Donald has 8 grandchildren. All 8 are Jewish

Donald has 8 grandchildren. All 8 are Jewish.

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And he will be president for 8 years.

On his first day in office he will be 70 years 7 months and 7 days old.

Truly blessed by Kek.


at least they are not mexicans

Playing the game and winning it.

At least they're not niggers

Bernie Sanders is a jew
Hillary Clinton's daughter married a jew.

Jews are in everything

Trump has golden hair, just like your god, sabaoth.

Ivanka Trump converted to Judaism and has 3 children. This gives Donald his first 3 Jewish grandchildren.

I have no god but the god of Shekel.


he's controlled opposition

Filthy fucking kike

Donald Jr Trump married a Jewess, and has 5 children. This gives Donald a total of 8 Jewish grandchildren.

and they will take over the Trump empire in the future

It's up to barron to save his family

But wait, there's more!

Eric Trump married a Jewess. They have no children yet, but all future children will be Jews.

Tiffany Trump is not married yet, but her serious boyfriend is a Jew.

Indeed, Barron is the only child of Trump who is not Jewish

Nice clock Ahmed


What makes one jewish?

I seriously wouldn't be surprised if everybody in the west is jewish.

If all it takes is to have one jewish parent, and considering there's a good chance at least one of your ancestors is jewish, then I'd say that there's a good chance you all are kikes.

only 3% of the country is Jewish

What the fuck cunt?


>mfw Sup Forums got rused by the jew in plain sight
>mfw Trump does worse than Obongo
>mfw Americans are still a joke

You can be a Jew only if your mother is one

and all Donald's children have Jewish mothers

Sup Forums btfo yet again

the eternal jew always wins, goy.

WTF I love jews now

Converts, man do not rise children, only women do, his girls knows shit about Judaism so how will they rise their kids to be Jews?

Imagine getting chinese mail bride, she becomes USA citizen and gives you a kid, will she rise it as a pure blood american or a chinese?

>Donald's children have Jewish mothers

Ivana and Melania are Jewish?

Ivanka converted.

Oops. I meant, all Donald's grandchildren have Jewish mothers.

All his children (Except for the little boy) have converted to Judaism or married Jewish women

The percentage is greater in NY.
The percentage is ridiculously high among the elites of NY.

even if you do not count Ivanka's conversion, Eric and Donald Jr married full ethnic Jewish women.

Jews really kept to themselves throughout history, one of the many reasons they could never integrate into nation states.
So no, there is no "good chance" that everybody has jewish ancestors

Most of his cabinet are Jews too.

Better understand now /pol that the jews run both sides, always.

Trump kisses Rothschild feet just like all the rest.


> Inb4 Sup Forums transforms into "Israel is our greatest ally"

> The percentage is ridiculously high among the elites of NY.

yes, 90% of Donald's family is Jewish now.


Bill Mattis


They shouldn't be though. There really aren't that many jews in the world. If one out of fifty Americans killed just a single jew we'd have no more jews here. Let's do this

So wich is it:
> Jews are the devil.
> Jews run everything but this time they have a plot that sounds good to me, so they can be good.

Possibly Israeli intelligence have program to snatch kids af billionaires by sending the best "second half" and then influence them when they inherit all the gold.

You should write a SciFi about that.

Yes, what a ridiculous idea. It could only be science fiction.

The heroes are those who murder jews
t. Donald Trump

His ace in the hole is Baron. He will be Trump's untainted legacy and the future Fuhrer.


Yup he's also the designated survivor so if they kill trump and his cabinet Baron will be our new emperor

It is called PolFi, not SciFi.
Read Tom Clancey's books if you like the idea.

If I can came up with this shit in 5 minutes then best intelligence in the world can too. Think about that.

Trump hates the Rothschild because of what their grandson did to his daughter.

What did their grandson do to his daughter? Marry her and give them grandchildren?

then they married his son
and then they married his other son
and then they dated his other daughter

I know he's a good goy and all but why do so many jews hate him?

Donald has 8 grandchildren. All 8 are Jewish.

Manipulation of actual goys of course.
Impotent internet hatred is easy to feign.

With a name lik3 Barron, that boy is destined to rule.

Mattis shilled for Israel like crazy

He abused Ivanka during their relationship.

That's probably the % of jews in the actual NY elite, tbqh.

is that Sarkozy the French?

Wait, what? Why did noone think to check the GRANDchildren?

We were all to focused on the pussy grabbing and wonder who the 4th wife is going to be.

he knows what he needs to do

The true power behind the throne.

We need new propaghanda memes

What's a stonia?

