Post yfw Donald thanks Sup Forums in his speech.
Post yfw Donald thanks Sup Forums in his speech
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He will probably mention us indirectly with a term like "internet communities" or something.
Yeah we'll get our mention. Sometime after israel and before soros.
"I'd also like to thank my internet people" he did it before
Alex Jones just said there won't be a speech
I hope he drops a fat REEEEEEEEEEEEEE into the mic. This will be enough to please us and kek
A victory for Trump is a victory for Israel.
Enjoy your war with Iran. Enjoy your upcoming nuclear arms race with China.
>Pro Nationalist Israel
>Kills Zionist functions in the U.S
Mother isn't very good at Discerning anymore. Good things we called her mommy too. Cause only a woman could take that much black dick.
Are they human ?
They are not of this world...
has he or any other politician ever, acknowledged this unknown shithole?
They're russians.
i hope he wont, we dont need new thousands of newfags.
It will never happen. Praise Moloch!
Can't wait for the butthurt part 2. Election day was just an appetizer
When will he be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
Nice try, cryptokike. We know who the Jews really wanted.
>Sup Forums is this delusional
He will thank Israel and other jews
Pls no...
We don't need more fucking normies here. Send the normies to reddit.
He didn't forget us...