Conservashits, explain this?
Conservashits, explain this?
when bernie is crucified, dies, and is resurrected three days later, get back to me
Really makes you think
HAHAHAHA, fuck off.
Bernie has protection, jesus didnt
Jesus was not interested in FORCING people to give money. That wasn't actual kindness. He was not a socialist because he was interested in an earthly government. His kingdom was in heaven, not on earth. That is why he said give unto Caesar what is Caesar's.
The real jesus has all of those traits you dolt. Does that make him a hippie?
"giveth your money onto Romans to that Romans could redistribute it to the poor" - Jesus Christ
Yeah, no it seems to me like Jesus had a few issues with big government.
Jesus is not a socialist. Christianity is a personal religion, not a political ideology. You don't get to heaven by spending other peoples money.
I hate both. Jesus was a pussy/hippie and christianity made us weaker.
Jesus would never force charity, he would know it's no longer charity if it isn't voluntary.
>le jesus was a socialist maymay
Christianity taught individualism and consensual giving of alms. Socialism is the taking of other people's property against their will.
> I don't believe in Jesus and dislike his followers
> let me use him as an example to prove my agenda is better
Yeah right, this guy was as lazy as a jew can be.
there is also The True Jesus. He died on the cross because of Jews.
Jews would kill Bernie too!
Implying that I don't hate both
Why do these threads even get replies?
whatcha sliding rabbi?
>People will voluntarily give away money if they don't have to pay taxes
lolbertarians actually believe this.
one died at an age before we get to see his full-blown stupidity courtesy of alzheimers while the other didnt
In Lolbertarian paradise, walmart doesn't kick in your door and kill you, in your paradise, the government does that. Probably that's your 'job'
People already do, despite the taxes... It's called charity.
>People already do, despite the taxes... It's called charity.
It's called a method to get tax breaks dumb fuck, generosity is a meme. People won't volunteer to give away money to build roads and police departments.
brb crucifying bernie
this. He, and I think Paul, basically said to follow the rules of the government you live under, or something to that effect.
I had a crazy liberal professor that said charities and churches only distributed money selectively to certain groups of people, which was unfair and somehow bad. just an insight into how these people think.
Jesus talked about the differences of the Kingdom of God and the world, and our duties to each. I always got the impression that personal christian acts should not be intermingled with worldly governments. Doesn't make sense to apply the standards of the kingdom to our government when Jesus and Paul spent so much time saying how different they are. Liberals use religion only when convenient to manipulate, and always twisting and editing it in their favor. like they do with everything. It is the naive leftists that I worry about, the ones who are fed this narrative about socialism and believe it is their christian duty.
Jesus was not a Jew rat like sanders. Jews literally subverted the Bible. Kikes of today were the Pharisees of biblical times.
>le jesus is a socialist meme
When will leftards understand that giving alms to the poor by your own will as an act of love is very different than a state forcibly taking money from you?
bernie was never a carpenter. he was on welfare his entire life.
The closest anyone who thinks Jesus was a socialist has gotten to a Bible was when they were smugly moving them to the fiction section in the library.
Nigger ima atheist fuck both of those hippie faggots
Man I love these occupy democrats images, I have a huge collection of these backed up for future shitposting
>the guy that slapped the shit out of tax collectors so bad they left everything to follow him
>the guy that got killed because that was what the 'people' wanted
>the guy that wanted no one to bow to anyone but God
lmaoing right now
how the fuck was Jesus a socialist? Tithing asks for starters 10% of your wealth to be given to help others regardless if you're rich or poor.
Our dark Lord Satan has named his champion behold our Antichrist Trump.
>he's a sociopath that would only help anyone if threatened by violence
>he projects this onto everybody else
>he then claims that he's a good person and anyone who doesn't need to be forced to do "good" is a bad person
Liberalism in a nutshell.
I don't like both of them
are they christian now why are they saying it like it like he's Jesus
>so why do conservatives
The answer is always "because they're retarded".
>occupy democrats is now unironicly comparing Sanders to the son of god
What next, live sacrifices?
>Conservashits, explain this?
I would never let Jesus run a country either. He has no experience. His warped views are based on the idea that his father gives him everything.
So no. You can cram it up your ass. Bernie is no Jesus either....
>Bernie Sanders
>manual labor
>a Spaniard bitches about Protestantism
literally nothing new to see here.
yes this.
The Argentinian has been rekking leftist shit threads like a pro. Bravo.