We didn't even need to check the grandchildren.

His daughter converted to Judaism.
His son married a Jewess.
His other son married a Jewess.
His other daughter is dating a Jew.


Jesus only drove them out because they had set up shop in a temple. He wasn't anti banking per se.

get a load of this pilpul

I love jews

Looks good on a resume.

Saul Goodman was just a Potato Nigger before he was Saul Goodman.

You cucks voted for the meme jewlover candidate!

Based slav!



How many are commie Marxist Jews?

Checkmate OP.

Do it Barron!

Putin is Israel puppet. He's spending the russian people money to do war in Middle East for the Great Israel. Their goal is to remove all Muslims from there, sending them to Europe.

Soon, Donald Trump will do the same.

We're not going to accept it. A World War is coming:
Europe + China VS Israel + Russia + USA.

I'm really glad Trump, Steve Bannon and Breitbart decided to purge the anti-semites from the movement. Nazi sub-human inbred retards will support Trump even if he shits on them, and we need the support of more moderate people. It's time to say it loud and clear, we are AGAINST globalism and FOR a strong Israel.

Nationalist jews are our ALLIES, DEAL WITH IT

is it true that jewish last names in Brazil are names of trees?

Yep, and guess who got played again: The angry fascist goyim.

>Racemixing is bad
>Jewbreeding is fine
Trump supporters are such hypocrites.

might as well be you nasty fuck

This. Trump is openly pro-Israel and pro-Zionism. I don't understand how Sup Forums could just blindly trust him and not have any bit of skepticism.

He sure flip flopped on that one real quick.

Not an argument.

Jews own everything and are the reason for every single worse thing that has happened since the dawn of humanity.

Could be, but he also openly defied (((them))) on numerous occasions.

It wouldn't be a surprise if he were to start dating a Jewess.

One is a Jew if their mother is a Jew. One might carry on Jewish blood but it would still get diluted in which case, converting to Judaism would make them purely Jewish.

Hopefully this would happen. Barron even looks like he has the best genetics out of the rest of Trump's family

Individual Jews have their own goals. Then theres left wing Jews and right wing Jews. The Jews in US hate the Jews in Russia. Clinton's Jewish handlers hate jewtin's Jew friends.

This whole jewish game is confusing but one thing is clear, even the best of the best Jews need to be thrown into the Gas chambers.


yes Goy, Jesus was a Jew too and Jews are G*ds chosen people who should enslave all non-jews. Shalom.

>False. Putin is into this, because Russia's economy depends heavily on oil.
False: Putin is an Israel Puppet, just like Trump. They're using people money and life to go to war for Israel interests.

Here, we're literally invaded by the refugees that Putin is sending us.

Putin mother's last name is SHALOMova, therefore he is a jew.

All these celebrities and media figures are starting to convince me. Maybe we're wrong. I don't want to be on the wrong side of history.

It's probably the best thing a parent can do for their child. Might as well start them off on the winning team.

Ok, now everything is very clear.

I don't deny that Putin is a Jewish puppet, but him fighting for Greater Israel conflicts with his personal plans. The Jews that are with Putin can't afford to lose the oil pipeline. An unstable Syria is the last thing they would want.

Obama's and Hillary's Jews straight up want a destabilized middle east for Greater Israel and Clinton wants the pipeline, Turkey is already on her side and Erdogan litertally gets his oil from ISIS.

Putin's Jews want the pipeline since Russian economy would collapse if their oil supply was stopped.Trump just appointed the CEO of Exxon as his secretary of state. He could simply lift the sanctions placed on them by Obama which has already done its share of damage to the Russians.

Both aim for the same goal, greater Israel, but their method of approach is different since there's too much at risk. Clinton and her Jews wants the oil $$$ along with an unstable middle east while Russia wants a stable Syria for their pipeline accessing Europe. Assad could very well grant the pipeline to Putin once things settle down, and then could be replaced by Putin's puppet government or by one of his Jews, but if he were to end up dead now, Russia is pretty much gonna collapse and Greater Israel is bound to happen much quicker.

A WW3 would definitely happen in this scenario. It's literally another war that would be started by the Jews for their own interests. Luckily, Trump and Putin happen to be on the same Jewish team unlike Clinton who wouldn't hesitate to bring them down.


>Obama's and Hillary's
Were against Israel.
Sup Forums supported the wrong guy.

Good Jews exist.

>Good Jews exist.
sure: the dead ones.

that is true.

shittons of mudslimes and stormfags here.

Fuck off kikes

to be fair there wasnt really an anti jew option. trump seemed better than clinton

>we kikes now

How do I gas myself?