can someone redpill me on Romania? I know next to nothing about this country except that's where gypsies come from. good/bad people?
Can someone redpill me on Romania? I know next to nothing about this country except that's where gypsies come from...
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>that's where gypsies come from
Look at a gypsy and an Indian, and you'll reconsider your position on Romania. Perhaps they're situated there, but they don't originate from there.
They improved their economy recently and they are good at Bernie counter-arguments.
Gypsies come from India and settled in Romania. Romanians hate gypsies.
After 4 visits to the country I can say they are genuinely pretty kind and awesome people.
Unfortunately they can't into government well. The younger guys are usually pretty friendly or completely obnoxious retards (pretty much like everywhere else). The women tend to be very attractive and you don't see the "bubushka syndrome" like with Russian women (becoming hideous after 30 or having kids). The problem with the women is that MANY are gold digging sluts (again not much different from others).
The older generation is also friendly and loves talking to foreigners. Only issue with them is that they think they know more about your country then you despite knowing almost nothing about it. They also view communism with rose tinted memories since many live poorly and still haven't acclimated to capitalism, also because of their government which is rife with corruption and the EU (and to an extent the US) treating them like ass.
Pseudo-slavic shithole like the rest of Eastern Europe.
Stole a good portion of land from the Mongolian rape babies.
(Ignoring the gypsy shitposting) Majority look white enough to blend in with Western Europeans. It's how they rob you.
Mexicans of Europe that go to Spain to pick strawberries, then they go back home and blow their money on shitty booze or build ugly as fuck houses they can never afford to finish.
Recently got good fiber Internet throughout the whole country so lots of their women whore themselves to foreign Arabs through cam shows. Also shitpost on Sup Forums
Romania is in such a shit state because:
1. Commies fucked all to shit
2. After the commie government failed, everyone with enough money and education fled to western Europe, leaving only the retards and gypsies behind.
t. Romanian born in Germany.
The only good thing from Romania is Sebastian Stan.
fast internet, boys good with numbers and using internet for scamming/hacking, girls good at using internet for scamming/whoring.
Last large area of un-developed nature in Europe.
Romanian are good people
Gypsies must die
Found the butthurt Hungarian.
why is it that the majority of camgirls come from Romania?
I worked with 4 romanians on a farm for one day, they were nice people, 2/4 were very white ( blonder hair than me and blue eyes) and the other two were both older and looked more like slavs (darker hair and skin) but they were all nice people and worked hard. gypsies are cancer though.
The last good romanian was a german.
Next question.
fast, cheap internet
believe me, it's a lot more expensive in othe european countries
Gypsies come from northern india, nor Romania, it just happens that many settled in Romania centuries ago.
If I remember correctly Romanians are Slavs with a non-Slavic language, while Bulgarians have a Slavic language but aren't really Slavs.
> all gypsies are in western europe now
> romania was a poor shithole before communism already.
Remember Romanian = good and Gypsy = bad
Romanian =/= Gypsy
Very interesting how a lot of eastern europeans laugh at Romania, yet currently they can't even wish for the GDP growth that Romania has. Not to forget Romania isn't "culturaly enriched" by sub-human individuals who explode now and then.
Romanians are nice people who are currently learning how to country better than any other eastern european. There are some gypsies living there, who put a bad name on every romanian. Gypsies are scum that came from India. They have never and will never mix with the natives of any other group, they have never and will never get integrated, they have never and will never abandon their "culture". Gypsies are EXACTLY like jews, but poor. They have the most racist (literally racist, not like us here) culture ever. They use one of the only two languages in the world that have specific words for someone who is NOT from their culture and these words are considered offensive by them. The other such language is hebrew.
Trust me, there are plenty of gypsies here in Bulgaria and they are literally an inbred form of subhumans. LITERALLY. An entire village of 100 gypsies, multiplied many times in a matter of a few decades. Now there are tousands of gypsies there and all of them are inbred in some way. They all die before the age of 40 because they are literally not humans. They do not coexist or tolerate any other group, INCLUDING other gypsy clans. And this is not just one place.
