If a white man likes darker women, he is automatically classified as a pervert...

>if a white man likes darker women, he is automatically classified as a pervert. even the most liberal people would think like that.

>i have heard a lot of dark men say that they love blonde women. yet nobody gives a fuck

why the double standards Sup Forums? anti-white propaganda or butthurt white women who want to fuck with niggers but want the white men(and his money) for themselves?

Other urls found in this thread:


I think that curly haired chick is hot. I'd pound a baby into her.

>>if a white man likes darker women, he is automatically classified as a pervert. even the most liberal people would think like that.

Only time I've ever heard that is when jealous nigger males get butthurt when there women get bleached

I don't think there is a double standard at all

because in the real world, niggers don't actually get with white women so nobody cares about them, whereas everyone is automatically sad that a WHITE MALE (pinnacle of human evolution) would bother shitting his genes up with some dirty fucking chimp

>Hey guys can bulgaria be the new leaf please?

>because in the real world, niggers don't actually get with white women so nobody cares about them
bullshit. england and holland is CRAWLING with coalburners, those are the only western countries i have been but i doubt its much different in gernamy and belgium

No, that's your fate once and for all.

I like darker girls and I'm a perv

Same as my fate is being DrunkAssCommie/PutinFag at the same time.

I hope your a spic and not white.

Yeah, we heard it...

And kek, even digits support it.



>if a white man likes darker women, he is automatically classified as a pervert. even the most liberal people would think like that.

no one thinks that

Why does Sup Forums just say random shit and treat it like its a fact?

>She is hot though.

because (((they)) do want white women to breed with everyone except white males while (((they))) don't want white males to breed at all

>Wanting to fuck humans
>Wanting to fuck animals

Anything with non pink labia, you may as well be fucking a toothless rottweiler's mouth.

I grew up in central TX. I've been attracted to darker women since I was a kid. They had better features and better personalities. I rarely went black. It just always got dramatic. Now, I have a Latina girlfriend with black roots. She earns, she's fun, she supports me, and she does it in a way my former white girlfriends could never comprehend. Darker women know there role, have better bodies, have a work ethic, and enjoy sex more. That's been my experience, and I've been with all types of women.

Bless you, if it's true and may the jewest of curses fall upon your head if you lied.

anything pink may as well be a rottweilers pussy

CTR Shill

Open racism towards whites is accepted and encouraged

Darker women serve better because they are realistic. White girls are raised as princesses. They expect you to gift them while you pay for everything. They are raised as princesses. They don't know what bills are. They don't know that toilets don't clean them selves. They don't know about morale, or pushing and supporting the man that pays for everything.

Do you have a girl?

Because unlike what porn studios tell you, whites have more possibilities to actualy fuck a darker women than a dark man have to fuck a blonde woman.

Everyone loves blonde women. They're the envy of the world. It's an unspoken truth, but everyone knows it

What are you talking about you delusional , misinformed retard?

It's normal for white guys to have a taste for Latinas , middle easterners or Indians.

It's only when you see a white guy with a genuine negroid, Subsaharan African that people think it's a bit weird because negroid women women have ugly facial features and as a white man he should be able to do better. That is all

They are a bland pain in the ass. They are raised to think they have some value, but they end up boring. I've been there. A lot of white wine and gifting.

>implying I am incel
>implying you have a girl and i don't

go home shill

>I'd pound a baby into her.


Great defense, but I really do have central American pussy on tap. I don't know/care how you are doing. Just saying, I served in USMC for two enlistments. I've been all over the world and sampled all kinds of women. I'm experienced.

ok dad

This bitch is attractive you? A broomstick with hair making silly faces in the mirror ?


it is easier for you to take precautions now than for us to fix this. it takes time. You must begin to bully the women who do this. you must shun them. They must pay a price, atleest they can not be allowed to live Beutiful bulgaria.

Look up Amish shunning tactics for tips or Jewish shunning tactics


What do you think of my proposal?

thats just a numers game

Welcome to Sup Forums

So you're a cock-happy degenerate nigger?

What are you doing on Sup Forums?

There is nobody who is okay with black guys fucking white girls who is not also okay with white guys fucking black girls.

No such double standard exists.

Why is it always subhuman nigger from the balkans posting those sheboon loving cuck threads?


No. I have a supportive life partner, that happens to have a vagina. I've been around, and made an educated choice. I'm here for the lolz.


> I've been all over the world and sampled all kinds of women. I'm experienced.

can't conceive anyone below 40 years of age writing this

Under 40 is possible, but I am 40. So what? Is this a youthful place? Did I miss something?

The only people that think youre a perv are the libcucks. There are some pretty based mullato girls out there.

This is a forum for 18-21 incels to LARP and share porn

That's because everyone wants White Men

I guess I missed that. I thought it was for informed people and those that want to learn.

This. I've been called a racist for not wanting to fuck black chicks, never though heard it from others wanting to fuck them. The worst I've heard is white women shit talking Asians out of jealousy.

white women > asian women though
as long as they're not fat

I don't like horse pussy.


>white man he should be able to do better

Lol who the fuck spends the time to make these things

R9K Virgin detected

That's because whites are objectively more attractive than other races so shitkins liking whites is normal.
But the reverse is the result of weird fetishes and other mental issues.

If they were so adamant on making a negress win at least they could've gone with one that wasn't objectively hideous.

Yeah you are like this racist slaveowner fetish deviant if you want them.

Yet a nigger and a white chick is like payback fr slavery or some shit

>being this wrong


Insecure low IQ niggers.

It's status.
In almost every culture lighter skin is higher status than darker skin.

The dark men are reaching above thier status, the light men lowering themselves down.

I guess I'm a pervert.

[WARNING] Operation WoodPipe... #White Genocide {ALERT}

Who's Behind this Post?

WoodPipe is a psychological manipulation operation to increase the brand of Dark skin black women, while enticing white men to date them to further reduce the American white population while increasing the black population.

Dark skin ugly black women are behind this post/hi-jack.

Strategies they use:

***Sheboon Shill Post
**Stock Photos of fake qt dark skin sheboons
**Fake Statistic of BW+WM Divorce rate (it's 58% higher)
**Stolen Photos black women who don't date white
*Overused wbems of sheboon porn stars
*Hi jacking thread with qt sheboon picture
**Starting thread with non related qt sheboon pictures
**Posing as white guys who likes sheboons
**Organized post bumping to gain thread traction.

The goal being to increase the value of Dark black women, while enticing sexual desires and normalizing relationship between dark black women and white men.

It's the reverse cuck psy-op...

Agents groups of Agenda:

**BWGTOW (Black Women Going Their Own Way)
**Negro Bed Wenches
** Colorism Minded Black Women
**Tumblr Cultural Marxist
**African Immigrant Women looking for Citizenship
* (((You Know Who)))

Terms they use:

About the Agenda:

The Agenda falls into a subcategory of Social Justice Warriors with a Black "Dark Skin" female feminist twist, with (((You Know Who's))) Support & Media backing.

Within the Black community is a concept called colorism where the most undesirable women have dark skin complexions. There's also a growing rift between those black women and black women, and animosity over black men with White Women.

(((You know who))) is using their low self-esteem and desperation to organize an underground activist movement (BWFTOW + Swirlers) to make Dark Skin Black women more desirable to white men, while (((you know who))) pushes race mixing and White Genocide!

Don't take the BAIT, 14/88
