What did the US president mean by this?
"Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching!"
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that's he's going to associate Israel to conservatism so that liberals and Jews are no enemies
You tell me, Satan
>What did the US president mean by this?
Exactly what he says.
Satan digits confirm that Trump will nuke Iran
1. Trump inaugurated
2. Israel takes Gaza
3. Iran bombs Israel
4. Trump nukes Iran
You don't nuke somebody who has nukes. You take their nukes away first.
He meant that the US would continue to be Israel's patsy and we would not regain our freedom from these Israeli shackles for many years to come because some how a rogue nation is our ally and ally means the same as friend to morons.
Welp, goodbye Iran and goodbye Palestine,you never had a chance.
>doesn't want to be friends with asian countries
>doesn't want to be friends with european countries
>REALLY doesn't want to be friends with south american countries
>wants to be friend with a tiny, ultra nationalist non secular country that is surrounded with enemies and at constant war with its neighbours
Only reason: Jews control him.
some1 should kill this jewish cock sucker today.
There is another reason. Israel would be a good staging ground if we ever needed to "liberate" the oil.
Also a lot of Christians are fond of the holy lands.
>Also a lot of Christians are fond of the holy lands.
America was founded by Protestants who were too insane for Europe if that helps you understand the fixation. American Protestants today also think Jews are their friends.
thats the other thing, kikes dont even let us do that, we have to use kuwait and the saudis for our staging grounds. shit, we invade all these desrt countries on behalf of israel, you'd think they could let us use their land. the depths of our cuckoldry know no bounds when jews are involved.
wow, it's like his daughter converted to Judaism, his other daughter is dating a Jew, and both of his sons married Jewish women!
I'm with her now.
What did he mean by those brackets?
It's a JoJo reference.
As long as israel burns it's fine by me
He meant war with Iran 2017
He pretend to help his kin.
He's not president yet after the 20th he'll turn full 1488 I swear!
Russia would nuke Israel. Iran's under their nuclear umbrella.
No, it wouldn't. It's a strip of land in between Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan (neither of which is bursting with oil)
>Russia would nuke Israel
No they wouldn't, we have good relations and a million+ Russian citizens
Drumpf is sure a good goy. Sup Forums btfo yet again
Totally BTFO.
In the end Trump was a even more puppet than Shillary
he means that he will do the jews bidding
Russia is a puppet of Israel
Russia was one of the few countries that supported them during the Gaza war.
They also have like a million citizens there
Israel is a quarter Slav state
Russia and the US have never fought each other in open war. On the contrary, we've been allies in the greatest crucibles of the modern age. Of course we should be wary of one another, but when the stakes were at its highest we lined up beside one another.