I'm going here in august for a stag do
same guy
Shit. I meant western europeans****
basically this, the younger people are beyond stupid and easily manipulated by Soros NGOs
romanian who moved to spain here.
the country is decent.
most young people (18-25) are politically illiterate tho.
women are attention craving whores (like most other places) and the guys are either very cool or they think they are smarter than everyone else.
minumum wage is about 240 eur while rent is about 150 eur.
the reason the country is shitty is because after communism fell corruption took over and politicians and companies that were suposed to build infrastructure just pocketed most of the money while doing almost jack-shit.
romania would be atleast sweden tier if proper infrastructure was built right after communism fell but then romania would be invaded with subhumans aswell so its kind of a bittersweet situation
God i fucking hate gypsies. They will steal your shit, even after you catch them. Ive had shit stolen from my garage, and seen it being sold at one of their smelly little gypsie camps
They are lost indians.
>gold digging
Sounds exactly like indian women.
Obligatory redpills about our favourite neighbour.
Stupid, treacherous, lazy people full of inferiority complexes who always managed to be on the winning side.
I visited there :
>Beautiful Germanic country.
>Trash third world infrastructure. Hilariously corrupt.
>Women there are sexy as fuck but they are expensive gold diggers.
>Men there are like a lot of slav men but they are not ethnically Slavs.
>Stray dogs everywhere and I mean everywhere.
>Neat Romantic language.
>Gypsies are subhuman filth that deserve the gas chambers. After visiting a country with Gypsies you will quickly come to understand what a vile race of thieves and beggars they are. They locals hate them and are justified in every way.
we rapebabies need our land back
Did you feel welcome in Spain?
Not like refugees welcome, not with consdescendent words I mean.
>hungarian calling himself a mongol rapebaby
Yeah no
not really man,
gyppos and people who came here to pick strawberries really fucked shit up for everyone else.
don't feel unwelcome but you deffo feel 2nd class
Transylvania is German clay.
What a subtle request of a Hungarian-Romanian holywar shitpost thread.
>I have to say i have some irl experiance with romanians. Naturally they are nice guys, but somethimes they beat their women. They are hardworking people they deserve a better future.
By the way i have some experiance of them on the internet too. Their natinalist are pretty straight up liers, they usually lie about their great harritage nonstop. If you play against them in games, they are probably runinng botfarms, or simply exploiting bugs.
Their ghypsies are even worse then the gjypsies in Hungary. In this topic Romanians and Hungarians agree, we dislike ghypsies. Even more than we dislike eachother
This tbqh
>yellow is small
>black is big
really made me think
>red pill me
Ok this needs to stop.
>1 post by this id
let me add to that
>they have worse hygene than indians
>they rape, rob and murder 80yolds on a daily basis
>literally AT LEAST 90% of them live on handouts,
the rest sweep streets or rarely work garbage trucks
>mothers have an average of 7-8 inbread parasytes, just cause they get handouts for each, they have their first child on average at 13-14
>FOR NORMAL SCHOOLS:gypsies get handouts if their children go to school and have their kids """integrage""", they even get state subsidised textbooks, YET 1/1000 does't drop out by around grade 4. and they don't drop out because they're literal inbread retards, they mostly drop out because of lack of attendance
>in gypsy neighbourhoods schools spark a little more attendance but if you've ever been around one its like a fucking zoo. Any time during study hours you hear shouts screams, something is throw out some window at 15-20 seconds intervals the most, be it books chairs desks, paper, ciggaretes. speaking of you can always see some smoking during class sitting on the widow frames
>not to mention arab gang mentality
I'd singlehandedly slaughter every single gypsy on earth without feeling a shed of empathy, they're worse than niggers, muslims roaches albanians and greeks put together. why greeks? they're almost as fucking lazy as the gypsies
The best shitposting threads involve the Balkans and Ukraine as well. Shitposting about Romania is quite low effort (almost as low effort as about Slovakia) for a real Hungarian, we only do it because of patriotic duty.
>tfw too smart to betray my allies
Gypsy genocide when?
I feel sorry for the natives.
Nobody should have to deal with so many gypsies.
