your dong may just not work with a girl, if it happens often, their might be a block in the back of your head telling you shes not right for you sexually
-if you are having weak cummies : take zinc/arginine supplements, abstain from masturbating as much (build the seed up), DIET (fresh food you emu fucking nigger)
-if you are lacking energy and "vitality" : exercise, diet, read about mental control (sounds stupid, but once you realize you control your thoughts and feelings at an absolute level, its that fucking easy)
if none of the above helps, try nofap...your brain might be wired wrong from being a furry, diaper pooping, scat fetishist you stupid nigger
>jerk off to dogs fucking women in the ass
I remember those dark times
> it really is just a socially accepted form of beastiality.
Niggers, however degenerate they might be, are still humans
Blacked, interracial cuckold porn is programming, by design to project the viewers insecurities and hatred on the black man.
Calling blacks subhuman is a slippery slope, and you'll be held to the same standards you use against them in the long run. whether is by ((jews)) or whatever doesn't really matter, but whoever's above you in terms of subjective dignity will see you as degenerate trash who should be exterminated.
thats not to say that there isn't an objective scale of right and wrong, but falling for the racebait is a trap.
I dont support what niggers do, if they act like trash, then they will be treated as such. But justifying eugenics in any form will always lead to regret, because those same principles you apply to them will be applied to you when a greater class/race of people emerge. Just my 2 cents
Don't take it too hard, everyone has their baggage and regrets, most everyone has something they've done that they'll always be ashamed of. There are plenty of good positive reasons why you should stop yanking your crank to violent porn every day, it's just that if you go into it expecting to find that same free, innocent worldview of your youth, you're going to be disappointed.
To know this much means you're one of us DESU.
I've never watched any blacked videos but the few (like 5 or so) **interracial videos** that I have seen ...
on noFap atm
Thankully when I crack I just masturbate to lesbian / solo softcore fetishes like feet -- at least with these I don't feel like shit afterwards