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I think the muzzies have forgotten the importance of death to those who threaten the West
>needing to post photoshop of Trudeau when you can just post the real thing
I love you straya
If you don't believe in fucking 9 year old girls then you can't be a part of the glorious globalist society.
What the fuck do you care? You've never been to Toronto.
>you know what? A 9 year old is considered an adult.
What the fuck!
One Anglo trying to save the other from his retarded self.
Gee I guess it's like when Muzzies explode. We'll never know the motive
gonna need a lot more lamp posts desu senpai
Thank you KeK for backing up my point
Why doesn't he just go back to his country try if he wants to do Islam things.
I live in Toronto and I can tell they're right beside the eaton centre.
Why wouldn't you move out?
Plan on moving to a small town in the rockies in a couple years
and what you westerners will do?
write an angry post on Sup Forums?
Bless you then.
Ivan, like it or not you're one of us. We have to work together until kebab is removed.
actually no
I think you're too sober for your own good
You've got a much larger muslim population than we do and I don't see a whole lot of remove kebabing going on
Uh, no. Eventually the muslims will be educated enough by Canada to change their ways.
That is why second and third generation immigrants are more radicalized than first generation ones?
That's an oxymoron
>Why doesn't he just go back to his country try if he wants to do Islam things.
pic related
>Uh, no. Eventually the muslims will be educated enough by Canada to change their ways.
A true statement by Mr. Holocast-shamemany
once they switch religions
if I was the president, my CIA's main mission would be to convert the middle east to Mormonism or make them Amish
Actually I think Amish would work better
Because they're bretty integrated.
Canacucks will be genetically extinct if left controls the government for too long
Their level of integration is directly proportional to the amount of tribute they recieve from Moscow. Of course, this doesn't stop them from raping an occasional woman or making some Russian sit on a bottle.
>I live in Toronto
and segregated. Muslim regions have most of the muslims hundreds of km away.
russians are not human. their genetic-level alcoholism and the fact that communism ever happened are testament to this.
which saudiposter are you?
afaik there's only 2 lurking on Sup Forums
You guys still more cucked than we are.
>what's Chechnya
your mudslimes are "integrated" because Putin's oligarchy maintain them under a short leash; even though he keeps a public facade of being tolerant for religious diversity, it's pretty clear that his main goal is too support and spread Orthodox Christianism as a way of increasing national unity.
Don't mess caucasus monkeys and the tatars. The Tatar region is literally being sucked in order to supply caucasus and out warlords there. Tatars are integrated, caucasians are in such a process.
Moscow is a shithole though.
lmao retard
Because mudslimes like freebux more than their god.
sure buddy
tell me more about my own country
Not surprised this was in toronto.
Didn't even notice that was Photoshopped with Trudeau in it until I saw it for the fourth time. That's how ugly Muslims are.
because muslims are in a war right now, and their plan is to conquer by infiltrating on every country and raise their number until suppress the original population
best argument you got, drunken slav?
You must be pretty dumb to not comprehend how Putin is using the nostalgia of Soviet era and religious identity under Orthodoxism to boost patriotism and internal stability.
Something which western Europe should be doing against the cultural jihad.
We knew from the start this angle of Trudeau's would blow up in his face. The entire western world is still in its infancy when it comes to understanding the long term effects of globalization. I feel sorry for countries at the forefront of this experimentation, like Sweden/Canada/Germany etc. Hopefully you guys can pick your country up and recover from it before it destroys you. The caring sells attitude looses legitimacy in the eyes of voters when the towns they grew up in are reduced to lawlessness; when the effects hit their own families and their ways of life. A considerable percentage of people from war-torn countries you are introducing to your own countries do not even understand right from wrong in the ways we do. Protect the people you care about and weather the storm, because this isn't going to continue at this rate without people waking up.
I'm just really really lazy to write complex answer using phone sensor kboard now.
But I'll let you know that you're mostly right, except that he does not attempt to convert nat. minorities. He only wants them to be russian, zero fucks given over their religion and shit.
To clarify - russian in terms similar to french nationalism of the old; its called civic if I'm not wrong.
Fuck. Goodbye Canada. Trudeau clearly served you all well.
We've been self destructing since the first one. JT is just here finish us off.