I hosted how they are romanticized and look at like harmless novelties here in the US (mainly because we have almost none here).
For Americans unfamiliar with them let me simplify it for you THEY ARE ALMOST THE EQUIVALENT OF OUR NIGGERS. I say almost because they don't have firearms, dont try to fuck outside their own family and are even more protected by the EU then our affirmative action bullshit.
Then EU were such stupid faggots for imposing strict anti-discrimination laws on Romanians and others regarding these subhumans. Good job with that fucktards...enjoy your crime wave!
>patriotic duty
Moar like you have nothing better to do with your time. Just like the Romanians that shitpost with you in those kind of threads.
Fuck *hate how
I don't dislike hungarians,neither do most of the people in the country. During the 89 revolution various parties tried to provoke a civil war that would see us kill each other and probably end up in a balk style war that could be fulled indefinitely bc Romania in particular had at the time excellent finances and very deep pockets (forex and gold reserves). The ethnic hungarians didn't take the bait with a couple of exception and I respect that.
the rivalry is greatly exacerbated to promote political interests of the udmr(the ethnic maghiar party that has managed to be in a coalition goverment and thus in key positions in power for the last 20+years) and foreign interests.(same as calling tzigans roma even though none of them called themselvesthat,it was decided at a congress in ((london)) ,create conflict and exploit). Speaking of the udmr,they have turned szekeliland and other maghiar majorities places from thriving economic centers in the commie times into insanely impovrished backward areas with no hope of regrowth,where the udmr chiefs live like kings.
>barley any
You have atleast a million of them I know that you have a population of 350 million+ but still thats loads
They are worse than niggers. Proportionally there are far more decent, civilized niggers who are capable of living above tribal levels than gypsies
>The problem with the women is that MANY are gold digging sluts
women that date foreigners are like that here. Unless you're a "charming gentleman" (think Hugh Grant/James Bond) then you'll be knee deep in pussy
I have encountered maybe 10 at most and I've lived in the NYC area most my life. They were all fucking terrible and pulled the same shit they do in Europe, but by and large the majority of Americans wont encounter them.
>good at Bernie counter-arguments.
> Anonymous (ID: x2UPC21i) 01/20/17(Fri)12:53:47 No.107967531▶
Why are Germans such retard? Bulgaria is Slavic country with slavic language and traditions. They are the first Slavic nation to use the Cyrillic script and the first slavic literacy language. Romania was influenced by medieval Bulgaria that's why they have lots of slavic words in their language but in general they are latin speakers.
There are more gypsies in bulgaria
>tfw no Balkán style civil war that would end up in a free Székelyföld at a minimum
I guess so since living in gated communities doesnt really help
But Romania created the Gypsy flag, which means they are more proud of their gypsy heritage. While Bulgarians hate them with a passion.
You aren't wrong. I had fantastic experiences with the women there and never got hit up for money. I actually have a huge thing for Romanian women now. Some other guys I know weren't so lucky but thats on them.
I got to stay in a whole bunch of places in your country and I only saw one girl that was openly terrible. I was at some tea house with the girl I was dating and the other girl was there with her boyfriend. Whenever I spoke in English she kept staring at me and when she saw I had US dollars she waited till my g/f got up and then started to try and talk to me right in front of her boyfriend. He was pissed, I was shocked at what a skank she was and my g/f wanted to smash her teeth in. At least it was entertaining.
There are the most gypsies in Turkey if we are gonna talk about this.
Gypsies are the worst thing that ever happened to exist. In communist times Bulgaria had a gypsy-sterilization policy. Untill 2007 (When we joined the EU) there were different political efforts to lower their unhuman birthrates. Since we are in the EU all kinds of NGO's are giving massive funds to protect gypsies in Bulgaria. You cannot sue a gypsy, because SOROS HIMSELF will come to defend it. It's FULL of EU "humans rights" retards protecting them and destroying Bulgaria, all of them are not even bulgarian! They are not humans and cannot live as such. The state WAS FORCED to give them free houses. Guess what they did to these houses in a matter of few years (pic related).
