How do we solve the Catholicism problem Sup Forums?

How do we solve the Catholicism problem Sup Forums?

there are two bigger problem before that

>tfw pol is finally realising how based protestantism is

We force it upon islamic heretics

That's america where people are supposed to be protestants,and mexican inmigrants didn't mass vote for trump,the knly problem with catholicism it's it got cucked beyond recognition...

Replace with Allah.

sterilize everyone with double digit IQ. Religion will dissapear with another generation.

>How do we solve the Catholicism problem Sup Forums?

No need to solve it. Catholicism is a rotting corpse: most Catholics are either total cucks and don't even believe in Catholic doctrine anymore (hint: all other religions are still wrong) and/or they are just culturally Catholic and combine Catholicism with their South American or African native religions. Actual Catholicism in Africa and South America doesn't really have much to do with Christianity, anyway. It's a combination of paganism, animism, polytheism and Catholicism ... which itself is a combination of Judaism, Paganism and Greek and Roman philosophy.

Also: Augustine was a chimpin Berber who looked like Colin Kaepernick and behaved like Anthony Weiner ... before he became a Eunuch for the Kingdom of Heaven and invented the theory of Original Sin. This is not an acceptable religion.

you mean all atheists will die off and religion becomes extremely powerful without retards distorting its purpose.




Protestant contradixt early christian

Atheist who voted for Trump here

Replace with Kek

Explaun this


Exterminate all christians.

Let´s try to mend the fucking chism? Then we maybe could start to get along.

And I´m saying that as a proud protestant.

Get out there and recruit more. Pull mudslimes away from their satanic god and bring them in to the light. Jews are a lost cause though.

Nuke Jerusalem.


We can make Catholicism Great Again but making /ourguy/ the next Pope.

papa fixes church? and ends "secularism"?

Who is he?

Convert to Orthodoxy.

Cardinal Burke.
>Raymond Leo Burke is an American cardinal prelate of the Catholic Church. He is an archbishop and also serves as the patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

Basically undermines Pope Francis on things and being rebellious, he doesn't like the whole liberal Catholic thing and represents the more conservative and traditional side.

The blessed black man of ad orientem is /ourguy/

Religious persecution, capture and reconditioning of all religious fanatics, followed by complete technocracy.

That's the ONLY viable solution.

>as the patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
fuck yeah, pope when?

Daily reminder that the eternal Anglo's are gods true chosen people.

Sterilise yourself Baltic nigger. I know 4 languages, currently studying law at the best university in Poland. And guess what, I am Catholic.

Why do you want lithuanians to become extinct, Żmudź-kun ?


>tfw too intelligent to reply to religiontards

>the eternal Anglo's are gods true chosen people.

That was just one of the best memes in history.

>The closer you get to Africa.

>and ends "secularism"?

Such attempts have been made before and all resulted in catholic church rapidly losing ground whenever it engaged in politics during periods when population of a given country was heavily divided.

>Catholic church tries to rally against Italian unification
>Nowadays Italian churches are only frequented by non-italian christians and tourists, hence Vatican's approval towards importing rapefugees

>Catholic church in France starts claiming that Vichy France is for the best
>In XXI century French churches are being demolished because noone frequents them

>Catholic church picks a side in Spanish civil war
>Spaniards consider themselves to be believers for the most part, but churches are empty because its hierarchy is seen as traitors

Our church right after the fall of communism had an approval rating of 85-90%, now it fell down to 55% - lower than our police force - because church decided to push itself into politics and continues to do so even when most of Poles only go to church twice a year.

There is a pattern here. Unless catholic church recognizes it, it will only continue to erode christianity.

Throw them against the rising caliphate, let them get shit done, and then let them have and sort out everything from Rome-eastward unti you hit asia.

I just heard a bunch of cardinals are pissed off at the pope for copy-pasting an archbishop's work from 20 years ago or something? And lots of other issues they have with things he's saying. Will he be overthrown and declared false? Will Catholics salvage their dignity?

Probably not.

Church have to abandon tolerance and ecumenism in place of massive missions.

We make the pope a meme




>Catholicism is a rotting corpse
It's not, because Poland will save catholicism, like Franks in the Middle Ages

eliminate shite pope

>currently studying law at the best university in Poland
UW jest gorszy od UJ

The problem is the commie Pope we have now,put Ratzinger back.

>in place of massive missions.

Fuck no, too much of our money goes down that episcopal drain already.

You and I both know that our church isn't going to move a finger as long as it would require them to shell out their own resources.




It was solved ages ago

A bunch of cardinals are perma-pissed at the pope these days

>How do we solve the Catholicism problem Sup Forums?

Become Roman Catholic.


>Endorses predestination on the same level as muslims

>Turns out that muslims find protestant countries comfier than all others these days

How about no.

That's not working out too well anymore, especially in my country.

give me a quick rundown on atheists