The only good gypsy is the one dead and burned so you don't know it ever existed. They are the sons of niggers and jews that mixed. They are scum that only the turks are able to tolerate. If you ever see a gypsy, do not think of it as a human being, because it's not. Your ancestors who lived in caves and were hunter-gatherers were way more advanced and human-like creatures than nowadays gypsies. Every bulgarian worker currently is feeding tens of small subhuman gypsy children. And that is happening because of all the EU love for them.
Better than germans
another thread bullying romanians
Romania is a great country with cute girls, you faggots should visit it.
It's a very pretty country filled with very shitty people.
>They are lost indians.
How will ever recover the Romanians?
Sensual Jane comes from there so it can't be that bad
Spot on. Also something the media doesn't talk about. Gypsies hate romanians regardless of how we behave to them.
They should be kicked out. It would be the moral ethical and logical thing to do.
i like you romania. you have transylvannia and stuff.
Their architecture is amazing
>Tfw you can't come up with anything original, so you copycat Hollywood
best neighbor
>romania would be atleast sweden tier
Why Hungarian hate so much the Romanians?
Not to meme like india with
> world power by 2020
but most of our money goes to foreign countries because even basic companies like water/electricity are foreign
So we're basically being robbed blind
They are not being tariffed because we do not have that authority. We live under EU rule. It says in our constitution that if EU law supercedes Romanian law .
So I think that when the EU falls we'll see quite a change here.
Unless our puppet politicians find a new master
IMO they should all be kangaroo tried for treason and hung on national tv.
Along with everybody who works at ProTV, Antena, and many other media firms.
I ask myself the same question everyday
After all, it was the French that helped our neighbors to fuck us up after WWI.
Shitty country with no culture.
Created by France to dismember Hungary after WW1. Without Hungary to stabilize the balkans, the entire region fell into destability, poverty and genocide.
Thank God im not French
>So I think that when the EU falls we'll see quite a change here.
Err, no. You're pretty much fucked, because of that NATO anti-missile shield. You've got yourself a noble position on Ivan's WWIII strategy map.
Romania is a country that was called the "Baltic Shield" in medieval times because of its numerous clashes against the invading ottomans, many of them being victories against impossible odds.
Romanian national movement The Legion of Archangel Michael has launched memes so powerful that many nationalist movements today adopt part of their doctrine such as and svenks ungdom.
The correct term for gypsy in Slovenia is ROM (ROMI plural) so yeah, by definition you guys are gypsyes
We only have to worry about that if globalism actually wins. Putin wants to develop relations with it's neighbours, but hillary and merkel wouldn't let him.
Soon Radu, soon...
>t. Romanian born in Germany.
>swiss flag
you're a fucking kike
fuck off, (((romanian)))
>no "Dracula"
we appreciate the sacrifices of your people against the mooslims
>Implying we won't only use the missile shield to stop nukes directed at Romania
user, I'll have you know I feel the same about shitposting about hungarians. At this point I can dump my 1_MEMEMAGIC/Country/Hungary folder and stall any hungarian shitposter in his tracks. It gets boring once hungarians start getting BTFO so easily.
? i dont get it
none of those countries would attack romania
the red countries are pro-ru or russian influence
>he is proud of being ivan's marionette
just like the last time
Iohannis is going down in 3 months, massive secret service happening in Romania
Making kebab out of kebab is the greatest thing they've ever invented.
i wonder how Germans feel about the genocide of the teansylvanian saxons in transylvania by the romanians in the last couple of decades. Invited by the Huns in the 13th century, the saxons were a driving economic and cultural force in the region untill being conpletely eradicated in the 20th century.
t. Zipser German
Turdas has the oldest and largest salt mine in the world. It's where the Romans dug up most of their salaries.
lots of square-ish commie block looking buildings.
was there last year
It doesn't look too much of a secret if you're posting it on Sup Forums.
Also, didn't he lose the election already?
what percent of the population do gypsies make up in Romania? how much do they mix with Romanians?
>Croatia 98
Most of fuckers here in Croatia are either Nazi or just fucking commies. 98 is too much.